Category: emperor has no clothes

The Emperor Has No Clothes Redux

A failed “movement.”
Johnson criticizes “black pilling” with respect to Woods who is a Spencer associate (let us all be shocked by Johnson attacking someone affiliated with his obsession Spencer) but he is of course silent about this cry of anguish – blackpilling! – about the continuing “nightmare.”
Yes, Kevin, it is our nightmare.  But why is this nightmare taking place?  Why is everything falling part?  Why has White America rejected your message?
After all, weren’t people like you telling us in 2016 that Trump was “the last chance for White America?’’  Weren’t all of you Alt Righters firmly on the Trump train?  Didn’t your man win? What happened?

I warned all of you back in 2016 that Trump was a fraud, a Negrophilic race cuck, and a vulgar ignorant buffoon.
I warned all of you back in 2016 and early 2017 that the Alt Right was a moronic disaster and that it would eventually collapse, harming White nationalism.

I advocated back in 2016-2017 to leverage right-wing populism to organize in depth, plan strategically instead of “acting out,” and to get people involved in explicitly White electoral politics.
That was all ignored.

What we got instead was slavish Trump worship, Hailgate and Unite the Right, feuding between “metapolitical” outlets, zero practical political involvement letting the entire niche space to be occupied by the Left, and complete commitment to the Alt Right, which to any reasonable person was obviously – ludicrously obviously – headed to failure.
We have a “nightmare” now BECAUSE THE “MOVEMENT” AND ITS “LEADERS” HAVE UTTERLY FAILED ACROSS THE BOARD.  They have not only accomplished nothing, but have actually been destructive. They make the same errors over and over again, are completely clueless, are apparently more concerned with maintaining their “status in the “movement” and with their stream of “D’Nations” than they are with actually accomplishing anything constructive. And in the event that they really wanted to accomplish anything constructive, they lack the ability to do so, being utterly and comically inept.
But because of the affirmative action policy, there is no penalty for endless failure, so the same gaggle of laughable failures keep on rolling along.
The “movement” and its “leaders” have been exposed as empty vessels, as frauds, as charlatans – The Emperor Has No Clothes.  There is no there there.  
There is nothing but failure and as long as the affirmative action policy remains firmly in place there will be nothing but continued failure.

A sincere man of genuine greatness.
Lo and behold!  Someone finally gets it!

…Belew describes White Power activists utterly stunned that one federal judge after another issued draconian judgments against them. Why not focus on becoming a federal judge themselves? Why not focus on pro-White versions of the Southern Poverty Law Center that attempt to bankrupt, say, violent groups involved in Antifa or Black Lives Matter?

I’ve only been saying that for – what? – twenty years now.  But with the Quota Queen failures in charge, we’ve had twenty years of endless defeat.
There have been many turning points in the history of the (American) “movement” since, say, 1960, forks in the road, at which the “movement” took the wrong path, leading us to the disaster of today.  

The following is by no means a complete list, and some of these items overlap, but consider:
Choosing Rockwellian Neo-Nazism over Yockeyism
The collapse of the (originally Yockeyian) National Youth Alliance and its transformation into the dogmatically Neo-Nazi National Alliance under Pierce
The rejection and killing of Joe Tommasi and the embrace of Hitler-themed costumed Nutzism
Pierce abandoning the DC area and running away to the mountains of West Virginia, which was not only a practical disaster in its own right, but representative of the underlying “movement” attitude of running from reality and from practical work and immersion into an isolated cul-de-sac of fantasy
The choice of Gliebe to replace Pierce
Wasting time and energy for all the Men on White Horses – Trump being the last and perhaps worst of these
The emergence of “HBD race realism” and the consequent embrace of Jew- and Asian-worshipping HBD instead of kinship-based racialism
The leveraging of Nordicism and Anglocentrism into the “movement’s” ethnic affirmative action program (see also the fate of Tommasi)
Related to the immediately preceding, the rejection of Legion Europa
The unfortunate rise of the Alt Right and all of the mental weaklings of “movement leadership” jumping on the Alt Right bandwagon (or train), tying (American) White racial nationalism to a form of activism doomed to failure
Spencer demanding to be the head of the NPI instead of choosing the correct path of being the poster boy for the Far Right in electoral politics
Hailgate – which itself wasn’t the major disaster, but the reaction of all of the mental weaklings to it was the real disaster, immediately disowning Spencer, and depriving Richie Rich of adult supervision
The turn of Kevin MacDonald away from real scholarship to crackpot HBD Nordicism
The fact that On Genetic Interests and the whole EGI view has been mostly ignored by the idiots of the “movement”
The rise of tin cuppers who have been sucking up a huge fraction of the money in the “movement” – millions of dollars wasted by being given to pan-handlers so that they can live comfortable upper middle class lifestyles while doing no more than what others do for free
The squandering of the immense opportunity provided by the right-wing populism of 2016, leading to Unite the Right, internal feuding, being chased off college campuses and off the streets by Antifa, infiltrations, humiliations, constant outrageous incompetence, etc.
The choice to allow Johnson to continue to flourish even after being proven wrong, again and again, about virtually everything, the infiltrations, the Pilleater tape, the Polignano-Friberg correspondence, all of the inconsistencies and hypocrisies, the endless feuding – if Reagan was the Teflon President, then Johnson is the Teflon Quota Queen.  Nothing sticks.
I could go on, but at every step along the path, whenever there was a choice of direction, the wrong path was taken.

Not surprisingly, we get from TOO advice almost precisely the opposite of what needs to be done.

In contrast, I believe Bowden was more correct.

My advice is and always has been – couple extreme vanguardist ideology with calm rational presentation. You can have a Coolidge persona – but presenting radical Far Right ideas.  The Amnats are decades behind the times. America is dead.  Stop trying to revive a corpse.  The Left is ever-more-successful continuously pushing the envelope with respect to radicalism. Conservatism fails by mainstreaming to the center.  

TOO is a disaster.

I mean, the level of chutzpah here is unbelievable.  Pontificating about Yogi Bear in The Age of Aluminum is, of course, high political aims.  The level of projection in those tweets is such that Johnson is ready to star in a remake of this movie.
Well, well…

I’m all for smart, effective people making good money. But I adamantly oppose sinecures for ineffective people.

So, what about Sir Mophead’s $180,000 in a year?  What effectiveness has he demonstrated?
Indeed, genuine fighters for White interests, like the $180,000 a year kid, Sir Mophead.

The fundamental problem with the Right in general, and the Far Right in particular, is that it mistakes the appearance of success for actual success; it mistakes the image of victory for actual victory.  So, a semi-retarded fraudulent buffoon – the Far Right’s God Emperor – is elected President, so the “movement” thinks it has “won” and now can do as they please without actually having laid the proper groundwork to do the things they want.  So, time for the college speaking tour – until those are violently broken up by Antifa and Trump does nothing, and then the Alt Right heroes have to slink away with their tail between their legs.  Having learned nothing from that they then do Unite the Right, and when that descends into orchestrated leftist violence – and again with Trump doing nothing – the heroes end up with ruinous lawfare legal suits.  Another faction confidently have their “extreme vetted” infiltrated meetings – said “extreme vetting” apparently consisting of the question – “are you Swedish?”

Imagine if things were done differently.  Imagine if the four years of Trump, four years of breathing room, were used to organize in depth and professionally prepare for future activism.  Imagine if the $180,000 going to Mophead to “run a website” instead went to retain the services of a competent lawyer dedicated to legally defending Far Right interests, or to a lobbyist, or for some sort of dependable media presence (no matter how small).  But, no, Mophead is English, so, what the hell, why doesn’t he deserve to make $180,000 in a single year for doing what others do for free?
Let us consider together. As reported in their 2018 filing, for that year, the VDARE Foundation took in $500,672 in “contributions and grants,” and had a total revenue, with everything included, of $698,157.

For doing what exactly? In their own words, from the filing – “Create and manage Internet publication.” Whew!  Imagine that!  $698,157 in one year, and over $180,000 of that to Brimelow alone, to do what other folks are willing to do for absolutely nothing.  Hey, can I have more than 600K for the Sallis Groupuscule?  EGI Notes is an “Internet publication.” Once again – $698,157 in one year, and over $180,000 of that to Brimelow alone.  Cue Hood whining that “the movement needs more money.”

Can you imagine if that money had instead been used for building a legal defense infrastructure? A lobbying organization?  Planting the seeds of a vanguardist elite organization of authentic movement cadres?  Significant media outreach?  Mass opinion polling for White Americans, combined with professional analysis, to determine the barriers to the acceptance of Far Right ideology?  The permutations are endless.  VDARE is like a black hole, sucking in “movement” money and energy, giving us back “Social Distancing” podcasts with John Derbyshire and Sailer’s nonsense about golf courses and real estate.

And you all keep on supporting this state of affairs.

Idiots.  Morons.  Fools.  
The Emperor Has No Clothes

The Emperor Has No Clothes

Relevance for both the System and the “Movement.”
We are all I am sure familiar with the story The Emperor’s New Clothes, which describes a crucially important concept, pluralistic ignorance, as well as a form of free riding.
I believe that the majority of Whites are pathetic, useless, and worthless, masochists who revel in their own racial dispossession. But even so, that leaves a minority of Whites who know better, who have healthier instincts – millions of Whites who, if they only acted, if they only spoke out and organized with each other collectively, could wreck the System and push the currently useless mass in a productive direction.
Why don’t they do so?  Two related problems: they behave like the people in the fairy tale – they know the Emperor is naked but are afraid to speak out; in some cases, they are not even sure if others are seeing the same things they are.
Let’s take the second problem first, the fact that they are not sure that there are many others who share the same beliefs: pluralistic ignorance.  A given atomized White person may well be displeased with the System from a racially aware standpoint. But do others feel the same?  By “others” I do not mean random bloggers or lunatic Nutzis, but other Whites in that person’s social circle, at school, at work.  Are all the other Whites who seem to be accepting the System, are they really happy?  Is it possible that only a tiny number of people think as does the White person we are considering?  Can he trust others to understand him if he spoke out, to agree with him, or will they be horrified, and “turn him in” for some “attitude adjustment” from the System’s social pricing repression?  So, there may be, every day, numbers of interacting White people who are racially aware and think alike but are unaware that they share these beliefs, each uncertain whether the other is friend or foe. Thus, possibilities for collective action never come to fruition, as each of these millions of Whites who think alike are ignorant about the beliefs of the others, and this pluralistic ignorance of pro-White attitudes is a barrier to progress.
What about the other problem, the fear, the free riding problem? Maybe the person in question is not quite so ignorant as they may first appear.  Maybe he at least strongly suspects others share his beliefs. But he is afraid to speak out, afraid of being wrong about his assessment of the beliefs of the others (so pluralistic ignorance feeds into the fear factor), afraid of the consequences of speaking out, afraid of social pricing. Each person therefore does not want to be the first one to speak out, they want someone else to be the first, and since everyone is waiting for “someone else,” all remain quiet and nothing happens.  Each person wants to be a “free rider” on the courage of someone else, they want to reap the benefits that they will all accrue if “someone breaks the ice” and gets the process going, but each person refuses to invest the effort and sacrifice to be that first one.
So, either people are ignorant as to whether others realize that the System “has no clothes” and/or they refuse to be the first one to speak out, and so the pluralistic ignorance and selfish free-riding cowardice prevents anything from being done.  Racially aware Whites, deeply unhappy with the System, may be interacting on a daily basis with other Whites who feel exactly the same, but they do not know it.  And the System’s social pricing approach is designed to feed into this, to make each person afraid to be the first to speak out, and, by not hearing any similar beliefs, each person is, in addition, ignorant about just how widespread these beliefs actually are.
Solving this problem requires someone to be the first to realize others feel the same and to be the first to speak out. One benefit of “democratic multiculturalism” is that it “breaks the ice” of Whites speaking out, and does so in a manner (i.e., complaining about discrimination as part of working within the context of multiculturalism) that is safer, less threatening, and more socially acceptable than an immediate foray into hardcore racial nationalism.
Unfortunately, The Emperor Has No Clothes paradigm applies to the “movement” as well. I cannot believe that no one else has the same complaints about the “movement” as I do, yet they remain silent, because they are not sure how widespread this discontent is, or they are afraid. They may be afraid that if they violate the “movement’s” fossilized memes that they will be ostracized. They may feel unsure of themselves, and they may fear offending “movement leaders,” they fear committing the crime of lese majeste against certain august “movement” personages. I myself do not care about being popular or not; I speak my mind and hope others will join in once I say that “there are no clothes.”
Indeed, blindly following dogma and worshipping leaders is not healthy and is not truly Western. People in the “movement” criticize (with justification) “Jewish intellectual movements” which are rigidly dogmatic and follow some “god-like” guru in a slavishly cult-like manner.  Well, I have a newsflash for them: that describes the “movement” as well, and, ironically, some of the same people who critique Jewish gurus are in danger of becoming gurus with cult followings themselves. This is unhealthy.  The “movement” and its “ugly sister” HBD are both small-scale mirror images of the System, with rigid dogma and taboos, “rock star” gurus who are beyond criticism, and all the other manifestations of a sterile and moldy closed thought system.  The emperor indeed has no clothes. Does anyone else notice?