Category: Nation of Islam

Kosher Covid

An analogy.

One can make an analogy between covid and the Jewish Question (JQ), and not only because Jews can be modeled as a disease within the Western organism.  We can consider the reaction to each, and how a Manichean schism of extremes emerges.

With covid, opinion is split between those who treat the disease as the second coming of the Black Death, a plague that requires the most stringent and hysterical reaction and public health measures. On the other hand, we have the flubros who consider a disease that has killed millions worldwide as a hoax and the vaccine for this disease as a “toxic killshot” designed to ensure mass genocide. God forbid anyone take a more reasonable and balanced intermediate position that the yellow monkeys of China unleashed a serious pandemic on the world, albeit one that is not an existential threat, and certain measures should be taken against the pandemic, as long as those measures are not more damaging to society than is the disease itself.

With respect to the Jews, many in Der Movement focus obsessively on Jews and the JQ, and consider all problems of Whites to derive from the Jews, who are elevated to the status of negative supermen. Jews are considered the source of evil under the standard “movement” approach. The opposing view is to relieve the Jews of most or all responsibility for the downfall of White interests, to mock and ridicule those who focus on “the Jew thing” and to ascribe White problems to “modernity” or “White liberals” or to some other non-Jewish cause.  They accept the Cofnas default position while the “anti-Semites” accept MacDonald’s thesis. 

So, it’s either it is all the Jews, and we are all Julius Streicher, or the Jews are innocent scapegoats for historical processes for which they have no responsibility. A balanced view would be that the Jews are an intelligent, intense, highly ethnocentric, and very influential minority group whose interests are incompatible with those of the White majority, and whose actions deeply harm those White majority interests.  They are necessary but not sufficient for what has happened to Whites; dealing with the JQ is necessary in order to solve our problems but by itself is not enough. The problems would exist even without the Jews (although it is debatable whether the problems would ever have gotten to the current dire point without the Jews), but it is also true that we cannot effectively address those problems without a full accounting of the JQ. We need to put the JQ in the proper perspective and accord it the importance it merits, no more and no less, and use formulate a response commensurate to the problem; again, no more and no less.

Yockey made an immune system analogy – a fever helps to fight a disease but the fever itself is not healthy.  Anti-Semitism and an obsession with the JQ may be necessary to deal with the JQ but is itself not beneficial to a movement or to the broader society. Thus, we need an appropriate dose to treat the disease. Remember, the dose makes the poison, what can be a helpful drug at one (lower) does can be a poison at another (higher) dose.  We need just the right amount of anti-Semitism and a focus on the JQ to deal with the problem, too little will not solve the problem but too much can be counter-productive as well.

In his trilogy on the Jews, MacDonald noted that the Spanish Inquisition was a response to the conversos being cryptic ethnocentric (practicing) Jews, but that the Inquisition damaged Spanish society. That is an example of how the response, if not carefully calibrated, can be worse than the disease. It is therefore important for us to properly gauge the degree to which the JQ is a problem and the degree to which a response should be actualized.  A personal anecdote provides another example of this.  Back in the mid-late 1990s, I had a conversation with a prominent “movement” leader who shall remain nameless, and the topic of the fall of communism on the USSR and Eastern Europe came up. I expressed the opinion that this historical event was, on balance, a good thing, freeing the people from Marxist tyranny and opening up the eastern half of Europe to racial nationalism. The Grand Poobah disagreed, expressing the opinion that he hoped that the communist party would return to power in Russia.  Why?  It was because the leader of the communist party – Zyuganov – was “anti-Jewish.”  I remember thinking to myself – “What an idiot. By that criterion, you may as well have the Nation of Islam rule America.” For the sake of politeness, I kept that opinion to myself and just changed the subject.  But you can see how a monomaniacal focus on the Jews can lead one to promote destructive ideas. Of course, the opposite is true as well, ignoring the very real problem of the Jews can lead to destruction as well. It is important to keep a balance, just as we today need to be rational and balanced in our approach to the covid pandemic.

A Clear Case of Negro Superiority

Negro superiority in the racialist sphere.

Read here.

First, note how the NOI is labeled “separatist” (*) while White groups are “supremacist.”  A study of the memes generated by both sides would suggest that those labels should be reversed, but, then, when doesn’t the MSM lie?

The Nation has been largely closed off to outsiders, making it impossible even for those who follow the movement closely to gauge its strength. Neither Farrakhan nor the head minister of the movement’s Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Ishmael Muhammad, responded to interview requests.

White groups on the other hand are completely and naively porous, infiltrated, and have “leaders” who grovel to the media for 15 minutes of fame.

Still, Farrakhan and his message of black empowerment clearly have an ongoing impact. The Million Man March he organized in 1995…

White leaders have trouble organizing dozens.  Yes, I know the System really doesn’t fear their Negro pets and there is a social pricing difference involved.  But still….

…drawing hundreds of thousands to Washington, remains a cultural touchstone, and hip-hop artists praise him in their music. The Nation has an extensive prison ministry, along with health and social service programs, and the movement’s militia, the Fruit of Islam, provides security at public housing and elsewhere.

I’ve previously discussed how the allegedly inferior Negroes have more intelligently organized (**), and have demonstrated more long-term strategic patience, than have “the boys” among the White “movement.”  This is a flaw with HBD and “movement” dogma: “studies” and rhetoric are all well and good, but when push comes to shove, and serious racial politics are at play, Negro racial nationalists out-perform White nationalists by a large margin (***).  The margin is so large it CANNOT all be explained by System preference or social pricing (****).  There’s an underlying difference there.  Is one reason a lack of an internal affirmative action program among the Black dissidents?  Or are they all serious while the Whites are LARPING?  Or are the Negroes genuine while White leaders are “happy penguins” raking in their 170K/year salaries (*****)?  Happy, indeed.

This is a “movement” specific problem.  In almost every other area (except sports), Negro performance is markedly inferior to that of Whites; but when it comes to racial (nationalist) politics and activism, the Negro far outshines the White.  As I’ve said, the fact that the System has its thumb on the scale to favor the Negro is only a part of the explanation, and, in my opinion, NOT the most important part.  The fundamental problem is inherent within Der Movement itself.

That name recognition and high level of organization has left the Nation well situated to take advantage of the current political moment, including the emergence of Black Lives Matter protests over police shootings of black men.

And the White “movement” flops around incoherently even after the gift of Trump, attacking each other over stupidities like “Hailgate.”  Are they squabbling over all dem dere tax exempt donations?  The penguins pecking each other so as to “wet their beaks” (as the lowly swarthoids would say)?

This nonsense will continue until the rank-and-file of White activists demand better, and stop enabling the antics of the quota queens, happy penguins, and the rest of “the boys.”

We need fewer happy penguins and more angry eagles and more vicious vultures.


* The question remains whether these Negroes are truly separatist or whether they simply want to extort more goodies from White SWPL and SJW types.  Do they really want to give up the exploit-Whitey gravy train?

** This in a relative sense, compared to White ineptness. In an absolute sense, the Negroes haven’t made huge progress either. I can clearly remember hearing Negroes talking excitedly after the Million Man March about “we are going to organize across the country and in 10 years we’ll be an unstoppable force.”  Didn’t happen.  The System co-opts the Negro like everyone else.

*** I’m not saying that racial science (forget about HBD flim-flam) is wrong about the Negro. In general, Negroes are far less capable than other races.  But thus the point: if the Negro is so incompetent, and yet they outshine Whites with respect to racial nationalism, what does that say about Der Movement?  Even if one takes into consideration pro-Negro and anti-White external factors, it is still obvious that the White “movement” is shockingly incompetent and ineffective.

**** And not only (economic) social pricing.  Can you even imagine “antifa” types trying to physically break up NOI meetings the same as they do to Der Movement?  The very idea is laughable.  No one dares lift a finger against the Negro, while the White man is considered easy prey, weak and unable to defend himself.

***** I have previously written about how it will be a turning point for Der Movement when full-time activists can lead stable, middle-class existences, since that would be a blow to social pricing, and allow more competent Whites to dedicate themselves to the cause.  To paraphrase Joe Biden: racialism is great, but you can’t eat racialism.  But, alas, it are the wrong activists living an UPPER-middle-class existence.  Brimelow?  And where is the money coming from?  That it is the Jew-friendly Alt Wrong that gets the most donations suggests that Jewish money is a factor there.

EGI News, 5/6/15

Odds and ends on race, culture, economics, and politics.
1. A Negro earns $100,000,000 for a single boxing match against an injured and ineffectual Filipino. Now, will the shills for free market predatory capitalism say that is a good thing?  Really, according to their dogma, there should not be a problem. The Negro has a “marketable skill” and the consumers made their preferences known in the marketplace.  If folks are willing to fork over big money for this nonsense because they value and desire the experience, then that’s supply and demand in action!  The market has spoken!  Economic efficiency wins out!  And I’d like to point out this really isn’t racial – White athletes and actors and singers, etc. also earn obscene paydays for contributing no more to society and to human progress than do these colored boxers. It’s part and parcel of “free market capitalism.”
Now, the shills can take two approaches to this.  One, they can assert that it’s all good, they see no problem, and that human progress is well served by having boxers, ballplayers, actors, singers, and dancers earn more in a day than truly productive folks earn in a lifetime.  If they assert this, then they demonstrate that they have nothing in common with true racial nationalists; if you worship the free market above all, then you must accept the market choice if people choose racial dissolution over preservationism.  These capitalist shills expose themselves as Economic Man, valuing consumption and money over racial progress and over actualizing a High Culture.
The second approach is to admit the flaws of free market capitalism, but excuse its excesses by stating, “there is no better alternative,” and giving examples of the “horrors” of alternative systems. Or, they may propose “reforms” to improve what we see as flaws in their beloved system. Here, we see some progress. Although I do not agree with this second mindset, we have at least elicited an admission that unfettered free market capitalism has serious flaws, it is not perfect, and there is also the implied assumption that if somehow a better system were to be devised, then this new system should replace “economics uber alles” as society’s foundational structure.  Those of us who are critics of hyper-free marketism ad predatory capitalism should continue to try and elicit these admissions from those will take the second approach and who admit that the capitalist colossus has feet of clay.
3. And yet, one can argue that the Negro is objectively superior to the White.  Despite all the defects that the HBDers like to point out, the Negro has assembled an effective and organized racial nationalist organization, in existence for many decades, with tens of thousands of loyal adherents. One can compare that to the pathetic laughingstock which is the “American White nationalist movement” and discern clear indications of an objective Negro racial superiority. Facts are facts.
4. Here is another article asserting that “winning Hispanic voters” is the “path to victory” for the GOP in 2016.  Now, I’ve discussed this many times and hate repeating myself, but all such analyses for some reason miss the point that the White vote is absolutely essential for the GOP; that there is not some universal law that dictates that Whites automatically, without question, must vote Republican; and that pandering to minorities and the constant shift to the Left will alienate the conservative White Republican voting base.  Sure, it’s true that many Whites do in fact reflexively vote Republican, and will in fact vote Republican if the GOP candidate was a Black militant who openly called for White extermination.  But, still, even with that cohort of “automatic votes,” there are still some fraction of Whites who actually – amazing! – expect the candidates they vote for to, in some manner, however indirect, support their interests.  Fact is, Republicans find themselves “between a rock and a hard place,” because, in the long run, they do need to appeal to non-Whites (the “Sailer strategy” can only take you so far, given that a fraction of Whites are open anti-White leftists); however, by doing so, they will turn off their base and so gain little or nothing. And as politics become more racialized, and as White folks become increasingly tired of GOP fraud (the “Tea Party” was a reaction to this, before becoming compromised by Conservatism, inc.), the GOP will find it increasingly impossible to satisfy both the colored fringe voters and at the same time also satisfy their White base.  The fact this happened is their own fault; the GOP could have resisted America’s demographic changes, but instead they embraced and promoted it. And now they must pay the price, even if moronic “analysts” fail to realize it and take White votes for granted.