Category: Putin

Odds and Ends, 2/25/24

In der news.

There is a lot of stupidity out there on Der Right praising “classical liberalism” and “democracy.” These idiots think we live in Periclean Greece. Even if we focus on a purely White electorate, there are issues.

A problem is that the average person really isn’t very bright, is conformist, and is easily manipulated by those with more cunning and greater media access and social power. So, putting aside election fraud, hate speech laws, and the banning of political parties (the first an American problem and the latter two European ones), even under optimal situations, “voting” in a “democracy” is to a large extent a fraud. The herd can be manipulated into voting for who the System wants and even if the herd goes off the reservation and elects a populist that populist will turn out to be a fraud (more manipulation) or will have his agenda stymied by the System. You can talk all you want about restricting the voting franchise (in general, a good idea), but eventually it inevitably degenerates into “one hominid, one vote.” Then we have the plusses and minuses of pure democracy vs. representative democracy. In the former, “rule by the people” is more direct, but, besides the reality that “the people” will be manipulated, in this scenario there is no filter between the “will of the people” (sic) and enactment (of course, in America we also have elite rule by judges, but I’m talking in general here). A representative democracy puts a filter in between the people and enactment, but, besides the manipulation question again, there really is no remedy for the representatives going against their voters – other than “voting them out” in the next election, to be replaced by another equally bad.

You can say that at least popular voting in theory protects against elite free riding. But in practice it does not. Maybe we need totalitarian democracy instead.

The other shoe drops:

On the concept of de-nazification: “De-nazification… means the prohibition of all kinds of neo-Nazi movements… We have to get rid of those people who maintain this concept and support this practice and try to preserve it.”

I call on ALL those who promoted the “Putin is our guy, he’s playing a deep game, the cosmic wheel is turning” memes to publicly RESIGN from any and all leadership roles within the “movement” and just shut the hell up.

See this. Consider the radically different – sometimes even opposite! – correlations between vitamin D levels, calcium, bone density, and cardiovascular disease in Whites vs. Blacks. Then consider the possibility of mulatto mixed-racers having these conflicting tendencies encoded in their hybrid genome. Outbreeding depression, anyone?

The fate of the National Alliance after the death of Pierce is another example of a weakness of Der Right – it depends too much on leadership personalities and too little on a strong ideological foundation; further, the leaders (such as they are ) do not seriously groom their replacements (because of…ego? incompetence? lack of the appropriate human material? fear of being prematurely replaced by the heir apparent?). Pierce is an example. Hitler and Mussolini and the fate of their states are others. The Legion did survive Codreanu but was not the same. MAGA is too much about Trump. And so forth.

By “hopeful monster” we do not refer to a fat woman on an online dating site. You can read the link to understand the concept. I am a proponent of this (somewhat controversial) concept in evolutionary biology and it may explain the evolutionary “gaps” that certain online retards bloviate about with an air of self-assured ignorance.

No Pushback

You get what you deserve.

Listen to this. If the link is blocked by Far Left Fox, then here it is:

True enough, Cuckson was a bit selective on what he reported (emphasis added):

Omali Yeshitela, the founder of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the Uhuru Movement, and two other party members, Penny Joanne Hess and Jesse Nevel, were charged with acting as unregistered agents of Russia, which carries a maximum five-year prison sentence.

All three, as well as another member named Augustus Romain, have also been charged with conspiring to act as agents for Russia, which brings up to 10 years in prison.

According to an indictment, the four people took money and other support from US-based Russian Alexandr Ionov and Moscow-based officers of Russia’s FSB intelligence agency who directed Ionov.

Ionov was charged last year for running a political influence operation directed by the FSB, but his US contacts were not named, though APSP facilities were raided by the FBI at the time.

Charges against Ionov, who is believed to be back in Russia, were updated in Tuesday’s indictment filed in Tampa, Florida.

Undercover as president of the Moscow-based Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, Ionov used the APSP and Uhuru movements, and Romain’s Georgia-based spinoff Black Hammer, to promote Russian views on politics, the Ukraine war and other issues.

Yeshitela traveled to Russia in 2015 where he entered a partnership with Ionov’s group, according to the indictment.

In 2016 Ionov funded a four-city protest tour by APSP supporting a “Petition on Crime of Genocide against African People in the United States,” according to the Justice Department.

So much for Trad Vlad’s “based Russia,” huh?

But, still, the DOJ seems real selective in what they look at.  What about HBD and China?  Jewish organizations and Israel?  In the context of everything else going on, Cuckson still has a point.

For example, we have this outrageous prosecutorial abuse, which is essentially prosecuting unpopular people and unpopular beliefs, rather than crimes – fishing around for some ludicrous accuse to charge dissidents with something, no matter how absurd, looking for a crime to accuse someone with. And then there is this.

The Constitution!  The Bill of Rights!  Free speech!  The First Amendment!  Well, sorry, all of that is meaningless unless it is defended, and the Constitution is not worth the paper it is printed on if those who took an oath to defend it do nothing as it is continuously and egregiously violated.  Ultimately what matters is power, not laws or legal tradition. The Left has been pushing against American institutions for decades and found nothing – absolutely nothing effective – pushing back; hence, the pushing has become ever stronger and ever more frequent.

At some point the Left/System will realize, if they haven’t already, that they can do whatever they want, no matter how absurd, how outrageous, how radical, and how unconstitutional and get away with it, because no one will push back against them.

Abrogating the Bill of Rights?  Why not?  Who’s going to stop them?  Confiscating the wealth and property of White Americans?  What is Whitey going to do about it? Imprisoning political dissidents? Already doing it. If they declare that every White American is required to stick their head into an unflushed used toilet five times a day, would there be pushback against that?  Or will the congressional GOP talk about “tax cuts” instead?

The same applies to other endeavors.  If a CEO tells his employees that from now on they must come to work dressed in clown costumes and spend the day riding a unicycle while juggling small colored rubber balls, then that is exactly what they will do, if no one has the courage to stand up in defiance and push back against it.  Merely muttering “this is crazy” means nothing if you are ultimately forced to do it. Crazy things happen in schools and continue unless there is pushback against it. Similarly, I seem to be the only person in the “Dissident Right” pushing back against Der Movement’s Nordicism, HBD, Alt Right, WN 3.0, and other stupidities, so expect it to continue.  You all get fed absurdities such as that rigidly conformist societies that strictly enforce social norms by ostracism, imprisonment, or even violence are “individualistic” and you don’t push back against the drivel preached by your “rock star” cult gurus.  I am the only one who pushed back and that is not enough.

So, none of you have the right to complain about any of it if you won’t even actively speak out against it. Tucker Cuckson has the right to speak out against government overreach because he has been exposing it.  But he can do more.  He should invite leading Republican politicians on his show and demand of them an explanation as to why they do nothing, why they refuse to EVER (effectively) push back against the Left.

The rest of you get what you deserve. You don’t hold your elected officials accountable, you don’t hold anyone accountable, you are the frog slowly boiling and the end point is near.

You naively believe that the worst is “impossible” because it is “too outrageous” and “unconstitutional” and “surely someone will stop it.”  No, don’t expect anyone else to stop it if you do not do your part.  The Left will do whatever they can get away with no matter how outrageous or unconstitutional you believe it is or how objectively unconstitutional and outrageous it is. Look what is happening in American cities.  Yes, theft, assault and battery, murder, etc. are all illegal, but if the police refuse to, or are unable to, enforce the law, and if leftist District Attorneys refuse to prosecute, etc. then it doesn’t matter.  What matters is what actually happens and what people allow to happen.  What matters is power and pushback, not pitifully outdated hopes about “the rule of law” and “right” and “the Constitution.”

The same applies to the workplace or school or dissident movement.

No pushback, no rights.  See how simple it is?

Odds and Ends, 3/19/23

In der news.

Listen to Tucker Cuckson say race is not important and race mixing is OK. Start listening at 6:30. Absolutely disgusting.  Is it a surprise that the fools says that AOC is a “White lady” and that Afghans are “White guys with beards?” Maybe he also believes that Al Sharpton is a “White guy with a tan.” That’s leftist cucked Negrophilic FOX for you.

Would Tucker Cuckson agree with this nonsense? As someone with a STEM background in the biological sciences I will continue to speak the truth on race and push back against the politicized nonsense, not only in “activism” but in my real life work as well.

Of course, you may well wonder why Der Movement blacklists someone with my expertise, which would, you think, be considered valuable in a “movement” based on biological race concepts. But, alas, if you are not:

a) an Eloi, or

b) a Morlock who grovels in worship before the Eloi and buys their own racial lies

then you’re no good.

Re: Meloni – Hmmm…a “naval blockade” probably shouldn’t include sending out the coast guard to rescue migrants and settle them in Italy. But, hey, eat your lasagna and sing on balconies. Ciao!

If Italy had a leftist, center, or mainstream right government I wouldn’t make an issue of the latest migration fiasco; it would just be “business as usual” for (Western) Europe. But if you are going to be a “Far Right” government, and the historical heir of the MSI party, you probably should have a migration policy that differs from that of, say, Joe Biden. Migrant rescues? Increased influx? Increased legal migration as a “solution?” Money to Africa? The damage done by Meloni is enormous and goes beyond the presence of the current migrant influx. By posing as “Far Right” and talking big and then caving in completely, Meloni is delegitmizing the concept of right-wing populist control of migration (similar to how the useless fraud Trump delegitimized right-wing populism in the USA through his failures, betrayals, and constant inaction).

 The narrative will now be: “Even a Far Right government was unable to curb migration and was forced to accept more migrants and propose more legal immigration. Mass migration is inevitable, nothing can stop it, just accept it and try to manage it.”

It would have been far better if a “Far Right” government never came to power in Italy than to have one in power failing so spectacularly. The M and M girls – Merkel and Meloni – have done their part to destroy Europe through their national stereotypes – Merkel through pigheaded bullying German fanaticism and Meloni through “all show no substance” Italian ineptitude.

My policy advice to The Brothers of Italy regime is:

1. Decrease, not increase, “legal” immigration.

2. Increasing “legal” immigration is not a solution to the migrant invasion. any more than legalizing theft, and making it equivalent to a purchase, is a “solution” to runaway crime. In any case, the problem is the alien influx, not whether it is “legal” or “illegal.”

3. STOP RESCUING MIGRANTS AT SEA! If they die, they die – it is their choice to invade. If Italy needs to withdraw from treaties that obligate rescue and accepting “refugees” then do so.

4. Put into place policies to promote repatriation of non-Italians from Italy back to where they belong (regardless of place of birth or “citizenship”). Change laws and withdraw from treaties if necessary. Withdraw from the EU if necessary. Make Italian citizenship contingent on 100% Italian ethnic ancestry.

5. No more woman leaders. They are obviously unfit, particularly on hard-nosed issues like this. You need leaders who will call an invasion and invasion, defend the nation, and correctly label migrant deaths as “casualties of war.” You need a man.

It is strange – if race is a social construct then why is there always a scandal when some White woman is caught socially constructing herself into a Black or other person of color? How come ancestry is important then?

Also, if the Putin regime is so interesting in having influence in nations like Ukraine and Byelorussia, then why was the Slavic Union banned?

See this.  In case the link is blocked, here it is:

Yeowon said some of her friends are “selective feminists” who forgo makeup when they meet up with her, but are ultimately not ready to give up the advantages that come with being conventionally attractive. “They cannot let go of this power as women, of using femininity,” she said. “There are these feminists who say, ‘Oh, I’m a feminist, I hate men, but I also want to be, you know, consumable.’”

Translation: They hate men, but still want to be in the position to use “this power of women, of using femininity” to ruthlessly exploit men. It’s actually much worse – this entire “movement” is a parasitical fraud; these women hate men and want to avoid them, but their entire lifestyle is enabled by men, who protect them from North Korea (a state that wouldn’t tolerate this nonsense for five minutes) and who create and maintain the entire infrastructure of South Korea.

Whither the pan-European Perspective

A re-evaluation?

For background, see this.  Also see this.  See this about the TOO controversy.  And see this. Then see my interpretation of Yockey’s comments on these issues, particularly in the last chapter of Imperium.

In the wake of the TOO dust-up, a Gab correspondent recently asked me if I still subscribe to pan-Europeanism. The answer is yes (but obviously not with the likes of the TOO crowd), but I am somewhat more pessimistic – I believe that the road to authentic pan-Europeanism will be longer, and far more bumpy, than I had heretofore imagined. I do not share Yockey’s optimism that the importance of differences between Europeans are no longer salient.

In theory, from a prescriptive level, Yockey was certainly correct. Today, with the worldwide racial crisis, with the clash of civilizations, with the threat of mass migration, with the Sword of Damocles of White Genocide hanging over our heads, how is it possible that intra-European feuding and hostility, and subracial conflict, is actually still consuming our thoughts and our energy? How is it possible that what Yockey called Culture Retardation (and indeed it is literally retardation) is an important factor in intra-European relations?  Is it any wonder Whites always lose?

In the “movement,” particularly in America, Nordicism has made a comeback, with the assistance of HBD and the juvenile jackasses of the Alt Right.  In Europe, economic frictions due to the EU and its policies, as well as problems over migration and, overall, the dominance of the union by Germany, has increased irritation between North and South, East and West.  We have therefore moved backward with respect to the pan-European perspective and people are “digging in their heels” and refusing to be reasonable, falling back on narrow identities, much to the delight of Culture Retarding ethnonationalists who exult in their “petty nationalism” as well to the delight of the ever-divisive Nordicists.  And, of course, since every action breeds a reaction, one observes some angry pushback from rightists of Southern (especially) and Eastern European extraction.

There is plenty of blame to go around on all sides. It is useless to try and put specific percentages of blame for particular groups; let us just say that no one is completely innocent and no one is completely guilty, although I believe one side is more guilty than the other. Putting aside the issue of ethnonationalism here (addressed in many other of my posts), let us concentrate on Nordicism (and related ethnic fetishisms).

As evidence that the Nordicists are more to blame, I can not only point out the history of White racial nationalism since WWII and the history of constant Nordicist aggression against non-Nordics, particularly in the American scene (the latest TOO nonsense being just the latest example), but we can also consider the opinions of others. For example, in the early 1960s, the Nordic Belgian Jean Thiriart was castigating Nordicists and Germanocentric intra-European racism for creating destructive division among Europeans. And, of course, fifteen years earlier, Yockey was criticizing the “vertical racism” of the Nordicists for the same reason in his book Imperium. Further, one can certainly find other examples of Northern European Far Rightists critiquing Nordicism; it certainly isn’t only Southern and Eastern Europeans who do so. However, while one can of course denounce Nordicism, one can still be objective enough try to understand Nordicist stereotypes of Europe’s South and East, and the degree to which those stereotypes have some basis in reality.

The Nord looks at the different peoples of Europe and sees different levels of accomplishment and productivity (at least over the last several centuries), as well as differences in phenotypic aesthetics that they correlate with accomplishment and productivity.  More fundamentally, the Nord sees differences in character and behavior. Thus, the Nord sees Southern Europeans (particularly Italians) as the Eternal Schettino – an inept clown; a superficial and lazy “wine, women, and song” hedonist who is always hysterical and cowardly in a crisis. The Nord sees Eastern Europeans as the Eternal Putin – a corrupt thug; a crude, brutal Asiatic with an ill-disguised inferiority complex, and ill-disguised envious hostility, toward the West.

Are those stereotypes precisely accurate?  Do they covey the full measure of those European peoples?  Of course not.  But, as do all stereotypes, do they contain some basic elements of truth? Of course they do – just like negative stereotypes of Northwest Europeans also contain some basic elements of truth.

Southern and Eastern Europeans must absolutely demand an end to Nordicist attitudes, BUT, at the same time, they must act in such a way to dispel the negative stereotypes and thus make Nordicism superfluous and ridiculous. Northwest Europeans absolutely have a right to demand that Southern and Eastern Europeans stop being the Eternal Schettino and the Eternal Putin, but they themselves must stop being the Eternal Merkel – forever arrogantly lecturing and scolding Europe’s South and East, while at the exact same time endlessly pathetically surrendering and groveling to The World of Color.  All Europeans have some significant room for improvement.

I am not optimistic. As I said, people are “digging in their heels,” digging their memetic trenches; they are not open to reason, compromise, and conciliation. Far from being the lunatic “Medicist” my critics claim I am, I try to see all sides of this issue.  But the aim of that reasonableness MUST be to eventually solve the problem.  I am not interesting in discussing these issues as a theoretical exercise, or to justify culture retarding attitudes, or to throw my hands up and say the problem is insoluble and that Europe (broadly defined as all peoples of European ancestry worldwide) is a house divided, and will remain so until it inevitably collapses.

I truthfully at the current time do not know the answer to this problem.  I have tried many different approaches; the problem only gets worse. The problem needs to be resolved in the direction of a pan-European solution; if not, Europe dies and the worldwide community of European peoples dies, and race and civilization fade away into oblivion. However that solution is not going to be possible until sufficient numbers of reasonable people on all sides of this problem decide that it must be so. Likely what is necessary as a start is for all sides to state what it is they want as the ultimate outcome of the process of dealing with this issue, and what are the possible areas where wants overlap and where they may conflict.

Those who agree with me and who want to work with me on this know where to find me, politically speaking.  I have my blogs and a Gab account.  The Sallis Groupuscle blog is open to others to contribute.

That is all I will say on this issue for today.