Category: eugenics

Aspirational Race

Being the best race we can be.  

See this.

White nationalism is the same. The adjective here is White. Of course, people can define “White” in different manners – I myself see “White” as equivalent to “European” and thus “White nationalism” to me means “pan-European nationalism.” But we need not quibble about those definitions here; instead, the main point of this essay is that White nationalism is, like Black nationalism, a form of (aspirational) racial nationalism, in which the nation is defined in explicitly racial, not ethnic, terms, and the long term aspirational objective would be building a nation state based on race.

In a Western Destiny blog category of gene-culture interactions, I have dealt with these issues, summarized in the Yockeyian Genetics post. A key part of that post, emphasis added:

1. A pan-European state (Imperium) would be set up that would have the effect of an enhancement of net EGI, by advancing the interests of the group of peoples and thus the interest of each constituting group.

2. In order to safeguard the uniqueness of the constituent groups, movement and mixture between these groups would be restricted, preventing any panmxia and loss of biological and cultural ethnic distinctiveness. Of course, there would be some (limited) movement and gene flow, consistent with what has occurred throughout European history.

3. At the same time, movement and mixture from without the Imperium, from biologically and culturally alien non-European peoples, would be strictly forbidden and absolutely restricted.

4. Thus, what would obtain over historical, evolutionary time is a complete absence of gene flow from the outside, coupled with continuous, low level, internal gene flow. Genetic drift, selection, and other such processes would take place, with the within vs. without distinction further pushing Europeans and non-Europeans farther apart.

5. These processes would have the effect, over time, of increasing the genetic distance of groups within vs. without the Imperium (European vs. non-European), while genetic distances within the Imperium would be maintained and/or slowly decreased (to an extent) over time.

6. Kinship overlap within/without would be eliminated due to these processes (particularly the strict isolation from outside gene flow).  Thus, in every possible case, any European ethnies chosen for comparison would be genetically closer (measured with genetic kinship/gene sharing, Fst, or whatever) than would be any European ethny compared to a non-European one. In PCA, European groups would be more separated from non-Europeans, and the European groups may be expected to slowly concentrate around a narrower core grouping along the major axes of genetic variation – Europeans less spread out among themselves, but more isolated from others.

7. These processes would take place naturally over long time frames, with ethnic distinctiveness being maintained, preserving local EGI while enhancing group EGI, leading to not only an increase in net EGI but gross EGI as well, a more optimal profile of genetic interests with costs minimized.

So we can focus on aspirational race not only from a “political” White nationalism standpoint (Our Race is Our Nation) forming a White national state in the same sense that, e.g., Basque nationalists aspire to their own state, but also from the biological, genetic standpoint, the Race-Culture standpoint, in which an integrated Race-Culture, geographically isolated via the White nationalist state

Another form of aspirational race involves eugenics, improving the stock biologically above and beyond enhanced racial purity and genetic kinship distinctiveness, to improve traits and march toward the Overman (while maintaining our ethnic genetic interests).

Yet another type of aspirational race is the improvement of the race in the moral sense, akin to The New Man of the Legionary Movement.

Finally, we can try to adjust the trajectory of the Spenglerian cycle and aspire to a new High Culture to provide a superior long term future for our people.

Thus, aspirational race can be viewed as constituting five components:

1. We aspire to the Our Race is Our Nation paradigm, the true White nationalist nation-state, a racial, pan-European peoplehood (that still preserves ethnic distinctiveness).

2. The major focus of this post is aspiring to a more biologically cohesive ingroup characterized by greater internal genetic kinship and more distinctiveness toward The Other, as outlines in the Yockeyian Genetics post.

3. We can aspire to eugenic improvement – the biological Overman.

4. We can aspire to moral improvement – the New Man.

5. We can aspire to a new High Culture befitting our people and befitting the Overman, the New Man, of the future.

Toward a New Movement, Part V

Biological racial advancement.

See this.

Preservationism plus eugenics replaces static preservationism.  We are not interested in preserving a racial stasis, which is biologically impossible in any case.  In contrast, we avoid genetically damaging mass changes, preserving the core of racial genetic essence.  We wish to promote eugenics to improve the stock and, also, allow for the creation of new stabilized blends of European stocks – while also at the same type preserving the original stocks – to increase the diversity of European Man. Ethnic genetic interests are compatible with (gradual) genetic change within the race, eschewing miscegenation, particularly when that change can enhance fitness, and when it is in magnitude no greater than the genetic changes that have always been part of human existence; for example; those due to selective pressures or random genetic drift.

Again, the Fundamentals are very straightforward. Contrary to what some critics of EGI have written – and what I have made clear over the years – the pursuit of genetic interests are wholly compatible with a prudent and reasonable program of eugenics and racial improvement. With respect to preservation of European ethnies and inter-marriage between these, both are possible and desirable. The nations of Europe are well suited for preservation of original stocks, while Diaspora regions can be the sites of mome mixture of ethnies and creation of “new stabilized blends of European stocks” – essentially creating new European ethnies. Of course,preservation of original stocks can occur in the Diaspora regions as well – the major difference is that the nations of Europe should be absolutely reserved for the original stocks (that of course can be subject to eugenic improvement), while the Diaspora regions have the greater flexibility to allow for some judicious admixture in addition to preservation and eugenics.  Throughout all of these processes, genetic interests will be always considered.

Comedy Rimshot, 10/4/19

Cheap laughs.

Comedy rimshot for all below.

A frankly bizarre film review by Johnson, where he is strangely obsessed by the height (or lack thereof) of Tom Cruise.  Tom not his type, or what?

Remember, compared to Johnson’s towering height, Spencer is a manlet:

I’ll going to see #Joker this evening. As a handsome man with a hot girlfriend, I hope that I will not be a causality of the Incel rage violence that will inevitably ensue.


I’ll going to see #Joker this evening, likely the most impactful thing I’ve done all week. As a smug yet aging man with a leftist SJW girlfriend (unconnected to Greg Conte), I hope that I will not be mistaken for an Incel and mocked by Matt Forney.

I’m not a fan of Dutton (except for his takedown of the fraud Rushton), but he’s right about this.

Indeed, if Saini really wants to prove her unwavering support for genetic equality, and her opposition to eugenics, she should mate with Pearson and bear his child – with no genetic screening of embryo or fetus allowed.

Commentary on the Italian Question

Hail Kesselring!

Read here. Excerpt, emphasis added:

Kesselring notoriously characterized the Italians in racial terms, suggesting that they had “inherent” qualities as “southerners” of Europe. After the war, he stated that “the Italian soldier was not a soldier from within. It is possible that I, as a northerner of a different species, am applying the wrong standards—but the results seem to prove my point.” He wrote that Italians were “hot-blooded,” “conceited to an extent which a northerner cannot conceive,” and had “only three fashionable passions: coffee, cigarettes, and women.”  He showed particular disdain for Italians from the South of Italy, stating that rural Italians were “a mass of people who, like children, could be led anywhere.” Kesselring also wrote that the Italian “species” was inferior…

The text also quotes some of Hitler’s criticisms of Italians.

If there are Italian readers who are upset with these negative opinions, and who are now gesticulating in outrage, they should consider the following hard truths.

If you behave in a contemptible manner, others will treat you with contempt.  If you allow yourself to be the anvil of history, others will be the hammer. If you want respect, you must earn it.

If the Italian people, as currently constituted, have it within themselves to overcome their deficiencies then they need to do so as soon as possible.  If they lack the racial character for such an undertaking, then they must submit to an absolutely ruthless regimen of eugenics, to reverse millennia of dysgenic influences.  A willingness to continue as an inferior species will do nothing except prove Kesselring correct.

Of course, if Kesselring were around today, he may have some harsh words for his own German species, allowing itself to be race replaced and its women sexually humiliated by Afro-Asiatic invaders invited in by a Borreby Stasi hag (in addition to the previous influx of Turks).

However, the current decline of Germania does not absolve Italia for its own longer-standing status as one of the laughing stocks of Europe.  Inferior is as inferior does.  Superior is as superior does.

Superiority must be earned.

Your choice.