Category: Malloy

The Lie of Rampant Far-Right Terrorism

More leftist lies.
Of course, it all depends how the anti-Whites define “terrorism.” Back ~12 years ago, Malloy of GNXP defined as a “terrorists” White folks who opposed Asian immigration to the USA and/or who wrote positive articles about Leon Degrelle.  HBD as a political movement, indeed.

The Latest From Fogle…No, I Mean Derbyshire

More HBD stupidity.

Child porn legalization-supporter (*) John Derbyshire has more nonsense on the far-left VDARE site.

The stupidity in all of this is incredible.  The idea that Serbia’s average IQ is in the range of American Negro IQ is ludicrous, and more Lynnian imbecility. Imagine a nation composed of American Negroes, similar to a giant Detroit, and then compare areas of Europe Lynn and the HBDers say are roughly equivalent. Even morons like the HBDers should see the problem immediately – except they are so consumed by their rigid political dogmas they cannot even question the discordance between theory and reality.

Also, Argentina is not “97% White;” population genetics studies clearly show a very large mestizo population; only a minority fraction of that country are Spanish, Italian, or German.  The idea that “Argentina is White” is one of the great racial lies of HBD as well as Der Movement.

Derbyshire not only quotes Jayman and Lynn, but also the subhuman HBD GNXP worm Malloy, a low-life, no-character piece of filth who, approximately a dozen years ago on the Dienekes blog, called me a “terrorist” because I (1) oppose Asian immigration, and (2) wrote a positive essay about Belgian politician-soldier Leon Degrelle.  In the post-9/11 hysteria, to label someone a “terrorist” simply because they disagree you with on immigration policy or interpretations of history, clearly shows that the person doing the labeling has to be among the biggest pieces of shit in human history.  Just the type to be linked to John “Jared Fogle” Derbyshire.

* His actual words, emphasis added (be sure to spread this far and wide):

…there is an anarcho-tyranny angle here that is sufficiently deplorable in itself. Why should it be a crime to have child porn on your computer? (Note that the item on the charge sheet about Bukovsky “making” child-porn images is bogus. As Claire Berlinski explains, under U.K. law just downloading images counts as “making” them.) 

Enjoying child porn is weird and creepy to be sure. I cleave, however, to the old principle that you can’t go to jail for what you’re thinking. In the Western world of today, as the waters of totalitarian conformity rise all around us, that point of view seems positively quaint.