Category: propaganda

Odds and Ends, 6/2/21

In der news.

As I have a small bit of IRL free time the past few days, another post is now presented, to take advantage of this window of opportunity.

Happy belated post-communist Children’s Day.

Homosexual past?  Pink swastika indeed! The quality of the presentation is horrible. “1924 putsch?”  Off by a year.  “1932 election of Hitler?” Huh?  What alternative timeline was that?  Hitler came to power in 1933 and was appointed by Hindenburg. “Gutternsipe?” Pure propaganda.

Solid evidence that Hitler had a homosexual past = zero.

Solid evidence that the Nazis started the Reichstag fire = zero.

I’m no Hitler fanboy, but that video was pitiful.

Self-indulgent nonsense.

The grift continues?

Just the facts.  HBDers weep. Pangolins?  I thought it was “an American bioweapon.”  Now, it’s back to being zoonotic?  Should HBDers be indicted for treason?  Convicted?  Executed?

This analysis is surprisingly reasonable. The single most important point in that essay:

When viewed as a system, what appears to be coordination and sentience in liberal democracy is actually emergent behavior.

This is an error the Far Right makes as often, or more so, than the Right in general. Everything to them is a well-coordinated conspiracy, orchestrated by “the Jews” or “the globalists” (who of course overlap to a considerable degree). In actuality, much of the behavior in question is emergent from the properties of the System, which is, of course, created and maintained, also to a considerable degree, by those selfsame Jews/globalists.  So, in many cases, it is indirect, rather than direct, control.  True enough, the endpoint is the same, but to correctly diagnose the problem, and to avoid sounding like lunatics to “normies,” indirect vs. direct is an important distinction. It is a distinction with a difference, at least with respect to political optics and eventual victory.

One wonders if the same applies to Der Movement.  Perhaps some of that which I ascribe to a coordinated HBD-Nordicist-ethnonationalist alliance is, at least in part, simply due to emergent behavior of a racialist system created by, and for, Nordicists and related types of ethnic fetishists.

Still, though, the coordination among elements in Der Movement at times seems more coordinated than what is observed in the System. Is the “movement” behavior really coordinated? Reality or illusion?  Hard to say.  The recent emergence of Lipton Matthews among a variety of Quota Queen outlets, virtually simultaneously, is an example of either fairly tight coordination or an emergent strain of groupthink that is quite remarkable in its own right. Can it be possible that “movement” dogma and rent-seeking self-interest is so pronounced that the Quota Queens move in the same direction independently and without overt directing coordination?

Getting back to the Zman article, and looking at society as a whole, a fundamental problem is that human types that exhibit “dark triad” psychopathic traits tend to rise to positions of authority (we’ll pass in silence over the relevance of that to Der Movement), and such elites structure society to serve their own selfish interests. On a group level, ethnocentric and collectivist psychopaths (Jews) structure society to benefit their own group, and they leverage more individualistic psychopaths (High Trusters) so as to get the latter to work against their own racial interests (that they care nothing for) and instead support the racial interests of the former group.  Hence, we observe as a result a “right-wing” leadership that acts against White interests not much different, in the end, than do leftists.  The entire System is built to serve the interests of psychopaths, and among these, the group interests of the more collectivist are favored. The emergent properties of such a System become rapidly evident to careful observers.

Well, yes.  Re: Jews and others who support Jewish interests:

They’ll be writing and publishing anti-Black materials themselves, in an effort to capture that particular market and control it.

Yes, it’s called HBD.

And the Jews will figure that if they can keep the reaction under control for twenty years or so, for a generation, it will lose its vitality and die out. And then there’ll be nothing left to threaten them, nothing left to thwart their plan for a Mulatto future.

Der Movement is, perhaps unknowingly, part of that controlling delaying action. The words quoted were from Pierce, thirty seven years ago. Thirty seven years! And what has been accomplished in all of that time? Nothing.

Speaking of which, you can only laugh at this gibbering stupidity. Gee, well, if we can’t tell that folks are Jews due to their skin tones and hair textures, and if Jews can pass as “Nordish,” we’ll just have to parse their behavior. I mean, that’s all objective and scientific, right?  Break out the behavioral calipers, so to speak.

Are those thirty seven years of utter failure becoming more understandable?

The Expanse and Race

The Expanse: The TV Series.

Summary here.

The few semi-positive White men featured in the show are:

James Holden, played by Dutch-Italian hybrid Steven Strait, is a race-mixing/oil-drilling “emo” character, who spends half of his time onscreen with a comical look of moral anguish on his face. In addition, Holden derives from a bizarre family with multiple mothers and fathers. Indeed, The Expanse normalizes various types of perversions, including miscegenation, homosexuality/lesbianism, and polyamorous familial relationships.

Amos Burton, played by a muscular Wes Chatham, is a sexually ambivalent, wild-eyed, violent psycho.

Joe Miller, played by a haggard-looking Thomas Jane, is the stereotypical cynical hard-boiled detective, in his case enlivened by falling in love with a grotesque Eurasian woman (to eliminate redundancy – an Eurasian woman) he is searching for and for whom he ultimately sacrifices himself.
Those are the “positive” portrayals. The rest of the White men featured in the show essentially fit into one or more of the following categories: weak, corrupt, evil, mad scientists, semi-autistic, perverted, treasonous, nerdy, untrustworthy, cowardly, etc.

In contrast, the heroes and heroines are for the most part non-Whites and women of all sorts, including, but not limited to: noble, deep-voiced, Morgan Freeman-like Negroes; every possible racial configuration of women; a White SJW woman Methodist minister involved in a lesbian relationship with a Negress; NECs of varied types, etc. Such people are portrayed as strong, noble, far-sighted, altruistic, heroic, trustworthy, loyal, disinterested, moral, intelligent, competent, and calm, with powerful leadership abilities. Indeed, thankfully, someone is around to clean up after the cringing, stupid, cowardly, and corrupt White man!

Particularly jarring is Naomi Nagata – Holden’s love interest by the way – played by Dominican-English hybrid Dominique Tipper. Nagata is not only one of these strong, honorable, and competent non-Whites, but also disconcertedly combines an English accent with brown skin, a mildly prognathous jawline, and a  broad flat nose.  Well, in the year 2020, half the people living in London look like her, so I suppose we’ll all just have to get used to it.

The Expanse is essentially the Globohomo-Technic multiracial future the SJWs think we will have.  Detroit and the slums of Brazil exemplify the horrifying reality that we will have on our present trajectory.The Expanse is nothing more than leftist multicultural propaganda hiding behind a sci-fi facade. Alas, harsh reality often has the habit of clashing with ludicrously unrealistic propaganda. 

And so it goes…

Political EGI VI: Know Your Audience

Calibrate your arguments.

With respect to introducing EGI to political discourse, I am sure the attitude will be: “most people will not be convinced by rational, scientific arguments; instead they will be influenced by emotional arguments instead.  No one will care about EGI.”

This is truth to that – but I also do not believe that ”most people” are going to be influenced by cartoon frogs or screams of “Hail Kek!”– but I’ve never said that “most people” should be addressed by discussions of gene frequencies or of “Hamilton’s Rule.”

Obviously, if you are addressing who Pierce would call “Joe and Jill Sixpack” then you are not going to be invoking “genetic kinship” and explaining the fine points of On Genetic Interests.  You could, however, invoke the language of family and tribe, stoke the “us vs. them” divide and equate face and family to stimulate protective instincts for the group against those threatening it.  

 As one moves up the intellectual hierarchy then one can be more explicit about EGI, although the “full story” is likely going to make complete sense only to scientifically literate and sane individuals with triple-digit IQs (leaving most of the “movement” out of the running).  Along the continuum of human understanding, knowledge, and intelligence one must calibrate the rhetoric and arguments for optimal receptivity.

So, no, I’m not arguing that one should go to a local town hall with charts of Fst values or what have you, but the fundamental principles can be put forth in language understandable to the target audience, even if one must use analogies and rhetorical proxies for some major points.  In past “Political EGI” posts I gave some examples of calibrated arguments: I’m no politician or speechwriter, and I’m sure those that are can do an even better job of formulating EGI-based arguments that can resonate to even Mr. and Mrs. Sixpack.

One can also argue – and it’s likely correct – that the less intellectual Whites, the Sixpacks, are more inherently tribal and will require less prompting to unleash their instincts in that regard. They just need guidance so as to direct that unleashing in the proper political direction (not to GOP cucks or Trumpain frauds, for example) and they need to be inoculated against “we are all the same” leftist rhetoric that, while they may not believe it “in their bones,” may still confuse them.

On the other hand, it are the more intellectually advanced “professionals” among Whites who lead rarefied lives apart from tribal instincts so it are precisely they – the ones best as understanding EGI concepts – would be benefit from more explicit, albeit still carefully calibrated, appeals to more rationalized EGI arguments.

So in that sense it works out well: those Whites least capable of understanding the more explicit EGI arguments are in the least need of them and those Whites most capable of understanding have the most need.

At this point someone will say I’ve missed the original point, which was one of emotion trumping logic, not one of understanding or not.  That’s true, but consider that the “lower class” Whites tend to be more emotional/irrational and the “upper class” Whites are relatively more rational, and hence rationality and understanding go hand-in-hand.  In addition, remember I’m still advocating calibration even for the upper classes; likely pure EGI is suitable for the highest intellectual groups, academics, top intellectual activists, etc. Some “irrational” arguments may need to be made to the rank-and-file upper class, but these would need to be calibrated differently than those used for the Sixpacks.  Perhaps less raw tribalism and more Universal Nationalism? This post is not the place to evaluate this at that level of detail, but to point out that those with rhetorical skills can make EGI-style arguments palatable to specific target audiences.  It’s more a matter of will – wanting to do it – rather than the rhetorical technics.

The Moral Arc Of Right-Wing Ineptness Is Long But It Bends Toward Failure

More rightist failure.
I am sure many on the Right cringe with disgust, as I do, upon hearing leftists such as Obama and other self-righteous smug fools talk about “the right (or wrong) side of history” or “the moral arc of the universe is long but it bends toward justice” or any other such sniveling liberal cant.  Nevertheless, despite our private disgust, we must recognize that those words – however we see through them – have a degree of power over the masses, and even among certain elites (leftists and cuckservatives) who are easy prey for power politics masquerading as moral sentiments.
Certainly, Der Movement plays lip service to the idea that rational arguments (such as they exist in the “movement”) are not enough, and that people respond better to irrational triggers.  But then, what is produced?  Alt-right snark?  Juvenile racial mockery?  Yes, “cuckservative” has its uses, and I’m sure Der Movement found “Willie and Marv” quite amusing in its day, but those are like pea-shooters against the rhetorical nuclear weapons of the Left.
Therefore, the Right plays that game rather poorly, and that’s a shame, because we need to use approaches that work, even those that we ourselves have private contempt for.  Further, not all moral arguments need to descend to the level of obvious cant.  The Right used to be able to make effective moral arguments, tinged with just the right amount of self-interest.  For example, in opposition to immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, Edward A. Ross wrote:
I am not of those who consider humanity and forget the nation, who pity the living but not the unborn. To me, those who are to come after us stretch forth beseeching hands as well as do the masses on the other side of the globe. Nor do I regard America as something to be spent quickly and cheerfully for the benefit of pent-up millions in the backward lands. What if we become crowded without their ceasing to be so?
Quite right.  If that is true of intra-continental immigration the, so much more true is it about inter-continental immigration today.  That is an argument that can be put into the language of moral rhetoric, given even a modicum of intelligence and the will to use it.  But these, alas, rightists seemingly do not have.  
This type of material is best produced by those whose background suggests an affinity: business, philosophy, law, advertising, etc.  I admit that science-based people are better suited for the rational-based arguments that serve as the foundation for the ideology, initially targeted to elites, and that which can be modified, by others, to serve irrational instincts.  Why not put EGI in the irrational language of familial love?  Translate the ethical section of On Genetic Interests into effective moral cant?  Can the ad geniuses of today come up with something better than “Willie and Marv?”  Can all the alt-rightists come up with something better than “cuckservative?”  Come on, now.  We uptight rational-based guys will produce the underlying memes and you guys translate them for the masses.
And it is not only words. Visual imagery is important as well.  As I write this, the Internet is abuzz with breathless awe over a (to us, crudely staged) photograph of a Negress in a “flowing dress” being arrested by White police in riot gear.  A “legendary picture” shrieks the mass media, it’s “one for the ages.”  Meanwhile, the mainstream Right drones on about “capital gains tax cuts,” Trump tells us about his “yuuugeee” body parts, and the far-Right is busy measuring each other’s cephalic indices with calipers.
Excuses that leftist propaganda is aided and abetted by control of the mass media fail because: (a) the propaganda genuinely resonates among the masses as shown by its viral nature on social media, and (b) what was the Right doing all this time when the media was coming under control?  Muttering about tax rates and about “Kali Yuga?” The loss of control of public institutions is more proof of the ineptness of the Right, not an excuse for it.
Ironically, while the Left supports affirmative action, it practices meritocracy when it comes to the important things, such as producing propaganda and the top management of wire-pullers; the Right (especially the far-Right), which allegedly opposes affirmative action (except for the Negrophilic Trump), only accepts ideas and leadership from “the boys.”   Is this why the Right is like a helpless, floundering child when confronted by leftist propaganda, propaganda which could be easily refuted, or copied to a more effective degree of utility, by people with cutting intelligence, a realistic sense of the masses, and a strategic sense of proportion?
And what will be the response to this?  Ignoring it most likely – we cannot criticize the “Holy Right” and its inept quota queen “leadership,” and who cares about practical matters anyway?  More important is discussing “negging hotties,” Trump worship, HBD cultism, Caesar’s eye color, tax rates and government regulation, etc.  And if anyone does pay attention, the riposte is likely to be the same toward the idea of Democratic Multiculturalism – trying new things that may work is “weakness” and “dishonoring our ancestors.” 
And the affirmative action band plays on….