Category: McCulloch

A to B

What’s really going on?

The genesis of this post was that I was planning to eventually write something on the A to B transition, but then a conversation took place at Gab about the alleged reason I have few followers (associated with my supposed “schizoid” obsession with a “non-existent” Nordicism), and then, by an interesting coincidence, this showed up at TOO.

So, this is an opportunity to tie up all of these threads into one post, in which I will uselessly complain again, with all of the practical utility of talking to the wind, or arguing with a brick.

Note that, apart from whatever is in the Footnote, I’m not addressing Nordicism here. I have an entire body of work online for the past quarter century on that topic, including posts here and at my other current blogs, and you can read all of that at your leisure. What I will address is as follows.

Racial nationalists are dissatisfied about where we are now (point A) and instead want to get to a better position – such as the “promised land” of the ethnostate or Imperium – in the future (point B).  So, the aim is to get from point A to point B (A to B, hence the title of this post).

When addressing this, Der Movement focuses on the following:

  • 1. How bad A is (doom and gloom outrage porn).
  • 2. How wonderful B will be (including how “we’re winning” today).
  • 3. A combination of 1 and 2.

Now, I do that as well, with the noted exception of the “we’re winning” nonsense (instead I truthfully tell you “we’re losing”), but I also do something else, something that sets me apart from Der Movement.  I also do:

  • 4. How exactly do we get from point A to Point B – what needs to be done, what all of us (including YOU) should be doing, what are the strategies and tactics we need.

That’s something Der Movement never does – focusing on how precisely to achieve their goals, hard practical advice, and then urging people to do something along those lines to advance us to those goals. No, instead we get outrage porn, or delusional winning hysteria, or ethnostate fantasies, or all of that combined, but with no interest or direction for real world pragmatic work.

Note for all reading this, particularly the System/Left who monitors people like me – when I discuss doing something, I strictly mean legal, non-violent, sane, and rational political activism.  I do NOT mean “acting out” or any Nutzi stupidities. So that is an official disclaimer that I make once again; I’ve said it often enough in the past.

I will tell you what I really think the problem is, what I really think is going on. Der Movement is an entertainment brand. They provide nice fun and games for their followers and only ask for donation handouts in return. Indeed, if you give extra money, you can get “an ever expanding package of privileges” as if you were joining a gym or a spa, or subscribing to ESPN or Max. That’s all they ask, and the hobbyists are well satisfied. But here comes this pain in the ass Ted Sallis, who doesn’t ask for money, but tells folks to actually do something productive, do authentic and useful political activism (and asking no more than he does himself), and that is not pleasant. It is not entertainment. It’s him demanding work. It’s him demanding time. Sallis doesn’t make you feel good that “we’re winning” and that all you need to do is sit back and read Worst Week Yet and send money, and it’ll all be alright.  Bad crazy Sallis tells you the unvarnished truth and suggests that you actually do something. How dare he! That bastard!

Sallis got no followers ‘cause Sallis ain’t no fun.

Am I a hypocrite for writing this when I previously advised people, particularly young men, to take care of themselves first before investing a large (note – large) amount of time in activism, and especially before “going public?”  No, because there is a large amount of activist space in between the extreme of some young man immolating himself by becoming an overt public activist and cutting off the chance for a normal life and career, and the other extreme, of doing absolutely nothing.  People can invest most of their time and effort on their own interests, but still allocate some time, in a pseudonymous fashion, to do something for the cause, gradually increasing activism as their personal situation becomes ever more stable. My advice to take care of yourself first is not meant to mean do nothing.

Now we come to McCulloch. I have had my differences with him in the past, and I am not going to dwell on that here apart from the Footnote below. I note that, as he does now in TOO, he more recently started advocating for a European-American state, as opposed to a “Nordish” one.  My concern now is with realism.  I know I will be accused of hypocrisy again. Haven’t I always made a distinction between prescriptive and descriptive?  Haven’t I always said that if something is necessary we must strive for it regardless of how unrealistic it is?  Yes to both, and that hasn’t changed.  McCulloch’s plan, as shown in the TOO post here, is good and should be pursued. I’m just “blackpilled” (to use moronic Alt-Right language) about getting people to do anything to achieve these goals.

So what I would say to Mr. McCulloch, in all sincerity, and from the perspective of supporting White nationalist separatism, is that if you can get your followers to do anything useful (with the disclaimer above – legal, non-violent, political, etc.) then come back to us and we can take all of these plans more seriously.  When there is a real plan of action and people willing to follow it, then great.  But let us be realistic.  Responses from the Dissident Right will generally fall into one of two categories. Either they will say “the plan is great, let’s do it!” followed by cracking open a beer and watching a football game, or there will be critical comments like – 


January 9, 2024 at 9:08 am

If there is secession, whites will have a tiny state the size of Idaho. The map above might have been possible in 1970…

Whites need a spiritual revival…[deleted – blah blah]

– followed by complete inaction.  No one will do anything; no one ever does anything. Oh, they might get excited by the entertainment brought to them by that post and donate to TOO, but that’s it.  

Here’s an excerpt from a comment by another genius –

For me, this project is wishful thinking. A determined group having re-discovered sexual morality, asking Putin for a living area in Siberia (the local temperature, -40 in winter, would be a good deterrent against the Jews and blacks who would inevitably want to follow) – would be more realist.

The local Mongoloid populations though, e.g. the very ugly Iakuts,  would , of course, like to blend and it would be a problem.

SO Antarctica would be even better.  No mongols but penguins who are adorable.

The Penguin Ethnostate.

That’s your followers, Richie. You’re older than I am. You haven’t learned yet? No one is interested in how to get from A to B and no one will lift a finger to make it happen.  And me writing that is the real reason I have no followers.


McCulloch in that post writing about “American” Jews and Coloreds:

It therefore seems more likely they would prefer to be joined into a large multiracial state that was a major country at the world level rather than be separated into smaller states for each racial group. But if in a post-partition context that historical preference were to change in favor of separate racial nations they could accomplish that by a sub-partition of the larger non-European nation.

The choice for the non-Whites is a larger and more influential rump state (that compared to the larger remainder of America would be relatively weak), or more homogeneous micro-states that would be completely powerless on the world stage.  

You see, that goes back to some of my old objections to some of McCulloch’s original separation plans.  Southern Europeans in America were put in the position of being either in a relatively small and powerless state with non-Whites or an even smaller and even more powerless micro-state on their own. Well, obviously neither is appropriate or acceptable. It’s either relative weakness and multiracialism or ludicrous absolute weakness with a ghettoized homogeneity.  It seems that my point in that regard has been retroactively confirmed.

Odds and Ends, 10/23/22

In der news.

I notice that since the end of WWII, every time the High Trusters get racially threatened by Coloreds, the High Trusters become more Nordicist and start attacking White ethnics, particularly Southern Europeans, who not only did not cause the Colored problems, but in most cases also suffered from it. In America, the “civil rights movement,” integration, and the post-1965 mass Colored immigration triggered Nordicism, leading to Sir Humphrey, McCulloch, Pearce, and Duke, etc. Then, after the election of Obama and continued mass immigration and out-of-control illegal immigration, we now have the revival of more Nordicism in Der Movement, including HBD-Nordicism. The end of apartheid in South Africa led to the radical Nordicist gibbering of Arthur Kemp. The pattern is clear.  Afraid of dealing with Coloreds, the High Trusters look to White ethnics as easy outlets for their racial fears and frustrations.

Consider – a long period of outrages against native Britons by Colored colonists caused the Britons to turn against the EU and complain about White EU immigration, after which we got Brexit, cut the White immigration while increasing the Colored immigration that was causing the real problems to begin with.

Racial Proximity Theory anyone?

And the argument against that theory by invoking hostility against Jews doesn’t cut it. First of all, sustained anti-Semitism in Germanic countries was mostly Germany and Austria. Second, such anti-Jewish hostility was more intense among South German types than among more Nordic North Germans. Third, Germans being more hostile to Jews than to Negroes actually supports, not refutes, Racial Proximity Theory.

Jim Crow in America doesn’t refute it either. In the South, the divide was Anglo-Negro; in the North, there was plenty of hostility against the White ethnics who were present there, and, there were always the John Lindsay types who preferred Blacks and Hispanics to White ethnics. It is difficult to think of any strong refutation of Racial Proximity Theory.

Speaking (no pun intended) of Racial Proximity Theory, meet Tris Speaker, Texas Southron. First, his attitude toward White ethnics:

Despite the team’s success on the field, tensions were often high in the clubhouse. Speaker and catcher Carrigan never got along and had several brawls. Speaker was often not on speaking terms with Duffy Lewis, who, like Carrigan, was an Irish Catholic. (Religious differences had created cliques on the club, with Speaker siding with other Protestants including Joe Wood and Larry Gardner). The atmosphere grew more complicated with the arrival of Babe Ruth in 1915. Ruth crossed Wood and Speaker never fully forgave him. In his book Baseball As I Have Known It, Fred Lieb wrote that Speaker once told Lieb he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Although the Klan kept its membership rolls secret, Speaker’s alleged membership would not be surprising given that the Klan experienced a nationwide revival beginning in 1915, gaining much popularity with its anti-Catholic rhetoric. In addition, the Klan’s national leader from 1922 to 1939, Imperial Wizard Hiram W. Evans, lived near Speaker in Hubbard…newcomer Joe DiMaggio’s graceful play in the Yankees outfield inevitably caused comparisons to Speaker. The proud Texan bristled at the suggestion that DiMaggio was a worthy successor. When asked about the Yankee Clipper in 1939, Speaker responded, “HIM? I could name 15 better outfielders!

And now, his relationship with the Negro:

In 1947, at the request of general manager Bill Veeck, Tris returned to uniform as a special coach, to help convert Larry Doby, who had played second base in the Negro Leagues, into a center fielder.

It gets worse with Tris Speaker; here he defends a Negro against White “racism” –

Tris Speaker pointed to the racial tension of the era, saying, “the poor guy came up under the worst possible conditions… [he] had nothing to do with the condition that made him the target of the boo birds.”

Big Bad KKKer Speaker, attacking the micks and wops but treating every Negro as if their name was “Ben Dover.”

Gab correspondent alerts me to this:

The Ostrogoths came as conquerors and treated the Italians as such. They practiced the typical custom of appropriating one third of the lands or productive revenues for themselves; they barred the Romans from military service; and the kingship (the most powerful position in the Kingdom) was exclusive to the Ostrogoths, who remained consciously separated from the Romans and adhered to their own law. They had no intention of assimilating or of being equals. According to their own law, Ostrogoths were forbidden from attending Roman schools, and intermarriage between Romans and Goths was prohibited.

The Ostrogoths were also Arians (a heretical religious sect which denied the divinity of Jesus Christ and opposed Catholicism). Despite the vaunted “tolerance” of Theodoric emphasized by current historians, the reality is that towards the end of his reign he began to persecute Catholics.

Even though the civil administration remained in Italian hands, and even though Italy’s Roman customs and institutions were largely undisturbed, in the end the Italians were still a subjugated people, subject to the Ostrogothic military class and to the king.

Well then, those Ostrogoths were certainly high trust altruistic non-ethnocentric individualists, eh?  Seriously though, the MacDonaldite thesis about “Western individualism” is continuously refuted

I’m Not the One Who Changed

Read carefully.

In contrast to the Quota Queens claiming that I somehow changed, and became “paranoid” and “insane,” the reality is that I’m not the one who changed.  Looking at my work over the last twenty and more years demonstrates that my views have been consistent. My extended hand of friendship has been repeatedly spat upon and slapped away, metaphorically speaking. My realization that things will never change in Der Movement led me to the course of action toward Der Movement that results in the “paranoid” and “insane” ad hominem pathologization.

Thus, my recent post about White Nationalist Fraud. What needs to be understood, and something that took me some time to realize, is that the Quota Queens and their followers actually believe in the more extreme versions of their dogma.

As one very clear example, consider the following remarkable statement (emphasis added) from a post from the execrable site Counter-Currents, a “movement” interpretation of a rather stupid and shallow movie:

Then comes what is to me the most poignant part of this wild, raucous, sad movie. Swiss young people ride up on horses. The man assures Nino that it’s the children of the owner and their friends. Penned up in the hen house, their faces pressed against chicken wire, the workers stare as the Swiss enjoy a beautiful lake. They stroll, kiss, shed their clothes, and swim, contemplating beauty like the Eloi in H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine as we hear a delicate oboe solo, almost like the opening scene of the movie with its quartet and the placid Swiss by a lake. We see blonde hair and firm, naked bodies, tall and poetic on horseback, while the runty Italians stare. The Commedia dell Arte meets Wagner.

Nino, like his fellow workers, are transfixed by the Swiss. It is a defining moment in the film and our age of the relations between north and south. People come to northern Europe to work, compelled by conditions in their homelands, but there is another draw to the north as well: it’s orderly, rational, blonde, quiet, poetic, and beautiful. The southerner can’t resist it; in fact, the world can’t. Despite the south’s inefficiency and resentment against the north and its economic power, the south can’t take its eyes off the Nordic types. They are beautiful and serene.

If the Swiss as like the Eloi in Wells’ The Time Machine, the Italians are the Morlocks, but hardly savage and brutal; they’re rather penned up like chickens who are awed by the swans.

This scene evoked for me how Germany seemed fated to rule during the Second World War. After Hitler’s victories in 1940, most of Europe was ready to accommodate themselves in one way or another to German rule. As one Frenchman said, to his people they were like blonde gods.

So, the realization that I had, and what you must understand, is that the Quota Queens and their peanut gallery followers (those of NW European ancestry) actually do see themselves as “blonde gods,” they are the Herrenvolk Eloi – “orderly, rational, blonde, quiet, poetic, and beautiful”; physically, they are “blonde hair and firm, naked bodies, tall and poetic.”. Non-Nordic Europeans, particularly Southern Europeans, but often Eastern Europeans as well, are Morlocks, “runty,” and are characterized by “inefficiency and resentment” – yet are inevitably drawn to the “beautiful and serene” Nordics. The Nordics are the swans stared at by pitiful inferiors “penned up like chickens who are awed by the swans.”

So, to the Quota Queens and their followers, that description sums up “the relations between north and south” – with “north and south” here specifically referring to Europe and to Western man. If you think that Counter-Currents post is some sort of outlier, cherry picked by me because of my “resentment,” I ask you to consider the totality of Der Movement’s dogma, and ask yourself whether the Counter-Currents statement above is an outlier or a very accurate summary.

Consider that a prominent Nordicist authored a book entitled Destiny of Angels – taking a (real or apocryphal) quote by Pope Gregory to characterize all “Nordish” peoples – a book described thus (emphasis added):

The author insists that Nordics must separate to survive. In this volume he discusses how Nordics differ from others in physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics, and in what they find beautiful. This book is especially good in its discussion of the ways in which Jews and egalitarians take advantage of the Nordic traits of objectivity, generosity, and altruism to persuade them to be mongrelized.

Note: “Nordic traits of objectivity, generosity, and altruism.” Obviously then, non-Nordic Europeans lack those traits.  What can you expect from grunting runty Morlocks, anyway?

You see, these types actually consider themselves and their fellow “Nords” to be angels, swans, or Eloi, while non-Nordic Europeans are, I suppose, devils, penned-up chickens, or Morlocks.

Then we have Humphrey Ireland, who complained about Yockey’s pan-Europeanism, because Yockey had the temerity to consider – as per Sir Humphrey’s phrasing – tall, rational Swedes and five foot tall swarthy superstitious Sicilians as part of the same Western race. We certainly can’t have that!  Eloi and Morlocks are akin to different species, after all. Then there’s more, of course: Spencer’s tirades, Taylor’s resentments against uppity White ethnics (excluding Jews of course), the ethnoimperialists of Counter-Currents and Amren who live in other people’s countries and then write diatribes complaining about the natives, Counter-Currents commentators who smugly write about how “generous” they are in bestowing whiteness on their ethnic inferiors, never mind the entire corpus of “movement” dogma, leading to some of the more hilarious examples of Sallis’ Law.

These people are never going to take non-Nordic Europeans, particularly Southern (most of all) and Eastern Europeans, and their interests, seriously.  No matter what camouflage they throw up, their true feelings on the matter are summarized by that Counter-Currents piece, and the other items mentioned. No attempt at reasoning or logical argument can alter any of those people, since we are dealing with deeply internalized feelings that are a fundamental part of their identity. That is why these types can read a refutation of Kemp and come away asserting “Kemp was right.” They describe their group as having “objectivity, generosity, and altruism” but they themselves display extreme subjectivity, narrow exclusiveness, and ethnocentrism.  

But, fine, that’s their right, I would not want to try and convince them otherwise even if it was possible to do so (it is not). But this post, and all of my work, is not targeted to those people.  It is instead targeted to people whose views can be changed, people who may have been hoodwinked by White nationalist fraud. It is targeted to all who hold to the true pan-European ideal, whether these be NW Europeans who reject the mindset described above (*), as well as to Southern and Eastern Europeans who are full equals in the pan-European enterprise – not two foot tall runty superstitious chickens staring in awe at their beautiful, swan-like superiors.

A careful re-read of that Counter-Currents piece makes clear why a New Movement is required and why my critiques of Der Movement are justified and are not a manifestation of “insane paranoia.”

*Preservationism, including narrower subracial and ethnic preservation, as well as broader racial preservation, does not require irrational hyper-self-absorption, hysterical supremacism, and/or contemptuous attitudes toward different types of Europeans.  For example, On Genetic Interests points the way to a rational, kinship-based, objective evaluation of group interests, and reasonable approaches to achieving preservationist objectives. Yockey’s work points to the proper attitude of a pan-European ideal (especially so if we include Eastern Europeans to join the North-South European Western synthesis).

Odds and Ends, 1/29/22

In der news.

Sir Nordic is displeased with Dalton.

Some years ago I used my 1967 high school yearbook to calculate the proportion of blonds in my graduating class, many of whom I’d know since elementary school. I limited the survey to those of presumably northern European ancestry and found that 48% of the 224 males and 43% of the 266 females were blond.

With scientific analyses like that it’s no mystery why Der Movement has gone from one success to another.

See this.

…higher rates of false positives on one-to-one algorithms for Asian and African American faces than Caucasian faces. Depending on the algorithm, those rates could be “10 to 100 times” higher, the researchers said.

First, don’t use “Caucasian” to describe people of European descent, you anti-White racist scumbags. Why don’t you use Mongoloid and Negroid as well?

Second, the reason for the “false positives” is that the stereotypes are true – Asians all look the same and Blacks all look the same.

“(In late 2020, Hall said call delays in California were partly related to Nigerian cyberattacks.)

Your biometric data are really secure then. has attempted to address concerns by publishing technical reports such as a 25-page white paper defending the technology’s use in promoting “access, equity and inclusion… 

So, it’s all good!

Here’s a thought – how about cracking down on those who commit identity theft (a heavily non-White group) instead of making White citizens jump through the hoops on hours-long verification programs?

Anarcho-tyranny, indeed.

Sallis’ Law is running wild on this Amren thread. Please keep in mind that the topic of the article is someone being banned from YouTube, re: covid comments, and it is now about “racially mixed Sicilians.”

It’s a perfect textbook case of Sallis’ Law.

So, in the mini-series The PacificJohn Basilone is played by strange-looking Puerto Rican Jon Seda. Gee. there must be a shortage of Italian-American actors, eh? Goes to show you – you can win the Medal of Honor and Navy Cross, and die for your country, but you’ll still be racially humiliated by Hollywood. Just another Afrowop, amirite?

Left out of this recreation is the widow telling the parents that their son would be portrayed by a Puerto Rican 65 years later

Gaston from Gab:  

1)>According to types 1: (southern) Italians are highly collectivistic.

>According to reality: Wops’ problems stem from a lack of interest and engagement in collective social goods.

2)>According to types 1: (southern) Italians are Jews’ partners in hollywood.

>According to reality: it is almost easier to find a triple digit IQ negro than an actual ethnic Italian playing an Italian character.

It’s harder to get the facts wronger than der Movement.

Indeed.  I’ve long argued that amoral familism is completely different from collectivism.  I’m not alone in thinking that, and it is not only swarthoids who question the “movement” consensus. As far as Hollywood goes, it seems that they more often pick a non-White to play a wop than they actually choose an actual wop.
See this.

…how the beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed sub-race of Nordics seems to be specifically targeted for replacement. “

My wife’s father was an ashkenazi jew….My wife…is of course genetically 1/2 ashkenazi, and thus our children are, on average, genetically 1/4 ashkenazi.

Rather than having me point put how that all fits with the HBD-Nordicist alliance, I’ll let you ponder it.

Rosie and the Kids!