Category: cognitive elitism

Delenda Est Amren

HBD is the enemy.

Look at this absolutely disgusting Amren article. Bow down to your Jewish and Asian masters, you dumb White goyim!

And the the congenitally dishonest Johnson will get together with self-declared Yellow Supremacist Taylor and lie that Amren’s obsession with Asian (and Jewish) IQ is “just to show that America is not a White supremacist country.”

Sure…that’s why Amren has been obsessing over their claims of Jewish and Asian cognitive superiority NON-STOP for more than a generation – for longer than many Alt Right retards have been alive.

Amren = HBD = subservience of Whites to Jewish/Asian interests.

This is American Renaissance:

And now we have East Asians who at IQ 107, or half a standard deviation above whites, dominate American schools in math and engineering and, back home, are rapidly advancing in the sciences. But, see, it’s because they cheat, copy, and steal But not, of course, because they are smarter. Perish forfend.

Yes, perish forfend that we actually consider the overwhelming evidence that Asians do indeed cheat, copy, and steal. But, alas, with a Asiatrix strap-on shoved so far up your ass that the tip is protruding from your mouth, recognizing facts is I suppose very difficult.

Retard Reed makes the Cofnas argument. He fails to explain why if Jews are over-represented in X,Y,Z because they are so smart, then why don’t they dominate the Right and do so in an explicitly pro-White manner? Why is the tropism of Jewish intelligence toward destruction? Why? Why have complaints about the Jews over time concentrated on ethnocentrism, dual morality hypocrisy, misanthropy, and nation-wrecking? Why are the few Jews involved in the Far Right, directly or indirectly, almost always destructive? Remember Hart’s multiracial “White separatist state” (sic)? I for one will never forget it.

A question answered:

European Immigrant

Why the Asians are being systematically raised to the level of God creators is beyond me. They are highly skilled copycats. The Chinese pioneered in the invention of gunpowder and even that may be a stretch to their credit.

Why? HBD is promoted by:

  • 1. Jews and Asians
  • 2. White “men” married to the above and/or White “men” with masochistic sexual fantasies about dominant Asian females (“measured groveling”).
  • 3. Nordicists who promote HBD because the HBDers exploit Nord vanity and anti-Med animus by talking about how dumb Meds are and the superiority of Nords over Meds – the price for that is accepting Jewish and Asian supremacy and masterhood
  • 4. Academics pushing theories about IQ-GDP

See this.

HBDers were at the forefront in denying China’s culpability, also spreading Chinese propaganda about an “American bioweapon.”

The only question now is whether HBD has been acting as unregistered agents of the Chinese government – if so, perp walks and Supermax time is appropriate – or whether this was a self-motivated groveling to China, perhaps generated by sweaty masochistic fantasies about Chinatrics – if so, HBD should be met with mocking ridicule.

Either way, HBD is, once again, completely discredited.

Delenda est HBD.  Delenda est Amren.

Real Race Realism


Compared to the politicized pseudoscience of HBD, we can consider real race realism, a true, genuine, authentic consideration of racial differences. According to HBD, East Asians, like the Chinese, are high-IQ supermen, and are beyond criticism. According to real race realism, the Chinese (and extension, other East Asians) are inept colored tropical people, whose nation is a festering cesspool of disease, who are an uncreative hive of human photocopiers, copying and stealing the fruits of other people’s intellectual and technical work, and who are responsible for creating one pandemic after another, the latest being covid-19.

A sound understanding of real race realism would have better informed American scientists and scientific administrators. Thus, when a decision needed to be made regarding whether or not to fund gain-of-function virus research in China, the  real race realist reaction would have been:

Definitely not! The Chinese are a corrupt, incompetent, tropical, global south, colored people, with a documented history of barbaric behavior, including politically-motivated voluntary cannibalism, they are a singularly uncreative race who steal and copy the fruits of the White man’s genuine creativity, they are bereft of any authentic higher striving, they mass produce shoddy, low quality, sometimes lead-infested and poisonous, junk that they dump onto other economies, they regularly produce deadly pandemics through their filth and destructive lack of self-awareness, they are untrustworthy, they cheat, they cut corners, they lie, and they would use whatever research they do against our interests. Their incompetence, corruption, and untrustworthiness makes any such research in their hands dangerous to all humanity, the potential for a lab leak (or an intentional release) is very real, and we can’t take the chance. We may not be able to stop them from doing such research on their own, but we certainly should not be enabling it, and we must not fund it. It would be less risky to fund gain-of-function Ebola research in Nigeria than it would be to fund any type of viral research in China. The answer is and must reman a resounding no.

That’s what a real race realism would tell us. In contrast, multiculturalist naivete helped produce covid-19, and “drop your pants and bend over” HBD gives us absolute filth who do the dirty work of the Chinese government to help cover up the real origins of that disease.

HBD would tell us that having the Chinese supermen doing gain-of-function virus research is a good thing – imagine the amazing discoveries The Holy Orientals will make compared to stupid Whites!  Real race realism, on the other hand, would tell you that having the Chinese doing that research would be just as bad, or worse, than having sub-Saharan Africans do it, with potential pandemics an ever-present possibility. Guess which of those two perspectives better reflects reality.

Odds and Ends, 5/8/21

News and issues.

Ineffective wops.

Ineffective frogs.

Edmund Loh

I tried to call France. They’re occupied.

Hey!  Don’t mock the French…according to Amren they are now acceptable. They aren’t Sicilians, after all. They aren’t Hungarians or Romanians either.

Law abiding cognitive elitism.

The Oriental Supermen!

A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents’ homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years. The aim of this study was to review the evidence for hikikomori as a new psychiatric disorder. Electronic and manual literatures searches were used to gather information on social withdrawal and hikikomori, including studies examining case definitions, epidemiology, and diagnosis. A number of recent empiric studies have emerged from Japan. The majority of such cases of hikikomori are classifiable as a variety of existing DSM-IV-TR (or ICD-10) psychiatric disorders. However, a notable subset of cases with substantial psychopathology do not meet criteria for any existing psychiatric disorder. We suggest hikikomori may be considered a culture-bound syndrome and merits further international research into whether it meets accepted criteria as a new psychiatric disorder. Research diagnostic criteria for the condition are proposed.

Consider this. There are elements of Der Movement that positively stress the G component of LGBT – what about that?  Are we allowed to investigate, evaluate, and critique that?  On the one hand, LGBT is considered to be “Jewish,” but then others from the same website claim that opposition to homosexuality – and the concomitant “invention” of heterosexuality (sic) – is also “Jewish.” Which is it?

Additionally, as an interesting sidenote, Howard also finds in Jewish traditions the argument that “an erotic relationship. . . is what connects yeshiva students to one another and to their rabbi.”

Does a similar “erotic relationship” exist between male Alt Righters, at least those associated with certain factions of Der Movement?  Does Pilleater have any comments about this?

See this.  Do really need one cogelite to comment about the catastrophes of other cogelites? Even that cogelite admits that the Chinese are being “careless” and that the USA and Russia now do things better than the high-IQ Chinese supermen.

ALL EVIDENCE from actual reality clearly demonstrates that the Chinese are raving incompetents, who first gave us the covid nightmare and now bless us with space debris bombardment.

But, hey, the most important thing is whether that Chinatrix strap-on is a snug fit for a White male (not “man”) HBDer rectum. Measured groveling!

And never forget what the “race realists” say:

I think Asians are objectively superior to Whites by just about any measure that you can come up with in terms of what are the ingredients for a successful society.

Well, Asians are certainly “objectively superior” with respect to causing pandemics and to having out-of-control rocket boosters plummeting to Earth, which is yet another inter-species attack of Chinese vs .humans.

Movement and Covid News, 4/24/21


This is HBD; this is Amren:


Jews will replace you.

Well, then – you can’t make it any plainer that that, eh?

Some more questions:

Are you still a race-mixer?

What exactly is your ethnicity?

It’s not the flu, bro.

Please read this.

See this.

The mRNA vaccine likely adopts a protein conformation that presents cross-reactive epitopes. This could be useful against emerging virus variants and suggests the antibodies produced could still be effective against them….

…The less robust and variable antibody response to natural infection suggests immunity acquired by natural infection may not be as strong as that from vaccination. “We should not assume that previously infected individuals are immune or that they cannot transmit the virus,” write the authors.

Thus, vaccination induces a more robust antibody response, and even people who have been previously infected may benefit from the vaccine. 

What the article should have said was: The protein product of the mRNA vaccine likely adopts a conformation that…

mRNA itself, not a being protein, cannot adopt “a protein conformation.” The article was written by: Lakshmi Supriya, PhDCognitive elitism in action!

Back to the main point: The mRNA vaccines hold out hope of ending this pandemic, but because of idiots like Torba and the other anti-vaxxers, this nightmare will go on and on.  After all, they don’t want to get a “boo boo” on their delicate shoulders from the dastardly jab. Jew doctors are trying to sodomize them with a covid needle!  It’s a page out of the Protocols of Zion!

Questions for people like Torba:

If you oppose vaccination, lockdowns, and masks, then what should be done about covid-19?

Why do you make your stand for “freedom” with respect to opposition to public health measures during a pandemic, instead of, say, opposition to forced racial integration?

Please note – I am not giving medical advice on my blogs; I do not tell people what to do, the readers can do as they wish. I simply say what I did, what my opinions are, etc.

Poles on the march.

Laugh at this.  It’s good to see that Counter-Currents has revealed itself, hopefully even to the most obtuse, as a money-making exercise.  Much of the content is now behind a paywall, and it seems like every livestream event is a fundraiser. My predictions of a MR-style collapse are coming true, but who knows how the rank-and-file will react?  A sane reaction would be to just abandon Johnson and the site, but what with the affirmative action program and the lack of an alternative “intellectual” Quota Queen to soak up the disenchanted, there’s still a good chance that the peanut gallery will give in to the extortion and cough up the shekels.  Stay tuned.

But from a purely objective standpoint of site quality and seriousness, and the idea of the site being a disinterested proponent of pro-White ideals, Counter-Currents is finished. Whether it has a future as a generator of income for Johnson and his sycophants is another question that, as stated above, depends upon all of you out there.