Category: Stoddard

Hall of Shame 2020

And other news.

So Schilling gets passed over again because of his rightist political views, while an over-rated mulatto with the fielding range of a barnacle and a White guy lucky enough to play in Colorado get elected. Most amusing are those SJW sportswriters who assert that they wouldn’t vote for Schilling because of his “hate” but would vote for bobble-head hominid Barry Bonds.   Black Privilege and all.

More evidence that Sallis is always, ALWAYS right – yet another example of the ethnonationalist-Nordicist-HBD alliance.  One of Counter-Currents’ Andrew Fraser wanna-bes writes:

Everything that Stoddard wrote has stood the test of time. 

If by “everything” you actually mean “virtually nothing” about “racial science” then you’re absolutely correct.

His division of European races into what he called Nordics in northern Europe and Mediterraneans in Southern Europe are reaffirmed by recent DNA studies.

Sure! There’s plenty of DNA studies talking about that; I must have just missed them all. There is a PCA-based clustering between Northern and Southern Europe in the DNA sense, but no one is talking about a disjunctive Nordic/Mediterranean split in the scientific literature – the word “Nordic” in particular is not used.. And it is not just nomenclature; while clustering is possible, genetic differences are for the most part clinal, not disjunctive.  Further, looking at the rest of that Counter-Currents essay, no one is calling Balkanoids “Alpinid” – where is “Alpinid” in the “recent DNA studies” I wonder?- as most of those Balkanoids are more in the Southern European cluster (the Polish and Russian “Alpinids” in contrast are in the Northern European cluster). By the way, are Stoddard’s views on Ancient Rome supported by “recent DNA studies” – you know the ones that cluster Roman Ice Age and Republic samples among current Southern European populations?  Oh, I forgot, Der Movement is making believe that study doesn’t exist.

The real reason this guy is getting all hot and bothered over Stoddard:

Stoddard was from a prominent New England family. His immigrant ancestor was Anthony Stoddard, father of the Puritan minister Solomon Stoddard. He was also related to Sir George Downing, for whom Downing Street in London is named, and Jonathan Edwards, the minister who preached the famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Theodore’s father was John Lawson Stoddard, who wrote and lectured on his travels and also wrote hymns and poetry. His mother, Mary Brown, was born in Maine. Stoddard men frequently married women with esteemed families as well – many were physicians. Theodore’s direct ancestors were New England thinking men, not soldiers or pioneers. A look at his family tree also shows a pattern of his male ancestors marrying older than the norm.

His ancestry is of great benefit to all humanity!  Just like John Lindsay.

Were it not for Stoddard, we may not have known there was ever a problem in the first place.

Sure!  Without Stoddard we would never have noticed all those non-White faces in Los Angeles, New York, London, and Paris!  What a hysterical idiot – or we can just say “a current Counter-Currents writer.”

The diseased cogelites are at it again.  Ever notice that the high, high-IQ Land of the Gods is an over-crowded, diseased, polluted, chaotic dystopia whose major contributions to human progress include copying the ideas of others and spreading viral pandemics? 

Ah, the wages of HBD:

Jett Ruckersays:

January 21, 2020 at 8:33 am

My SO is an intelligent, fair-minded, loving Jewish woman (I’m a Gentile male). She admits respect for my Holocaust revisionism, but never expresses agreement with it outside us (I don’t often express it face-to-face, but I do write and publish it, under a pseudonym). But she often comes to my defense because of her hatred of the accusatory, violently condemnatory tactics typically employed by advocates of the regnant Holocaust narrative. She vigorously defends freedom of expression, even if she doesn’t always exercise it herself.

So, God bless her, she often appears to be siding with me, and she’s not shy about being seen that way.

That’s at TOO of all places.  Hey, no problem!  Maybe he can write for Unz!

Hey, would your “devout Christian” father approve of you using Eastern Europe as your private brothel, you ethnoimperialist hypocrite?

The Master of Disaster.  He’s of great benefit to all humanity, no doubt – at least, non-White humanity.

In an announcement made by the university in June 2017, Dutton was found to have conducted scientific misconduct due to plagiarism.

In the grand tradition of Andrew Hamilton!

The article discussed IQ tests done on Finnish conscripts, and a table of the IQ test results had been compiled by a student for a master’s thesis which was not attributed. 

Is Rushton the only one who is a fraud and a thug?

Dutton stated in his response that the master’s thesis was attributed in his original version but Lynn had removed it. 

So, Lynn is the fraud and thug?  Another example of Sallis being always right, eh?

Lynn took responsibility for the incident…

Responsibility, but not accountability.

…however, the university did not investigate Lynn’s part because he has never been associated with the institution.

How about we investigate?

Are the juvenile costumes Dutton uses in his hysterically neurotic podcasts also plagiarized?  If the Alt Right is Beavis-and-Butthead White nationalism, then Duttonism is Beavis-and-Butthead HBD.

A British citizen, he is married to a Finnish woman, with whom he has two children.

Another ethnoimperialist. Isn’t it funny how the alliance also reflects similar personal behaviors?  

Are the genetic interests of Finns served by this infusion of British DNA?

Sign and Move On

More negativism.

Race and ethnicity as cancer factors.

Some of it may be genetic – hence the Asiatic link between Asians, Amerindians, and Hispanics having relatively low cancer risk factors in America despite differences in culture, lifestyle, and socioeconomic factors.  However, building upon the arguments here, I believe that the anti-White System contributes to Whites being second behind Blacks.  Given the horrific lifestyles, diets, and incredible female obesity among Blacks, it is no surprise they are first, despite being coddled, and catered to, by the Establishment.  But the high White cancer risk fits in well with the whole spectrum of declining White lifespans, the opioid crisis, and other factors reflecting the degeneration of the White position in America.

And the “God Emperor” contributes to this.  Thus: Donald Trump – anti-White, pro-immigration, far left, subhuman animal.

In a tweet, Trump said those who hold the temporary H1-B visas can “rest assured” because changes were coming that will bring “both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship.”

More, more, more Asian cognitive elitists to displace native born White Americans!  Forget about dem dere IT jobs now, Whitey!  Just train your brownster replacement, and humbly prostate yourself before the Altar of Asia!

Hey!  I think we have a shortage of real estate moguls and reality TV personalities.  Let’s bring a bunch in via H1-B visas and give them citizenship.  Why not?

Consider this from Trump’s TV address:

America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation.  But all Americans are hurt by uncontrolled, illegal migration.  It strains public resources and drives down jobs and wages.  Among those hardest hit are African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Thus – illegal aliens who displace African Americans and Hispanic Americans are bad, bad, bad, and we need to stop that.  Legal immigrants from Asia who displace European Americans are good, good, good, and we need more of them.

Is Donald J. Trump the absolute worst person on Earth?

It’s The Woman on Green Pepe Syndrome!

Yahoo commentator:

Chinese are already “easing” into Russia’s depopulated Russian Far East. A treasure house of resources China desperately needs and the Russian’s suicidal demographics is leaving the region wide open. And yet Putin obsesses over the west, which is the least of Russia’s worries and possibly its only salvation.

Is Putin an HBDer?  Or is Derbyshire his advisor?

It is fascinating, but not surprising, that an anti-WN Jew uses the same talking points as the Nordicists. Divide and conquer.

Newsflash to Middle Easterner Podhoretz – it is 2019 and not 1919, and most Americans (unfortunately) even consider Jews to be “White” (although they may have hesitation about the Jews’ minority status and Middle Eastern antecedents).  Given that, does anyone other than “movement” Nutzis consider actual European groups like Italians, Russians, and Central Europeans (Central Europeans!) to be “non-White?”  

Do Americans believe that Antonin Scalia, Natalie Wood, Wayne Gretzky, and Larry Csonka were/are non-White?  Is Podhoretz mad?

And if Russians are “non-White,” then what does Pushkin’s African ancestry matter?  Wouldn’t he be “non-White” even he had been a pure Slav?  This hallux-headed Jew really is stupid and inconsistent, isn’t he?

If you are going to go down that road, then there was a time that the Irish were hated, and Germans as well.  Those are groups that Podjewretz would comfortably put in the “White” category.  So, what’s the point?  Obviously the point is playing the divide and conquer game, a game for which Jews and other anti-White leftists find willing useful idiots in Der Movement.

And, whatever one may think about Berbers, even Stoddard considered them a “White stock” and thought that French-Berber intermarriage in North Africa would cement that area as part of the “White world.”  We do not necessarily have to agree with those sentiments to understand that Berbers are a NEC group much more “White” than “Black” and St. Augustine would likely be considered to be phenotypically “White” if alive today.  Further, there is no strong evidence that Alexander Hamilton had any other ancestry than British and French.  And even if he had trace amounts of non-White ancestry, so what?  Does it mean anything?

Ethnonationalism is Atomized Individualism at the Racial-Civilizational Level

Some thoughts.

Listening to this podcast (transcript here) I find that I agree with 95% of what Greg Johnson said.  As per the other 5%, some points are as follows.

There’s a widespread misconception that White Nationalism means just the idea that if you’re white, you belong in the same state. And I think that that’s a ridiculous idea, a parody actually, of what most White Nationalists believe.

That’s a parody of the pan-European perspective, but very few people actually promote this view.  It’s as much as a strawman argument as saying that ethnonationalists all want to restart WWII.

The great conflicts of the twentieth century were largely between different white nations. And, largely, those conflicts came about because these groups were not respecting the autonomy of other white groups

And who wasn’t respecting that autonomy?  Extreme ethnonationalists, each looking out for their perception of what was best for their nation, at the expense of the race as a whole. That explanation is nothing new, Stoddard in The Rising Tide of Color said as much about WWI, as he was correct about that.

There’s also of course the Chinese question and South Asia, Africa, and so forth. These are distinct groups of people, distinct geopolitical blocs, and it would be nice if we can have white nations coordinating their plans regarding them in order to survive, rather than what we have today, which is our leadership basically conspiring to replace our population with non-whites from around the world.

There are some positive points in that paragraph.  Yes, the Chinese and South Asians should indeed be grouped with Africans as distinct geopolitical blocs that pose a question for Whites – a question of our very survival.  And, yes, coordination among Whites is good, but “coordination” per se does not go far enough when faced with this Clash of Civilizations.

How to balance coordination with sovereignty?  If a sovereign Ireland decides they want to import one million Negroes for cheap labor, would they have that right?  If England wanted to make an alliance with China against Germany, should we respect English sovereignty?  If so, racial coordination is impossible and White nationalism is a joke.  If not, then there are clear limits to sovereignty, and coordination leads to a certain amount of integration – an integration that still respects national boundaries and ethnocultural preservation.

…is that they’re trying to swindle the native European peoples of all the European lands and also European colonial peoples like Americans, Canadians, and others of having a future, of having homelands where they can be confident that they will control the government, control their destiny, and have a country that they feel is like home…

Yes, and the Silk Road Asian imperialists are chief among these swindlers.

Our individualism, our kind of “devil take the hindmost” attitude, and our unwillingness to confront the fact that this game is rigged against us—and that the long-term trends are quite dire, and that we simply will cease to exist as distinct nations and as a biological race in a couple hundred years if we don’t stop this—so we’re individualistic, we’re guilty, we try and make our own peace with the system, we’re afraid of joining together and actually trying to change it….

Isn’t ethnonationalism analogous to the type of atomized individualism that is decried by WNs?  In other words, as atomized individualism is to ethnic and racial nationalism, so is (narrow) ethnonationalism to pan-Europeanism. Ethnonationalism is atomized individualism at the racial-civilizational level.  At the national level, we observe selfish atomized individuals who ignore the collective good of the national ethny; at the racial-civilizational level we observe selfish atomized national ethnies and ethnonationalists who ignore the collective good of the overall Race-Culture.

One point brought up in the podcast is that Whites tend to project their own mentality to other peoples.  

And underlying that, though, is the same grandiose notion that really we’re the only people who matter, for good or evil, in the world, and other people are somewhat negligible as agents, and that assumption is very deep and a sort of bedrock assumption in a lot of Leftists.

And really, I stopped the projection and decided I need to try and understand the world as these people see it, and I came at a certain point to realize that a lot of peoples, in fact the majority of peoples on Earth, do not have a sort of transparent and trusting relationship to other groups. In fact, they have suspicious, hostile, and manipulative relationships to other groups, and that what’s going on in white countries is we’re inviting in people on the assumption that they’re going to be just like us; that we’re going to be generous to them and open to them, and they’re going to be open and generous to us.

Quite right, but WNs don’t realize that they do the same thing.  Many WNs believe in “universal nationalism” applicable to all peoples, and they assume that nationalists of other races believe the same, and would allow Europeans to exist in their own homogeneous ethnostates.

This is not the case.  Jewish nationalists are often Jewish supremacists. Asian nationalists are often Asian imperialists, who believe they have a God-given right to colonize White lands. There are also people involved in the “movement” who grovel to Jewish supremacism and Asian imperialism; if “White racialists” are willing to do so, imagine how supine “normies” would be to aggressive Jews/Asians.  These non-European peoples will always be a threat to our race, for as long as we and they both exist, and we’ll need an integrated defense against them for our survival, in addition to the known threats from the general “Global South.”  This goes beyond mere “coordination.”

And in fact their attitude is that we are incredibly weak and naive, and they will dissimulate belief in our ideas when they want something from us, but when we want something from them, they’ll say, “Oh yes, yes,” but what they’ll end up doing is practice very ruthless ethnic nepotism.

That describes Asians in a nutshell – both the Silk Roaders and well as “cognitive elitists” who preach atomized individualism for Whites while practicing “very ruthless ethnic nepotism” for themselves.

Roissy vs. White Nationalism

Stupid gamester.

Surprise, surprise, HBD Gamester comes out against White nationalism, essentially repeating all of Steve Sailer’s dumb arguments, which were refuted (mostly by me) back on Majority Rights:

In practice, though, avowed White Nationalism is a non-starter. Whites aren’t a monolith. Italy looks and operates differently than England which looks and operates differently than Ukraine. There are four primary continental scale races — White, asian, amerind, black — and a nationalism ideology that attempted to place those races under an all-encompassing umbrella term would be viciously mocked and rebuked by popular revolt. There can be no Black Nationalism or Asian Nationalism or Amerind Nationalism. Try telling a Mexican he’s indistinguishable from an El Salvadoran.

Likewise, a White Nationalism movement will fail.

But, a White nationalist “movement” exists, and even the likes of Lothrop Stoddard talked about the “comity” among Whites in general, and the need for a broad White solidarity world-wide. No one has ever said that WN means that all Whites are alike, or should submerge their very real differences under some sort of panmixia, racial, cultural, political, or otherwise. But the similarities outweigh the differences, and in a globalized world where Whites as a race-culture are under mass attack, and where a clash of civilizations is very real (and being actualized in the streets of Western Europe), it makes perfect sense for a nationalist ideology, that has – as one but not the sole component – broad race-culture as the highest point of identification, to come into being.

Then again, it is not surprising that a weasel-faced piece of trash like Roissy – who has promoted miscegenation and has engaged in it himself with Negresses – is against WN. Further, given his lick spittle admiration for Trump, what does that tell you about the aracial civic nationalism of Der Touchback?
Roissy is just another Derbyshire, albeit one that engages in oil-drilling rather than mustard-dipping.