Category: New Man

Aspirational Race

Being the best race we can be.  

See this.

White nationalism is the same. The adjective here is White. Of course, people can define “White” in different manners – I myself see “White” as equivalent to “European” and thus “White nationalism” to me means “pan-European nationalism.” But we need not quibble about those definitions here; instead, the main point of this essay is that White nationalism is, like Black nationalism, a form of (aspirational) racial nationalism, in which the nation is defined in explicitly racial, not ethnic, terms, and the long term aspirational objective would be building a nation state based on race.

In a Western Destiny blog category of gene-culture interactions, I have dealt with these issues, summarized in the Yockeyian Genetics post. A key part of that post, emphasis added:

1. A pan-European state (Imperium) would be set up that would have the effect of an enhancement of net EGI, by advancing the interests of the group of peoples and thus the interest of each constituting group.

2. In order to safeguard the uniqueness of the constituent groups, movement and mixture between these groups would be restricted, preventing any panmxia and loss of biological and cultural ethnic distinctiveness. Of course, there would be some (limited) movement and gene flow, consistent with what has occurred throughout European history.

3. At the same time, movement and mixture from without the Imperium, from biologically and culturally alien non-European peoples, would be strictly forbidden and absolutely restricted.

4. Thus, what would obtain over historical, evolutionary time is a complete absence of gene flow from the outside, coupled with continuous, low level, internal gene flow. Genetic drift, selection, and other such processes would take place, with the within vs. without distinction further pushing Europeans and non-Europeans farther apart.

5. These processes would have the effect, over time, of increasing the genetic distance of groups within vs. without the Imperium (European vs. non-European), while genetic distances within the Imperium would be maintained and/or slowly decreased (to an extent) over time.

6. Kinship overlap within/without would be eliminated due to these processes (particularly the strict isolation from outside gene flow).  Thus, in every possible case, any European ethnies chosen for comparison would be genetically closer (measured with genetic kinship/gene sharing, Fst, or whatever) than would be any European ethny compared to a non-European one. In PCA, European groups would be more separated from non-Europeans, and the European groups may be expected to slowly concentrate around a narrower core grouping along the major axes of genetic variation – Europeans less spread out among themselves, but more isolated from others.

7. These processes would take place naturally over long time frames, with ethnic distinctiveness being maintained, preserving local EGI while enhancing group EGI, leading to not only an increase in net EGI but gross EGI as well, a more optimal profile of genetic interests with costs minimized.

So we can focus on aspirational race not only from a “political” White nationalism standpoint (Our Race is Our Nation) forming a White national state in the same sense that, e.g., Basque nationalists aspire to their own state, but also from the biological, genetic standpoint, the Race-Culture standpoint, in which an integrated Race-Culture, geographically isolated via the White nationalist state

Another form of aspirational race involves eugenics, improving the stock biologically above and beyond enhanced racial purity and genetic kinship distinctiveness, to improve traits and march toward the Overman (while maintaining our ethnic genetic interests).

Yet another type of aspirational race is the improvement of the race in the moral sense, akin to The New Man of the Legionary Movement.

Finally, we can try to adjust the trajectory of the Spenglerian cycle and aspire to a new High Culture to provide a superior long term future for our people.

Thus, aspirational race can be viewed as constituting five components:

1. We aspire to the Our Race is Our Nation paradigm, the true White nationalist nation-state, a racial, pan-European peoplehood (that still preserves ethnic distinctiveness).

2. The major focus of this post is aspiring to a more biologically cohesive ingroup characterized by greater internal genetic kinship and more distinctiveness toward The Other, as outlines in the Yockeyian Genetics post.

3. We can aspire to eugenic improvement – the biological Overman.

4. We can aspire to moral improvement – the New Man.

5. We can aspire to a new High Culture befitting our people and befitting the Overman, the New Man, of the future.

Legionary Ronnett

Romanian activism.

See this.  Some excerpts and my comments.

A doctrine which seeks to modify an individual’s spiritual structure in order to make him a better, more intelligent and more honest person, a doctrine whose foundations are morality and love can certainly not be terrorist, racist or oligarchic. 

Why not “racist?”  Why must even the Far Right fear the pursuit of racial interests?

It addresses itself to every individual, regardless of race, social or professional position, regardless of culture, religion or philosophical opinion.


What is important in the realization of this “New Man” is the transformation of an ordinary person into an individual of quality. This new person can surpass himself by renouncing every tendency toward hate, materialism and the taste for power.

See this about The New Man.

In For My Legionaries, reviewed here, Codreanu, in explaining the importance of men over programs, accused the Jews and the corrupt Romanian political system as having “deformed, disfigured our Daco-Romanic racial structure” thus “creating this human refuse, this moral failure” – politicians who betray their people and who reject all that is noble in life.  Note Codreanu’s use of “our…racial structure.”

One young Italian writer had the courage to go beyond the prejudices imposed by the enemies of the Legion of the Archangel Michael (The Legionary Movement) and to go to the legitimate sources of Legionary Doctrine. This is what he says about the Legionary Movement:

Above all, one thing should be very clear to everyone: The Legion of the Archangel Michael is not a party as we understand it, nor a pressure group, nor a para-religious organization, nor in any way denominational. It is an absolutely original movement whose primary goal and purpose are: a spiritual and moral renewal, and the creation of a new individual — an individual who will stand in contrast to the democratic homo œconomicus, who is essentially pragmatic and egotistical.

Well said.

If, up until now, the Legionary Movement has been presented in a derogatory light, it is because the foundations of its doctrine, as well as its educational precepts, ran counter to all the political conceptions based on materialism and immorality. 

Yes, “materialism and immorality” describe today’s Der Movement, with its obsession on grifting panhandling and its sexual perversions and poor character of “leaders” and adherents.

That may seem unlikely, given that the doctrine in question arose from a small country, from the bosom of a people without expansionist tendencies or pretensions. In the Legionary substance there is, nonetheless, a spiritually based messianism which addresses every honest man who is conscious of his human value and who wishes to change the course of history. Change is brought about through the use of moral norms in peoples’ behavior and in nations’ lives; these norms replace the egoism which is presently dominant. Such modification is surely difficult, but certainly not impossible. This explains the doggedness with which the Legionary doctrine and its members are still attacked today, 40 years after the Communist takeover of Romania and the outlawing of the Legionary Movement. It is because the Legionary spirit persists, invisible but tenacious, anchored in the depths of the Romanian soul as the only salvation for the nation, and perhaps for the world, which sees and feels itself carried toward the abyss.

Contrast that to the Nutzi idiocies of American WN 1.0.,the juvenile jackassery of WN 2.0, and the degenerate sexual perversion and multiracialism of WN 3.0.

In the face of the ferociously materialistic, morally bankrupt tendencies which dominated the national scene, it was felt that nothing but the authority of the Commandments, a return to religious sources and the force of sacrifice could stop the slide toward total ruin.

For that reason, since the beginning, the Legionary Movement was set on original foundations:

    — it has a hierarchical character;

    — it values personal responsibility;

    — it calls for national affection;

    — it rests on Christian spirituality;

    — and it raises the notion of sacrifice to the highest dignity.

I do not like the “Christian spirituality” part, but all else is sound.

Under these conditions, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu did not address the crowds in order to organize them and tum them into an opposition party. He was not interested in electoral change, but in the internal change of the individual. He sought to modify a mentality. He wanted above all to create a school which would prepare people for the future — people who would be honest, hardworking, moral, intelligent and willing to make sacrifices for the common good.


Nowhere in the Legionary norms and precepts can any incitement to social, racial or religious hate be found. 

In reality, that claim is absurd. Look at actual Legionary activity.

The basis of the Legionary Movement and education is love. Love in the purest sense of the word: that of respect for one’s fellow man, whatever he may be; that of respect for work, even the most humble; that of respect for each person’s opinion, no matter how absurd or contradictory it may be.

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin; you should hate what threatens that which you love.

Germans, Hungarians, Turks, and Tartars entered the Legion’s ranks because the Legionary ideal was not posed in racial or religious terms. 

That was a mistake. The group should have been limited to ethnic Romanians, or at least to ethnic Europeans.

The beginnings of the Movement were extremely difficult There were numerous reasons for that difficulty, and many of them were justified:

    — The Legion of the Archangel Michael represented a new set of principles which were totally opposed to those that were then practiced.

    — At the outset, the group was made up of inexperienced young people who promised absolutely nothing concrete and immediate.

    — There was a natural distrust of a new organization, a new “party,” which was assumed to be similar to all the others. (At that time there were around thirty different parties in Romania.)

    — There was a general skepticism about anything which might announce a possible change.

    — The Press immediately lumped the Legionary Movement into the ranks of the Fascists and later the National Socialists.

    — Government authorities were hostile toward a voluntary movement which proved to be resistant to every attempt at maneuvering.

    — There was a reticence of the masses before an uncustomary political power.

    —The organization being formed was in a state of total poverty.

It literally started from absolute zero. It was not supported by any monetary power: bank, capitalist group, etc.

Consider all of those issues and yet the relative successes obtained; thus, the Legionary movement deserves careful study (as well for the reason that I believe that its emphasis on The New Man was essentially correct).

It is for these reasons that Codreanu based his Movement on the value of its unusual principles:

1. The Militant Organization:

He placed it under the insignia of personality, capacity for sacrifice and will.

The basic unit of the Legion of the Archangel Michael is not an assembly of members who have a political center, but a small group of individuals recruited one by one by the person who is going to become their leader. This unit, called a “Nest,” is an independent unit, but it is hierarchically attached to a higher unit, and so on up to the top of the pyramid to the Leader of the Legion. 

An important point, and one that current activists need to consider.  However, I have written extensively about the problems of the National Alliance (and similar groups) and the issue over-centralization and noted that one complication of granting local independence is that the Leader will be held responsible, including legally responsible, for the actions of locally independent units, even if the Leader practically had little to nothing to do with those actions.  That’s not to oppose local independence, but it is a consideration that needs to be dealt with.

2. The Political Organization:

This organization does not depend on committees and subcommittees which seek the satisfaction of particular interests. It is a hierarchical system ending with the Legionary Senate and Chief of the Legion, who are dedicated entirely to the nation, its wellbeing and its harmonious development.

Fair enough.

3. The Spiritual Organization:

This constitutes the most important part of the Legionary purpose. The goal is to provoke a radical transformation in the mental structure and the morals of the nation through continuous work on the individual. Therefore, the Legionnaire continually seeks to educate according to moral and ethical norms, by rules of comportment, and by voluntary submission to a spiritual discipline. In the long run, this spiritual discipline will give rise to other impulses, other attitudes, other convictions about the meaning of life in society and about man as the central element of society. 

And so we see how the Legionary movement differed from other Far Right groups, a topic I have touched upon in other writings (such as those linked to above).

4. The Financial Organization:

The establishment of the resources which are indispensable to the activity of the Movement was definitely removed from the usual system of financing owed to particular interest groups, to social monopolies or to even more obscure organizations. It was decided that in order to arrive at a fundamental modification of the reigning mentality, the Legionary Movement would set the example of independence. It would support itself by means of its own resources. The self-sufficiency of a movement which desires to be respected signifies its independence of all other groups and gives it the opportunity to face its fight without fearing anyone. From this painful beginning up to the present, the Legionary Movement has fed its efforts by the dues and donations of its members and sympathizers.

OK, but unlike the shameless panhandlers of today’s Der Movement, the Legionary movement actually accomplished things and provided real value to “of its members and sympathizers”

The following is a chronological history of the Movement:

[omitted to save space, let’s move on to 1941]

The Coup D’Etat of January 21, 1941

I summarize the relevant information on this period here.

The Legionary Movement is among those nationalistic movements that have been shamelessly abused and upon which the most unlikely accusations have been heaped even today. It is even surprising that it is possible to be so persistent and repeat the same lies about problems which are either totally invented or out-of-date for 30 or 40 years without saying one word about what is really the essence of the Legionary Movement! These are unworthy methods which play the game of the political speculators who hope to eliminate from their way the forces which are conscious of the danger they constitute for the future of the world.

Essentially every Far Right movement experiences the same. One of the primary aspects of my work is to determine why is it that the (Far) Right always loses.

The process of explaining the Legionary phenomenon was begun a long time ago in European countries. Important works on the question have appeared in French, Spanish, Portugese, German and Italian. 


Only the Anglo-Saxon world remained closed to these awarenesses. 


We hope that other works will follow to complete this indispensable information.

I hope so as well.

Legionary Lessons, Part II

Part II, the New Man.

See this. 

I have long understood that the Legionaries hit upon a core fundamental idea that escapes today’s activists – that there is something more important than ideologies, political programs, memes, and dogma. This fundamental idea is improving the human material upon which you will build your movement. Renewal of self, renewal of the moral capital of the individual, creation of The New Man, all of this is essential to ultimate victory. Trying to establish a movement on a foundation of human detritus will quickly lead to complete collapse, as we see today.

The idea of targeting the idea of human quality is for me perhaps the most important issue missing from current White racial activism. If there is one single difference between the Legionary Movement and Der Movement it would be the emphasis on The New Man in the former and the complete lack of an interest in the quality of human material in the latter.  Obviously, I favor the view of the Legionaries.

I have read the following interesting article:

Valentin Sandulescu – “Fascism and its Quest for the ‘New Man:’ The Case of the Romanian Legionary Movement,” Studia Hebraica, No. 4, (2004), pp. 349 – 361. [Quotes from that article are in italics.]

Not control over the means of production was important, but the ‘new man’ about whom all fascists talked. He was man made whole once more, aware of his archetype and of those with whom he shared it, and activist in that he was not afraid to join in a revolution which would make society correspond to the longings of his soul.

First you reform the people, starting with the activists, then you use that human material to build a new society.  Today’s “movement” believes it can build a new society with human trash, and then “fix things” later on.  Delusion.

What else can I add to that?

I have suggested for today’s “movement” a period of strategic withdrawal, a retrenchment, a rebuilding phase, a period of renewal – for racial activists to straighten out their acts, build real infrastructures, and become worthy, before putting themselves forth loudly and publicly. This can be done right now, with limited resources. It is an internal, not external, project. It can be done “under the radar.” Certainly, some subset of activists can get involved in electoral politics – at this time NOT directly associated with the “movement” – and, certainly, behind-the-scenes community building can take place. But this is NOT the time for rallies, confrontations, and feckless “leaders” (grifters) making bombastic public proclamations.

So, here is an important point. If the “leadership” of a “movement” is of extremely low quality, and rise via an ethnic affirmative action, then what can one expect from the rank-and-file?

Hence, it is not sufficient to try to push through your political program, promote your ideology, with the degenerate filth passing themselves off as “activists.” You need the highest quality people to actualize your ideology into reality.  That is why the attitude of “you work with who is available” is so wrong-headed, so destructive, and why it has led to constant failure.

I believe the basic “nest” structure – essentially a cell structure – is sound. It is of a manageable size, breeds camaraderie, and, in theory, if compromised, the damage would not contaminate the organization as a whole.  I say in theory, because the System’s legal structures would attempt to hold the whole responsible for the actions of an isolated part. Here we see the need – the absolute requirement – for not only the highest quality of activists with iron discipline, and not only proper vetting to try to prevent infiltration (“are you Swedish” or “are you a film critic” does not constitute proper vetting, by the way), you also need a proper legal defense infrastructure and “friends” in the political apparatus.  All of which the “movement” doesn’t have, after decades of “activism” and after squandering millions of dollars of followers’ money.

That is all straightforward. I have been pushing these ideas for years. It has all been ignored.  Even worse – when people in Der Movement talk about “rejecting defectives” it is all lies.  Not only do these people continuously embrace defectives, but they themselves are often highly defective.

The image of the Legion as a spiritual school designing a “new man” was appealing for many young people, especially students. They joined the Legion with the genuine belief that they could be part of something historic.

Meanwhile, “activists” today are for the most part hobbyists, with grifting “leaders” constantly panhandling for donations.

Character and moral rebirth – these are the essential ingredients sorely lacking in today’s “movement.”  Without them, victory is impossible. Without them, defeat is assured.  With them, victory is possible.

The “new man” remained an ideal only partially fulfilled, and the Legion ended in violence without putting its regenerative project into practice. Nevertheless, its impact on Romanian interwar political life was a salient one.

And it is even more salient today. If there is ONE single thing I would advise White racial activists to do today, it would be to emphasize, to focus on, character and moral rebirth, to focus on The New Man.  With that, anything is possible.  Without that, nothing is possible. Although ideology, science, intelligence, strategy, et al. are all crucially important, they take a back seat to character and moral integrity.  You cannot build a worldwide revolutionary movement on a foundation of quicksand; you cannot build a victorious movement on a foundation of freaks, grifters, phonies, frauds, the morally defective, perverts, liars, gaslighters, deranged fetishists, tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorists, individuals with all sorts of completely superfluous hang-ups and bizarre theories, weaklings, traitors, and all the rest. We have to remake ourselves before we try and remake the world.

I would like to point out one quote from Codreanu’s For My Legionaries that is of relevance, concerning how Codreanu chose “larger unit” leadership:

I nominated no leader for village, district or county. I told them: “Conquer and organize! And, as much as you can organize, you will be chief over.” I just confirmed them leaders in the positions to which their power, qualities and aptitudes elevated them.

Quite right. The New Man conquers and organizes and proves his worth through effective action. Although I wonder. Given the poor quality of human material in Der Movement in America today, I wonder how many individuals who proves themselves effective leaders as per Codreanu’s approach would be authentic activists and how many would be highly trained infiltrators and informants?  Proper operational security is more important now than ever.


Corneliu, make out of our country a country as beautiful as the sun, powerful and obedient to God.– Ion Mota

The essential thing is the spirit of sacrifice.

We all of us have the most formidable dynamite, the most advanced weapon of war, more powerful than tanks and machine guns: it is our own ashes! Every power in the world is destined to collapse, whilst it remains with the ashes of brave fighters, fallen for Justice and for God.   – Ion Mota

Odds and Ends, 2/25/23

In der news.

My favorite form of historical fascism is the Legionary Movement. The following will explain why. It is certainly not due to their religious beliefs, their strong emphasis on Christianity, which I oppose, nor is it due to some of their (alleged) strange rituals, which, frankly, fits into the stereotype of Far Right freakishness. I see those things as secondary details, due to that movement’s derivation from the inter-war Romanian social and cultural milieu. Instead, I focus on the main, primary, fundamental aspect of the Legionary Movement – Codreanu and his followers realized, with crystal clarity, that in order to actualize meaningful and long-lasting positive change in a nation you absolutely must improve the character of that nation’s people. Further, to achieve the aforementioned objectives, your movement must be composed of an elite cadre itself of the highest character. To have a New Nation, you need New Men. The palingenetic thrust of the Legionary Movement primarily manifested in their concept of the New Man, and the idea that national regeneration requires personal regeneration from every member of that nation and most of all from its leadership. Without that, the new nation will be built on a foundation of sand. The Far Right of today believes that all it requires are fancy memes and slogans, and a passable ideology, and it will “win” despite the lousy human material of most of its followers and the even worse character of its leaders. We’ve seen the outcome of that. And lest anyone point the finger at me – I’m not a “movement leader,” my negative and nasty attitude is mostly due to exasperation and frustration with the utter failure of Der Movement, and I’ve repeatedly stated that much of my alleged nastiness is tongue-in-cheek ridicule of “movement” stupidity. Don’t blame the messenger for the message.

Yockey in Imperium:

There have been also the racial and temperamental differences of Teuton and Latin, of North and South. Once these may have contributed to the furnishing of motives to History— this can they no longer do.

That prescription is one I agree with. The problem is that the actual description of today’s realty doesn’t match that. The “racial and temperamental differences of Teuton and Latin, of North and South” are proving more intractable than Yockey hoped. Both sides find in the other things they dislike. The difference is that the Latin South is willing to overlook this for the benefit of Europe, but the Teuton North, steeped in Racial Proximity Theory, refuses to give up Culture Retardation and continues to endlessly divide. While the Latin South needs to do more to become more feared and respected, and to close the power gap, ultimately, the onus is on the Teuton North to “cut out the crap” and recognize the real threats to White Civilization.

One problem with Der Movement is that many of its adherents and many of its “leaders” are people with little or no personal experience with the horrors of diversity. They didn’t have to deal with Color, in any significant manner, during their formative years, and some of these people have managed to evade coming face to face with race for their entire lives. For them, the race question is, for the most part, purely theoretical, abstract, something they’ve read about online or in books. They didn’t live in the urban jungle, they didn’t attend racially integrated public schools, they never had fights with Negroes, they and their family were never victimized by racial attacks, they never had Color as neighbors, etc. So, for these people, apostasy comes easy, voting for liberal Democrats comes easy, denouncing “racism” because “some Black guy helped me when my car broke down” is easy. Their understanding of race is superficial, purely academic, with no component of lived experience. Of course, experience without theory is a problem as well, as you may end up with pure reactive Bunkerism, but that’s not much of a problem these days. With the Internet, and plenty of Dissident Right publications, theory is easy to come by (too easy in fact, as much of it from Der Movement is nonsense) once you have a personal reason to look for that theory. The real problem are folks, mostly Eloi, who base their views on theory only and who will switch to another theory for convenience, for some trivial reason, or whatever. To have such racial milksops in positions of leadership is particularly damaging.