Category: Russia

Odds and Ends, 4/9/24

In der news.

The following is an important distinction between WN 1.0 and WN 3.0 (and WN 2.0 to a degree as well).  Whatever else I may think or say about my time as an analog IRL WN 1.0 activist, one of the major “perks” was that everyone I interacted with, one way or the other, directly or indirectly, was White. If I went to a meeting, get-together, or some other activity, everyone was White.  Visiting The Great Man on the Mountaintop, everyone was White.  The written material, the audios, the videos, all were produced by Whites. That built trust and community; even if there were some people whose ideas or behaviors you disapproved of, at least they were White. That was a powerful attraction, above and beyond the ideological and political reasons for involvement.  WN 3.0 squanders that advantage. In today’s “multiracial White nationalism” you can have Jamaican Negroes preaching to you to abandon WN in favor of HBD, you can have half-Desis badmouth WN in favor of “Southern Nationalism,” you have to have COLOR rammed in your face just the same as you have with the general society.  Both Der Movement and Da System expose you to COLOR; you no longer have any refuge from diversity.  And given Putnam’s work on diversity, one can expect the multiracial WN 3.0 “movement” to exhibit less trust, less community, and less organic solidarity than the White WN 1.0 version.  With respect to WN 3.0, to quote Raging Bull in a different context – “It defeats its own purpose.”  Far Right alternatives to Der Movement should strictly hold to an all-White, “ourselves alone” paradigm, which would provide one significant advantage over WN 3.0 in attracting Whites who have had their fill of COLOR.

I am not a mind-reader and should not definitively state what others are thinking, just as I do not want them to do with me.  However, I will present a hypothesis for your consideration.  This is something I have mentioned before, but I will present it in more detail here. Consider your Quota Queen Fearless Leaders, I hypothesize that at least some of them had an epiphany as follows – it could have been a gradual realization over time or it could have been a “lightning flash” realization:

Oh, shit!  What have I done?  I’ve painted myself into a corner; what are my options? I’ve thrown away a chance for a normal life, I’ve thrown away my career (or potential career), what kind of future can I have? How will I live?  How can I support myself?  How will I support myself in old age? Retirement?  Medical care? What’s going to happen with me long term?  I foolishly threw it all away. And for what?  A race that can’t even recognize its own interests, much less defend them?  For a pathetic freakshow “movement” full of inept defectives? For “supporters” who I can’t motivate to do anything effective politically?  What have I accomplished?  Nothing.  What can I accomplish with all of this crap?  Nothing. I sacrificed my future for a dead-end “movement” that has zero chance of accomplishing its goals, a “movement” aimed at preserving an ungrateful people who hate the very activists who are trying to defend those people.  I need to start looking after number one!  What can I do?  Well, if I cannot motivate my supporters to actually do anything useful for the cause, maybe I can hoodwink them into sending me money so I can live, so I can support myself.  I’ll trick those losers into thinking that sending me D’Nations is somehow “doing something” for the cause, I”ll feed into their delusions that “we’re winning,” I’ll feed into their hobbyism in exchange for fundraising donations. I need to boost my pageviews; the more people come to my site, the more likely some of them will donate and/or pay for special “privileges” on the site. I’ll provide the entertainment; they’ll pay for it. I don’t care if the crap I now run at my site is vulgar low brow stupidity; as long as it generates pay views and money then my “brand” is successful.  It’s not like being “intellectual” is going to accomplish anything.  Nothing accomplishes anything, except to make money for myself.  That’s the ticket! Speaking of tickets, I need to go to the movies, so it’s time for more fundraising!

The real reason why the US and Russia are mutually hostile is that they are competing for the same niche space. They are too much alike. They are both anti-nationalist authoritarian multiculturalist states hostile to the EGI of the majority population. The US takes an ultra-woke neo-Marxist approach to this ideology, while Russia peddles a socially conservative civic nationalist form of multiculturalism.

Killing Italians with impunity:

One of Brandywine’s pitchers was Wilmington native John “Sadie” McMahon, who played in four contests and would have appeared in more if he had not been charged with the May 7 murder of a peanut vendor, Carmen Malacalza, on the Forepaugh Circus grounds in Wilmington. McMahon allegedly fractured his skull with a stone, causing his death. McMahon was taken into custody on May 23, was denied bail ten days later, and stood trial on October 1. According to the Inquirer, “The evidence against him proved so meager and contradictory that the trial came to an abrupt end … by the state abandoning the case.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I have previously criticized those on the Right (to a large extent, HBDers) who themselves criticize “credentialism” and will do so here again.  Of course, credentialism in its pure form can and should be criticized; any idea, fact, hypothesis, or paradigm needs to be judged on its own merits, and not depend upon the credentials of those promoting the ideas, facts, hypotheses, or paradigms.  Very well.  But we should not throw the baby out with the bath water and go to the (reverse snobbery) extreme of dismissing the relevance and importance of expertise, which can at least be partially established by “credentials.”  It is certainly true that we cannot say that “X” is right or wrong dependent on the (alleged) expertise and credentials of the person making the evaluation of X.  But the expertise/credentials of the person is not completely irrelevant either.  It can tell us whether or not the person likely has the background and knowledge to potentially give an informed statement on the matter. Note the words “likely” and “potentially” – nothing is definitive.  But one must weigh all the factors. If you want to know about the inheritance of some sort of genetic disease, then, likely, you will potentially get a better answer from a medical geneticist than from a bum on skid row. But of course the expert can give you the wrong answer, but so can the bum (or anyone else) to an even more likely degree. An expert may simply be wrong, or they be biased for political, personal, or some other reasons. When it comes to issues or race (and sex), experts will often intentionally provide false information for political reasons (but they have the knowledge and the training to provide the truth if they were inclined to do so). But dilettantes can be wrong or biased as well, equally so, and they also have the additional problem that they may be ignorant of the subject matter and unqualified to effectively discuss the issue at hand. So the former issues with experts in no way alter the even greater potential problems with the latter issues with dilettantes. Therefore, dilettantism is at least as big as a problem as credentialism, if not more so.  I also note that some individuals who critique credentialism are hypocrites, because if they want to promote the trash of the execrable Richard Lynn they’ll state what a wonderful scientist he was with his credentials, or mention their own credentials (such as they are, academic appointments, degrees, affiliations, etc.) if such exist.  I suppose that credentialism is only a problem when one’s opponents do it.

See this. Yes, and what does that mean? It means your “movement” has been a catastrophic failure in not being able to take advantage of that potential pool of support, it means that “White Republican Voters” are feckless cowards if so many believe that and yet do nothing, and it underscores the lazy ineptness of pro-White activists who more strongly believe in The Great Replacement but sit around with zero effective activism and for whom trying to stimulate them into activity is less successful than if it were tried with a slab of concrete.

Anti-Contrarianism, 4/8/24


I was listening to an interview of a certain Dissident Right contrarian, which was full of the same sort of superficial “analysis” some of us have come to expect from the beneficiaries of “movement” affirmative action.  Two points from that I wish to comment on are:

1. In American politics, the idea that the Republicans are the low IQ party, and that the Trumptards are responsible for wrecking the party by driving away the intelligent and sensible managerial types such as Romney and Ryan.  

I myself have long been critical of Der Right’s anti-intellectualism and have mocked Trumptards. But the managerial GOP was and is much worse. The Trumptards may be stupid, but their hearts are in the right place and they at least have an innate understanding of what some of the problems are – problems that the managerial Republicans heavily contributed to creating.

What good were/are the likes of Romney and Ryan?  To give White Americans the illusion of a two party system – an illusion that starting breaking down when the managerial Republicans became completely indistinguishable from Democrats on key issues (see below)?  To stabilize American multiculturalism? To “dog whistle” during campaigns and then betray the base (granted, Trump did this as well)? To put Whites to sleep (they failed in the long run even here) so as to make White race replacement go smoothly?  Capital gains tax cuts?  Useless military campaigns? Invade the world; invite the world? What? What good were these intelligent, sensible, managerial types?  Decades of their “leadership” led to endless practical defeat for the mainstream Right (regardless of electoral results) and led to the current sorry state of America.  No, sorry, I’d rather have the irrational, low IQ Trumptards.

And who ultimately is responsible for the rise of the Trumptards?  No, it is not “Russia” (see point 2).  The GOP managerial Neocon types have no one to blame but themselves, taking the White base for granted for decades, spitting in their face, and thinking they could get away with it time without end. The “jump the shark” moment came when prominent Republicans were among the prime movers pushing illegal immigrant amnesty (“immigration reform”); the rage of the base was palpable, the sense that there was no difference between the parties stronger than ever, the sickness with the Bush-McCain-Romney wing deepened, and once Trump started hitting the right notes, tapping into that anger and frustration, the rise of the Trumptards was assured. The managerial Republicans were so smugly self-assured that the White base could be taken for granted forever that they were blindsided by Trumptard populism, and they richly deserved their “defenestration” from the GOP’s inner circle.

If the Republicans are going to electorally implode, and they very well may, you can thank the “managerial’ Neocons for that, who aided and enabled the mass immigration that so altered American demographics to change the political landscape, and whose abhorrence for authentic “culture wars” ceded the entire American media, academic, and popular culture landscape to the Left, ensuring monopolization of leftist messages toward key voting blocs.

And is Democrat leadership really better? I’m not talking about the voters, since the contrarians admit that Democrat voters may even be more stupid than the Republican ones. But – the leaders?  Biden?  AOC?  Any of them?

2. The endless “Russian manipulation” shtick. Yes, Russia, China, and no doubt others attempt to influence American society and politics to their benefit. But you cannot ascribe every trend in American politics that goes against the mainstream as being astroturfed into existence by foreign powers. Those powers are simply taking advantage of real internal divisions in America that exist independently of foreign influence, and are to a large extent due to the alliance of Right-Left managerial types and their activities that have destroyed America. Stop blaming “Russia” for America’s self-destruction.

Odds and Ends, 3/14/24

In der news.

Vomit from this.

I’ve been avoiding Counter-Currents recently, but this is just too much. If you want to get a full understanding of the danger of Johnson/Counter-Currents, as well as the reality of WN 3.0, read that piece, and pay particular attention to what I am stressing below (emphasis added):

In fact, I started my podcast because mainstream YouTubers were reluctant to interview people such as Jim Goad and Greg Johnson.

Both were affable guests, and the latter is always willing to put me in contact with other dissidents when I ask. He also ensures that I am paid on time.

Am I reading this correctly? Johnson not only is promoting Negro Lipster among the Dissident Right but is actually PAYING him? If I am misunderstanding this, please correct my misunderstanding, but it seems clear enough.


…not even vile anti-feminists want to hear Nick Fuentes degrade women

So – anti-feminists are “vile,” and we we must not “degrade women.” What about women degrading men? The women in question are White, who else are the Dissident Right focusing on? Hmm..does the Lipster have a particular interest in White women?

Nick’s followers might be a little smarter, but they are primarily emasculated guys who salivate over his hysteria. They are men who want to be engaged in a movement, but just as they are unable to get a woman, they are too lazy to do real work. They assume that shouting on Twitter/X or normalizing the incel cult

Counter-Currents hosts a male Negro mocking White incels, while supporting milady. Need any more evidence of my idea about homosexual White Knighting as a passive aggressive spiteful attack against heterosexual White men?

White Nationalists should rebrand themselves as human biodiversity advocates, and when their new publications acquire some esteem, they must infiltrate the mainstream with dissident ideas. Saying that you are a White Nationalist is a losing strategy, since people don’t want to be associated with a movement they equate with hate. But one can be a human biodiversity advocate without being a White Nationalist.

So, we should abandon WN and instead promote anti-White HBD, which divides Whites against each other while pushing a Jewish/Asian supremacist agenda of replacing kinship-based racialism with a ranking of traits favoring Jews/Asians. What can go wrong?

Keep on supporting Counter-Currents and WN 3.0, all you numbnuts out there. Meanwhile, I’m banned and blacklisted and get minimal support. You all deserve your fate.

A good comment responding to Lipster’s screed.

HBD is a dead end. No one who hates White people gives a crap about ‘science’ that doesn’t reaffirm their hatred of White people. All that HBD does is smuggle in a bunch of pro-non-White ideas (like jewish and asian superiority) into ‘racial thinking’ for Whites. No non-White cares one iota about HBD unless it serves their ethnic interests.

HBD is just another form of liberal rear-guard action against North American liberalism’s only real political opposition: White Nationalism.

By the way, this is what Lipster writes for other audiences, when he’s not peddling HBD to gullible White nationalists. It’s all geography and the tsetse fly, folks, not Negro IQ:

In general, we are not implying that Africa’s challenges are impossible to solve. However, due to its unique geography, the region requires policies that account for its peculiar condition. As such, primacy should be accorded to improving transportation networks and reducing barriers to trading. Solving the problem of a harsh geography demands bold thinking and surely Africans are up to the task.

Uh huh.  HBD is for YOU, White man, so you reject kinship-based racialism, scorn your fellow Whites, and embrace Jewish/Asian supremacism. For Blacks, we’ll read that: Solving the problem of a harsh geography demands bold thinking and surely Africans are up to the task.”

The White Man always loses. Let’s consider the fundamentals of the Russia-Ukraine war:

1. Slavs are killing each other.

2. The Russian side is led by an authoritarian multiculturalist, now a vassal of China, who opposes “Nazis” and is repopulating occupied parts of Ukraine with Asiatics.

3. The Ukrainian side is led by a Jew (*) controlled by anti-White America and Western Europe, and the long-term plan there is mass alien immigration to replace dead Ukrainians.

4. Meanwhile, Der Movement takes sides in this war, as if anyone outside of the Dissident Right cares what Nutzi freaks “think” and as if either side is even remotely compatible with long-term White interests.

See what decades of Eloi White leadership – at all levels – has brought you?

* A Jew leading Ukraine is historically analogous to an ethnic German leading Israel.

Another gift from the Eloi. The Eloi are dangerous. The Eloi should not have leadership positions in ANY field, including, obviously, academia .

Some more diseases for female Eloi bioethicists to consider: For women, the disease of menstruation. Bleeding every month? Bloating? Cramping? Mood swings? Disease! Cure – be either pregnant or breastfeeding throughout the entire reproductive period. For heterosexual men, the mental disease called marriage. Voluntarily associating with a dangerous, vicious exoparasite that inflicts significant morbidity. Disease! For bioethicists – life. What? Don’t you experience pain and other disorders? Don’t bodily function decay? Life is a disease for you; what steps will you take to remediate?

One objective of my IRL foray into democratic multiculturalism – akin to my Dissident Right activity – is as a test of sorts. Yes, most of my “colleagues” are rabid leftists, but I do not believe that all of them are. What of the others? If I publicly speak out, put myself “out there,” and declare that “the emperor has no clothes,” will those others become emboldened to speak out themselves? Will they “pass the test” and show some response if someone else takes the risk to pave the way for them? So far, predictably, the answer is a resounding no. The fearful and indolent stay silent, suppressed by social pricing, fright, and inherent do-nothingness. I’ll say this though – those who speak out today when others stay silent should be the leaders of tomorrow when those others become so desperate that they are finally forced to act.

European nationalists like to pose as superior to the “Amerimutts” but they still haven’t grasped the basic concept that it is difficult to politically deal with an issue if you are not allowed to talk about it. Of course, it is possible that if Europeans ever did get official free speech, then social pricing would ramp up, as exists in the USA. There needs to be both legal free speech and a solution to social pricing. Europeans need to fight for free speech while preventing the rise of social pricing; Americans need to fight against social pricing while preventing the rise of speech laws.

No Pushback

You get what you deserve.

Listen to this. If the link is blocked by Far Left Fox, then here it is:

True enough, Cuckson was a bit selective on what he reported (emphasis added):

Omali Yeshitela, the founder of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the Uhuru Movement, and two other party members, Penny Joanne Hess and Jesse Nevel, were charged with acting as unregistered agents of Russia, which carries a maximum five-year prison sentence.

All three, as well as another member named Augustus Romain, have also been charged with conspiring to act as agents for Russia, which brings up to 10 years in prison.

According to an indictment, the four people took money and other support from US-based Russian Alexandr Ionov and Moscow-based officers of Russia’s FSB intelligence agency who directed Ionov.

Ionov was charged last year for running a political influence operation directed by the FSB, but his US contacts were not named, though APSP facilities were raided by the FBI at the time.

Charges against Ionov, who is believed to be back in Russia, were updated in Tuesday’s indictment filed in Tampa, Florida.

Undercover as president of the Moscow-based Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, Ionov used the APSP and Uhuru movements, and Romain’s Georgia-based spinoff Black Hammer, to promote Russian views on politics, the Ukraine war and other issues.

Yeshitela traveled to Russia in 2015 where he entered a partnership with Ionov’s group, according to the indictment.

In 2016 Ionov funded a four-city protest tour by APSP supporting a “Petition on Crime of Genocide against African People in the United States,” according to the Justice Department.

So much for Trad Vlad’s “based Russia,” huh?

But, still, the DOJ seems real selective in what they look at.  What about HBD and China?  Jewish organizations and Israel?  In the context of everything else going on, Cuckson still has a point.

For example, we have this outrageous prosecutorial abuse, which is essentially prosecuting unpopular people and unpopular beliefs, rather than crimes – fishing around for some ludicrous accuse to charge dissidents with something, no matter how absurd, looking for a crime to accuse someone with. And then there is this.

The Constitution!  The Bill of Rights!  Free speech!  The First Amendment!  Well, sorry, all of that is meaningless unless it is defended, and the Constitution is not worth the paper it is printed on if those who took an oath to defend it do nothing as it is continuously and egregiously violated.  Ultimately what matters is power, not laws or legal tradition. The Left has been pushing against American institutions for decades and found nothing – absolutely nothing effective – pushing back; hence, the pushing has become ever stronger and ever more frequent.

At some point the Left/System will realize, if they haven’t already, that they can do whatever they want, no matter how absurd, how outrageous, how radical, and how unconstitutional and get away with it, because no one will push back against them.

Abrogating the Bill of Rights?  Why not?  Who’s going to stop them?  Confiscating the wealth and property of White Americans?  What is Whitey going to do about it? Imprisoning political dissidents? Already doing it. If they declare that every White American is required to stick their head into an unflushed used toilet five times a day, would there be pushback against that?  Or will the congressional GOP talk about “tax cuts” instead?

The same applies to other endeavors.  If a CEO tells his employees that from now on they must come to work dressed in clown costumes and spend the day riding a unicycle while juggling small colored rubber balls, then that is exactly what they will do, if no one has the courage to stand up in defiance and push back against it.  Merely muttering “this is crazy” means nothing if you are ultimately forced to do it. Crazy things happen in schools and continue unless there is pushback against it. Similarly, I seem to be the only person in the “Dissident Right” pushing back against Der Movement’s Nordicism, HBD, Alt Right, WN 3.0, and other stupidities, so expect it to continue.  You all get fed absurdities such as that rigidly conformist societies that strictly enforce social norms by ostracism, imprisonment, or even violence are “individualistic” and you don’t push back against the drivel preached by your “rock star” cult gurus.  I am the only one who pushed back and that is not enough.

So, none of you have the right to complain about any of it if you won’t even actively speak out against it. Tucker Cuckson has the right to speak out against government overreach because he has been exposing it.  But he can do more.  He should invite leading Republican politicians on his show and demand of them an explanation as to why they do nothing, why they refuse to EVER (effectively) push back against the Left.

The rest of you get what you deserve. You don’t hold your elected officials accountable, you don’t hold anyone accountable, you are the frog slowly boiling and the end point is near.

You naively believe that the worst is “impossible” because it is “too outrageous” and “unconstitutional” and “surely someone will stop it.”  No, don’t expect anyone else to stop it if you do not do your part.  The Left will do whatever they can get away with no matter how outrageous or unconstitutional you believe it is or how objectively unconstitutional and outrageous it is. Look what is happening in American cities.  Yes, theft, assault and battery, murder, etc. are all illegal, but if the police refuse to, or are unable to, enforce the law, and if leftist District Attorneys refuse to prosecute, etc. then it doesn’t matter.  What matters is what actually happens and what people allow to happen.  What matters is power and pushback, not pitifully outdated hopes about “the rule of law” and “right” and “the Constitution.”

The same applies to the workplace or school or dissident movement.

No pushback, no rights.  See how simple it is?