Category: Pennsylvania

Odds and Ends, 8/18/20

Of interest. 

Hmm, read this:

I’ve noticed something that seems on the surface like a paradox in New Right circles. A sizeable contingent has embraced a neo-paganism that reasserts an ancient European sensibility, perhaps romanticizing the agrarian and rural; another has expressed dedication to science or a desire for “cosmotheism,” a belief system that focuses on the evolution of a higher-order man, who will go on to conquer the stars.

That’s Type I vs. Type II, and contrary to this author, I do believe the two viewpoints are irreconcilable.  It’s the hobbit hole or Voyager, take your pick.

Laugh at this.

I am proud of my Danish ancestry…

He picked the right ancestors.  But he still prefers dem dere Eastern European women.

…but I did not come to reconquer the Danelaw.

No need. The Herrenvolk go where they damn please.

I came to have food and drinks with my friends in the Dissident Right.

While eying their girlfriends.

Friends whose ancestors may have fought my ancestors over 1000 years ago. 

How do you know those “friends” are not descended in part from the Danish invaders, you idiot?  And, I note that your “ancestors” were, like you, fond of invading other people’s nations. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, eh?

Yet we are ethnic nationalists…

Ethnic nationalism for me but not for thee.

…white advocates…

Bang East Europe.

…and brothers united by a common goal to secure…

Our right to live in other people’s nations and screw their women.

…the existence of our people…

The folks to the north of Vienna and west of Berlin.

…and a future for white children.

Yes, those Eastern European girls need to be groomed for the Danish-American harem.

I know that ethnic sovereignty with white solidarity is a recipe for success.

“Ethnic sovereignty” for Denmark. Eastern Europeans on the other hand need to exhibit sufficient “white solidarity” to allow a Danish Roosh to sleep with their women. Ethnoimperialism!

While doing online searches for examples of White rightists confronting Antifa and holding their ground against the leftist terrorists, I found this.  Very good.  Sallis approves.

By the way, as an amusing exercise, do a search with the term “Keystone United” on both DuckDuckGo and Google and compare the top hits.  You can do the same for “Kevin Strom”…even for “EGI Notes” the results are different, with the Duck results being of course more optimal.

Memoirs of a pseudoscientific buffoon.

Counter-Currents falsehoods:

Everyone knows what it means to be an Italian-American; the Italian-American identity is celebrated across our culture. It’s much cooler and more real to white Americans than Anglo identity.

Sallis on reality:

Yes, that is why Italians are vilified by both the “movement” and by the System.  To the “movement” the wops are non-White cringing mongrel subhumans, and to the System, they are bigoted off-White stupid criminal subhumans.  Let’s consider the System’s treatment of Italians, using pop culture as a standard.  In TV and movies…

More reality (emphasis added):

The movie Green Book is “inspired by a true story” about an Italian American bouncer who takes a job driving a black pianist (Don Shirley) on a tour through the Deep South in 1962. But as always it doesn’t stick closely to the facts. In one scene, Tony “Lip” Vallelonga punches a cop who accuses Italians of being part black:


What’s this last name say?




‘Hell kind of name is that?




Oh, now I get it. That’s why you driving this boy around… you half a nigger yourself.

Since that sounds more like something that would be in a dumb Spike Lee or Quentin Tarantino movie, or posted online by some Afrocentrist or Nordicist troll, I decided to check if it really happened…So there’s no evidence that any cop ever made that claim. It was very likely invented by the writers

Der Movement: Always, always, always, ALWAYS wrong.

Why do you listen to, and support, the liars of Der Movement?