Category: Yockey

WDR30: Heyday of the Nutzis

Hard truth from a potentially controversial WDR podcast.

Listen here.

This may be unsettling to some, but if you put emotion and ego (and deluded hopefulness) to the side and look at the reality, is what I say here wrong? I do not believe so. Once the last crop of activists who emerged at the end of the American Dissident Right/Far Right Golden Age go the way of all flesh, who is going to replace them?  There’s nobody, absolutely nobody.

As a side note – yes, I do know that Yockey emerged on the activist scene in the late 1930s; however, his main body of work and activity, for which he is best known, covers the period 1945-1960, so that fits in with the identified (approximately) 75 year old Golden Age period.

Aspirational Race

Being the best race we can be.  

See this.

White nationalism is the same. The adjective here is White. Of course, people can define “White” in different manners – I myself see “White” as equivalent to “European” and thus “White nationalism” to me means “pan-European nationalism.” But we need not quibble about those definitions here; instead, the main point of this essay is that White nationalism is, like Black nationalism, a form of (aspirational) racial nationalism, in which the nation is defined in explicitly racial, not ethnic, terms, and the long term aspirational objective would be building a nation state based on race.

In a Western Destiny blog category of gene-culture interactions, I have dealt with these issues, summarized in the Yockeyian Genetics post. A key part of that post, emphasis added:

1. A pan-European state (Imperium) would be set up that would have the effect of an enhancement of net EGI, by advancing the interests of the group of peoples and thus the interest of each constituting group.

2. In order to safeguard the uniqueness of the constituent groups, movement and mixture between these groups would be restricted, preventing any panmxia and loss of biological and cultural ethnic distinctiveness. Of course, there would be some (limited) movement and gene flow, consistent with what has occurred throughout European history.

3. At the same time, movement and mixture from without the Imperium, from biologically and culturally alien non-European peoples, would be strictly forbidden and absolutely restricted.

4. Thus, what would obtain over historical, evolutionary time is a complete absence of gene flow from the outside, coupled with continuous, low level, internal gene flow. Genetic drift, selection, and other such processes would take place, with the within vs. without distinction further pushing Europeans and non-Europeans farther apart.

5. These processes would have the effect, over time, of increasing the genetic distance of groups within vs. without the Imperium (European vs. non-European), while genetic distances within the Imperium would be maintained and/or slowly decreased (to an extent) over time.

6. Kinship overlap within/without would be eliminated due to these processes (particularly the strict isolation from outside gene flow).  Thus, in every possible case, any European ethnies chosen for comparison would be genetically closer (measured with genetic kinship/gene sharing, Fst, or whatever) than would be any European ethny compared to a non-European one. In PCA, European groups would be more separated from non-Europeans, and the European groups may be expected to slowly concentrate around a narrower core grouping along the major axes of genetic variation – Europeans less spread out among themselves, but more isolated from others.

7. These processes would take place naturally over long time frames, with ethnic distinctiveness being maintained, preserving local EGI while enhancing group EGI, leading to not only an increase in net EGI but gross EGI as well, a more optimal profile of genetic interests with costs minimized.

So we can focus on aspirational race not only from a “political” White nationalism standpoint (Our Race is Our Nation) forming a White national state in the same sense that, e.g., Basque nationalists aspire to their own state, but also from the biological, genetic standpoint, the Race-Culture standpoint, in which an integrated Race-Culture, geographically isolated via the White nationalist state

Another form of aspirational race involves eugenics, improving the stock biologically above and beyond enhanced racial purity and genetic kinship distinctiveness, to improve traits and march toward the Overman (while maintaining our ethnic genetic interests).

Yet another type of aspirational race is the improvement of the race in the moral sense, akin to The New Man of the Legionary Movement.

Finally, we can try to adjust the trajectory of the Spenglerian cycle and aspire to a new High Culture to provide a superior long term future for our people.

Thus, aspirational race can be viewed as constituting five components:

1. We aspire to the Our Race is Our Nation paradigm, the true White nationalist nation-state, a racial, pan-European peoplehood (that still preserves ethnic distinctiveness).

2. The major focus of this post is aspiring to a more biologically cohesive ingroup characterized by greater internal genetic kinship and more distinctiveness toward The Other, as outlines in the Yockeyian Genetics post.

3. We can aspire to eugenic improvement – the biological Overman.

4. We can aspire to moral improvement – the New Man.

5. We can aspire to a new High Culture befitting our people and befitting the Overman, the New Man, of the future.