Category: Islam

Odds and Ends, 8/21/20

In der news.

A whaling story for the Counter-Currents (Pequod) crew.  A pleasant image to ponder – Frodi getting smacked in the face by a whale flipper.

See this – essentially similar to many of the points I’ve made about admixture analysis. Note how the breakdowns change dependent upon which reference populations are chosen.

Very cognitive, very elite.

Of interest, re: Roman emperor phenotypes.

Gee, the illustrious Mr. Hood seems to be implicitly endorsing my contention that electoral politics is a way of getting our message across, and that forcing the System to censor electoral candidates imposes more costs on them (“them” being the System) than simply censoring a random blogger.  Always remember that you’ve been hearing that argument on EGI Notes for a long, long time now.

But, hey, keep on listening to, and supporting, the Quota Queens, with their sterling record of impressive accomplishment!

TOO commentator on Lynn (spelling corrected):


August 19, 2020 at 1:14 pm

Wonderfully naive. Sending review copies to ‘the quality press’. No mention of wars as possible contributors to dysgenics. No mention of possible parasitic human groups. Absolutely laughable gullibility.

Well, sir, you must remember that HBD is nothing more or less than a purely political movement aimed at privileging Jewish and Asian interests over those of Europeans (“Whites”).  Hence, “no mention of possible parasitic human groups.” Don’t be “anti-Semitic!” As regards wars, dysgenic trends are all due to “admixture,” and “differential fertility” don’t you know!  We can’t object to wars too strongly; who knows when we’ll be called to fight another war for Jewish interests, after all.

Lynn the fraud; Lynn the treasonous philosemite and asiaphile.Der Right, Der Right, Der Right marches on.  Non-stop grifting.

So – all those “animal rights activists” who get hysterical over a pampered lab mouse…any comments on this linked here?  Or are you going to be silent, just as you are about animal abuse in China?

See this.  I have a mixed opinion on that.  Johnson’s skepticism is right on target.  I don’t see that project, and its failed “leadership” and uninspiring name and focus, getting anywhere or accomplishing anything.  Where I disagree with Johnson is in his assertion that the type of “activism” he prefers accomplishes anything.  It does not.  The “movement” is, in the internal sense, worse off than it has ever been. If it recently gotten a bit more “traction” externally, publicly, is merely due to the altered societal circumstances.  The error is assuming cause and effect – that is, “White folks are slightly – VERY slightly – more awake now than twenty years ago, so this means our strategy is working.”  

Well, that is in spite of “movement” stupidity, not because of it.  The opportunities inherent in the right-wing populism of 2016 have been squandered, and The Pilleater Chronicles and Hermansson have contributed to that, not only Unite the Right.  Wasting niche space with Jeelvy, Full Moon Ancestry, and babbling about “Kali Yuga” is at fault, not only Spencer’s Beavis-and-Butthead podcasts.  All of you are at fault.
Taking credit for trends you’ve had nothing to do with is like the rooster talking credit for his crowing making the sun rise.  Even worse – you people are impeding progress, where at least the rooster’s crowing has no effect one way or the other.

I’m sick to death of the gaslighters, grifters, and retards of Der Movement.
Then we have this:Counter-Currents@NewRightAmericaYes, we need a legal defense fund, for one thing.Indeed we do – I’ve been saying that for years.  But you are not going to get one with failed Quota Queen “leadership” and hundreds of thousands of dollars per year flushed down the toilet for things that other people accomplish for free, people who don’t demand massive handouts merely for managing a damn website.

See this.

You pleasure yourselves with the young white girls of Rome and enslave them.

Hey!  I thought, from the Left, that folks back then didn’t think in terms of color and race, and I thought that, from the Fetishist Right, that “the White race is a 20th century Jewish construct.” 

By the way, Armenians were not “Roman” and the Byzantine Empire was not “the West” but that’s another issue.

The Strong Horse is Not My Little Pony

It’s all connected.

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse.

And what does White nationalism have to offer?  Guess what: The Strong Horse is not My Little Pony.  How is it possible for  White nationalist “leaders” to be so blind, deaf, and dumb to image?

WN 2.0: Effeminacy, childishness, weakness, silliness.  

Could it be that young White men with fundamentally healthy instincts are frustrated because “leaders” are promoting Bronyism and endorsing non-White liberal Presidential candidates?  Can we “understand” these shootings by pointing out that “movement leaders” have completely failed in every way possible, even to the point of becoming cringeworthy embarrassments?  Yang Gang!  Tulsi Coconut!  My Little Pony!  Pepe!  Kek!

Do the folks shown here support The Yang Gang?  We went from Caesar, Charlemagne Napoleon, and the Waffen SS to that.  That should be condemned, not encouraged.

The absolute worst aspects of WN 1.0 are infinitely superior to anything WN 2.0 has to offer.  Given the choice between James Mason foaming at the mouth over Charles Manson or Buttercup Dew mincing around over cartoon ponies, I’ll take the former, thank you very much.

Back to the San Diego shooting.  Great timing numbnut…right after the Congressional hearing.  Could it be any worse? I mean, the confluence of Type I Nutzism and affirmative action does wonders for the “movement.”  Let’s have some more posts about how brain structure proves the superiority of particular ethnies, said superiority no doubt well represented in “movement” “activism.”  But as bad as these people are, the “leaders” are worse. The more sensitive members of the rank-and-file likely look upon Der Movement and see nothing but a barren wasteland of hopeless despair, populated by freaks, weirdos, perverts, Bronies, incompetents, fetishists, and grifters.  So, in response, these young men have as their role models are racialist mass murderers.  Wonderful.  So much winning!

We need to give activists another choice than that between being a “shoot-‘em-up” Nutzi or being an effeminate Brony with more estrogen that a slumber party of teen-aged girls.

Note also the fellow’s disgust with The God Emperor – demonstrating that a disgust with “leadership” (in that case, Presidential) is fueling these episodes.  Another “movement” fail – obsessing over the fat fraud Trump instead of building a real infrastructure.  

These young men should be taking the advice I have been giving for young (and all) activists – take care of yourselves first, get an education, build your career, make money, save, if you want a family than go in that direction – build a real life.  Do not sacrifice yourself for a grifter-freak “movement” or even for “the race” – a mewling omega race of weaklings and losers – unless you can accomplish something that will definitively and significantly enhance your genetic interests.  This fellow Earnest should have finished his education, built his career, saved his money, and then participated in activism in a sane and sustainable fashion. But, alas, misled and let down by “leaders” and in a state of desperation, these types lash out.

How’s that Arctic Alliance coming along, Derbyshire?  That is in my opinion indirectly connected to the shooting as well. Racialists in the rank-and-file are likely disenchanted by rice burners and mustard dippers being spokesmen for Der Movement, and maybe they are also tired of all the money donated being flushed down the toilet, so folks can gamble, watch movies, and sit comfortably on lawn chairs.

On the other hand, I see this as probably being a net positive, even if it was a bit silly and juvenile – non-violent protest that shows the SJWs that their “safe spaces” may not be so safe from dissident opinions after all.

What has happened as a result of Trump’s election is a good example of how difficult it will be to put through a pro-White policy to address the demographic disaster that is unfolding even if a nationalist-sounding politician is elected. From the very beginning of Trump’s administration, he has been beset with investigations and lawsuits, and there has been a torrent of hatred and invective directed at him in the media and on social media like Twitter and Facebook. Comparisons of Trump with Hitler and Nazism have been routine, during the campaign and since he became president. This is unprecedented in American history. Trump has been unable to get any good immigration-related legislation through Congress because of unanimous Democrat opposition and significant opposition from Republicans. And the courts have routinely ruled against him in the many jurisdictions with liberal judges.

But, hey, our victory is just around the corner.  No, wait, in 50 years.  No, wait, we have 200 years.  Well, whatever. Just send in dem dere “D’Nations!”

Then you wonder why folks get frustrated and do stupid things?  And on cue:

Greg Johnson

Posted April 28, 2019 at 6:25 pm | Permalink

What is more useful: envisioning the creation of white homelands as being easy or hard? Because the harder it seems, the fewer people who will consider it possible or desirable.

Let’s give people unrealistic expectations, let’s have the typical “victory euphoria” (even for future victories) – yes, as long as you all send in the “D’Nations.” Remember, things objectively are absolutely terrible, but if you send in money, you’ll be living in the Golden Age today!  Better Gold than Tungsten, eh?

On other notes – 

Jack Vance:

A man desiring a girl will set upon her and beat her black and blue. No one would think to interfere. If the girl approves, she comes the same way again. When he rushes forth to pummel her, she throws herself on his mercy.

Jack Vance was, apparently, not a beta male, a white knighter, or a potential Brony.

Really Understanding the New Zealand Mosque Massacre


Read this.

I wish I could erect a wall between myself and the kind of unstable, undisciplined people who go on killing sprees, but you can’t change the world from a bunker.

Or from a hobbit hole.

Today’s Old Right scene is rife with fantasies of race war, lone wolf attacks on non-whites, and heroic last stands that end in a hail of police bullets. 

As opposed to the New Right that gives you a choice between going to Charlottesville dressed up like Batman or Captain America, obsessing over a cartoon frog, screaming “Kek!,” worshipping Trump, or reading Tolkien “snug in your hobbit hole.”

Intelligent and honorable people have emerged from this milieu. 

Ted Sallis?

But there have been more than a few spree-killers as well.

And more than a few frauds, grifters, and weirdos.

Moreover, killing innocent people (at a place of worship!) has entirely predictable results. First, such violence creates sympathy for the victims. (Even I feel sympathy for them…

I do not.

According to his manifesto, Tarrant actually wanted his attack to trigger the denial of First and Second Amendment rights halfway around the globe in the United States, in the hope that the resulting tensions will spark some sort of revolution. Every spree killer has the same fantasy. But the results are always the same. We lose more freedoms. But the revolution never comes. 

Actually, Tarrant is correct in that the real purpose (or one of them at least) of terrorism is to provoke the System to undertake repressive measures and thus alienate the population. Johnson is correct that this strategy simply does not work with Whites (as they currently are).  Whites are such a pathetic, weak, mewling, pansified, omega race of leucosa freaks that they’ll eagerly accept even more repression and thank the System for “stopping hate.”

Anyone who supports the further erosion of our freedom to change minds is my enemy. I don’t care what side he claims to be on.

Well, yes, after all, the “D’ Nations” may dry up, and we can’t have that!

So much for the “movement” take on this. The Left will get this all wrong by saying the incident was due to the pernicious and powerful underworld of “White supremacy.” It’s the exact opposite in fact.  It is precisely because Der Movement is so pathetically weak and useless that these things happen. Men understandably upset about their race’s demographic replacement have nowhere to turn – no real leaders, no real political parties, and no real organizations, no anything.  Racial activism is a wasteland of pontificating Quota Queens, incompetent retardates, panhandling grifters, defectives, etc. So, the easy way out is to lash out with violence. What else do they see as a possible outlet for their activist energies?  Didn’t Tarrant claim in his writings that he donated to rightist groups?  Obviously, he didn’t believe his “D’Nations” did any good, did he?

While one cannot disagree with the main points Greg Johnson makes, my riposte would be – do you think perhaps that people want real solutions and on-the-ground political organizing, and not rambling about The Age of Aluminum and reading Savitri Devi and Guenon while “snug in your hobbit hole?”  Maybe people want real leaders, and not feuding gossips who air the most atrocious dirty laundry for all the world to see.  Maybe people need hope that things can be turned around by slow, careful, prudent metapolitical and political activism.

Der Movement is to blame for this not because it is so dangerous and seductively proselyting, but for the exact opposite reason. Desperate people have nowhere to turn, abandoned by their elites and alienated from the circus freak show of “movement activism.”  So they end up becoming freaks themselves – so-called “fascists” who worship China (hello, HBD) and who have no other solution than to shoot up a mosque.

More Der Movement competence.

And again.

That’s your affirmative action “leadership.”  Then you wonder why folks snap and start doing the Rambo bit.

Thanks a bunch, “movement.”

Rotten Orange and Silk Road News

In the news.

Not just Muslims.  It’s the forever war against Asians, Jews, NECs, and White leftists. One of the terrorists was a “British Asian” by the way.

The Deep State revealed. Not much of a winner. That’s who has a “top-secret security clearance” in today’s America.  

I don’t know what’s less surprising – that “America’s senator” Sessions is overmatched in his new role, or that Trump is angry at his only cabinet pick that was satisfactory to the Alt Right.  We are witnessing apolitical train wreck of unprecedented proportions. And according to the gamesters, wasn’t “Sessions as Attorney General” by itself “worth having Trump elected?”