Really Understanding the New Zealand Mosque Massacre


Read this.

I wish I could erect a wall between myself and the kind of unstable, undisciplined people who go on killing sprees, but you can’t change the world from a bunker.

Or from a hobbit hole.

Today’s Old Right scene is rife with fantasies of race war, lone wolf attacks on non-whites, and heroic last stands that end in a hail of police bullets. 

As opposed to the New Right that gives you a choice between going to Charlottesville dressed up like Batman or Captain America, obsessing over a cartoon frog, screaming “Kek!,” worshipping Trump, or reading Tolkien “snug in your hobbit hole.”

Intelligent and honorable people have emerged from this milieu. 

Ted Sallis?

But there have been more than a few spree-killers as well.

And more than a few frauds, grifters, and weirdos.

Moreover, killing innocent people (at a place of worship!) has entirely predictable results. First, such violence creates sympathy for the victims. (Even I feel sympathy for them…

I do not.

According to his manifesto, Tarrant actually wanted his attack to trigger the denial of First and Second Amendment rights halfway around the globe in the United States, in the hope that the resulting tensions will spark some sort of revolution. Every spree killer has the same fantasy. But the results are always the same. We lose more freedoms. But the revolution never comes. 

Actually, Tarrant is correct in that the real purpose (or one of them at least) of terrorism is to provoke the System to undertake repressive measures and thus alienate the population. Johnson is correct that this strategy simply does not work with Whites (as they currently are).  Whites are such a pathetic, weak, mewling, pansified, omega race of leucosa freaks that they’ll eagerly accept even more repression and thank the System for “stopping hate.”

Anyone who supports the further erosion of our freedom to change minds is my enemy. I don’t care what side he claims to be on.

Well, yes, after all, the “D’ Nations” may dry up, and we can’t have that!

So much for the “movement” take on this. The Left will get this all wrong by saying the incident was due to the pernicious and powerful underworld of “White supremacy.” It’s the exact opposite in fact.  It is precisely because Der Movement is so pathetically weak and useless that these things happen. Men understandably upset about their race’s demographic replacement have nowhere to turn – no real leaders, no real political parties, and no real organizations, no anything.  Racial activism is a wasteland of pontificating Quota Queens, incompetent retardates, panhandling grifters, defectives, etc. So, the easy way out is to lash out with violence. What else do they see as a possible outlet for their activist energies?  Didn’t Tarrant claim in his writings that he donated to rightist groups?  Obviously, he didn’t believe his “D’Nations” did any good, did he?

While one cannot disagree with the main points Greg Johnson makes, my riposte would be – do you think perhaps that people want real solutions and on-the-ground political organizing, and not rambling about The Age of Aluminum and reading Savitri Devi and Guenon while “snug in your hobbit hole?”  Maybe people want real leaders, and not feuding gossips who air the most atrocious dirty laundry for all the world to see.  Maybe people need hope that things can be turned around by slow, careful, prudent metapolitical and political activism.

Der Movement is to blame for this not because it is so dangerous and seductively proselyting, but for the exact opposite reason. Desperate people have nowhere to turn, abandoned by their elites and alienated from the circus freak show of “movement activism.”  So they end up becoming freaks themselves – so-called “fascists” who worship China (hello, HBD) and who have no other solution than to shoot up a mosque.

More Der Movement competence.

And again.

That’s your affirmative action “leadership.”  Then you wonder why folks snap and start doing the Rambo bit.

Thanks a bunch, “movement.”