An Example of Why I’m Anti-Italian

Welcome to Der Movement.

Welcome to American Renaissance:

Emphasis added:

When I was in France, I encountered two bullies. They were both of Italian descent. One had been held back not one but two grades. He was essentially going through puberty while the rest of us had a couple years to go yet. That’s a little like going up against someone on steroids because the testosterone hasn’t kicked in for the younger ones yet.

When I got back to the United States, the first bully I met was an Italian-American. If you want to know what got me wondering about genetics, it was that. Was it cultural or something in the genes? As I started to have a negative view of all Italians, I made friends with two guys who had regular Anglo-American names. When they invited me into their homes, I was surprised to discover that both their mothers were of Italian descent. I started taking a more nuanced view.

However, when I learned about the existence of the mafia, it didn’t surprise me at all. No, I don’t believe all Italians or Sicilians are criminals, but people like Joe Pesci were very much like what I encountered. They acted like Pesci’s character in Lethal Weapon (a bit of a clown, sort of wimpy) when outnumbered but like Pesci’s character in Goodfellas (psychopathic) when in a group of their own kind.


There are two races. Those who are White/Nordic & those who are brown/Non-Nordic as well as a mixed-race which is a combination of the White/brown races.

There’s the “Italians aren’t white” meme,

I live in NYC. The Italians are more rough/criminal/masculine. I love their food

do find it annoying that they describe themselves as Italian first and American second. Their love of the Mafia also disturbs me.

Or Pelosi. or DeBlasio, or “Dr” Jill Giacoppa Biden. There’s a whole website dedicated to Italian American Democrats.

the bad kids in my town were probably Italian first

The Italian bullies this guy had, who were most likely brownish Southern Italians, & the Black who harassed him with a block of ice are shows that any shade of brown people love to prey on fair colorful Whites especially when they’re defenseless.

I loathe, loathe, loathe Italians. An ethny who all act like jackasses, create bad impressions, but then, the rest will NEVER take concerted action to defend their ethny.  The most you’ll get is a lone random comment on Amren.  After all, why DO anything to defend your ethny, why DO anything to become a force in pro-White activism, and in Italy why defend the homeland from invasion, when you can sing on balconies, obsess over food, drink wine, chase women, act like juvenile jackasses, mimic Trump with all blustering talk and no action, and be all around contemptible weaklings and lazy hedonistic cowards.

About Amren itself – yes, yes, they’re just “telling the truth.”  Funny that they won’t do it about Jews though, amirite?