What are the Chances?

Be honest.

Put aside all your hopes, what you want to happen, what you wish to happen. Imagine you have a powerful incentive to make the most accurate prediction possible.  Imagine that you must be absolutely, ruthlessly honest.

So, the issue here is – predict what the chances are for White racial nationalist victory.  What are the probabilities?  Choose from:

Zero – no chance of victory whatsoever; defeat and racial destruction is assured

Negligible – there is a theoretical chance of victory, it is greater than zero, but it is so small, it is like winning the lottery or being hit by lightning

Low – say up to 15%

Low to Moderate – 15-40%

Moderate – 40-60%

Moderate to High – 60-80%

High – 80-100%

Absolutely certain – 100% chance of victory, absolutely assured

For me, I’d say that if we stay on the current trajectory, and have Der Movement dominating racial activism, it is Negligible.  I will not say zero, because there is always a chance.

If a New Movement following my ideas arises that can effectively compete with Der Movement, perhaps we can move into the Low range. If this New Movement completely replaces Der Movement, and if things break our way, perhaps Low to Moderate. But, at this point, that’s it.  Even the most ludicrously optimistic evaluation, with EVERYTHING breaking our way, cannot pass Moderate.

And of all of the above, the scenario that is overwhelmingly most likely is the Negligible choice, the one in which Der Movement leads us to the grave.

Be honest.  Do this exercise yourself.

If you disagree with my pessimism, then, on your own blogs (if you have such), explain why – without falling into the Quota Queen dishonesty designed to maximize “D’Nations.”