An Announcement From the Church of the Holy Sallis

Breaking news!

No offense, Kevin, but you are really behaving like a typical Type I Nutzi here.

The board of directors of the Cosmotheist Alliance Church (CAC) has, on 26 May, 2020, passed a resolution declaring that its faithful followers may resist forced vaccinations, if they so choose, and refuse altogether to have anything to do with this despicable plot by the federal government, Bill and Melinda Gates, Pfizer and other big pharma companies, and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, etc. This refusal will be backed by the Cosmotheist Church and by the National Alliance. Who are they to question our faith? Expect more resolutions by the CAC that are in line with our Nature-based world view.

Let’s try to unwind the high trust northern hunter gatherer Herrenvolk logic here, and make some sense instead. Just because Jews and SJW shiksas make genodical and lunatic comments about forced vaccinations does not logically imply that the vaccines are no good. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t encourage your followers to get vaccinated to safeguard their health.  It’s also amusing that national socialist Hitler admirers get hysterical about things being “forced.” After all, as we know, Saint Adolf instituted complete libertarian freedom in the Third Reich.  They sure did wonders with that all-volunteer military, eh?  And Uncle Addie kept on beating the commies in those free elections, right up to 1945!  Enabling Act?  He don’t need no stinkin’ Enabling Act!

But, hey, let us be fair.  What’s good for the Ubermensch goose is good for the Untermesch gander.  On July 12, 2020, the board of directors (namely, me) of the Church of the Holy Sallis (CHS) passed a resolution declaring that its faithful followers should shun and ostracize disease-mongering Luddite anti-vaxx retards, if they so choose, and hold such retards legally responsible for the consequences of spreading disease. They should refuse altogether to have anything to do with this despicable plot by “movement” grifters.  This refusal will be backed by the Sallis Church and by EGI Notes. Who are they to question our faith?  Expect more resolutions by the CHS that are in line with our science-based world view.

And for your viewing pleasure, a video of a CHS Sunday morning service.  Please ignore the Negroes there, they snuck in uninvited!

In any case, a “White ethnostate” run by Type Is would quickly manifest the qualities observed in this painting. Hey – maybe that’s not a painting, but instead an actual photograph from the future, taken in the capital city, Greater Piercetown.