Racial-Cultural Hormesis


Gaslighting Greg.

First, many of those bland and/or unqualified candidates were pushed forward by your God Emperor, the “sincere man of genuine greatness,” Trump. You have the “gridiron groid” Walker because he has a personal relationship with Trump. Trump endorsed the cosmopolitan socially liberal Muslim Turk Oz, who is literally less suited to appeal to PA White voters than Phil the groundhog, and I’m not joking – again, literally less suited.

Second, if you want WN-oriented candidates, then you need to have a competent, rational, and constructive “movement” that produces ideas and people that can appeal to White “normies.” So far, the best you get is Trump the Fraud, a conservative Italian-American who is an effective leader but far from being a racialist, and a High Trust “hillbilly” married to a brownster. Sorry, that’s not a good record.  How about electable candidates who are explicitly pro-White?  How many more decades and millions of dollars does Der Movement require before such candidates manifest?

Third, “worse is better” has a proven record of failure rivalled by that other example of right-wing “genius” – mainstreaming. If “worse is better” worked, then after 2020, either Der Fraud Trump would have been re-elected in a landslide or, at least, 1/6/21 would have led to widespread White civil unrest. How much more “worse” do things need to get for Whites to “do something?”  Maybe Whites are ready but have no leadership?  See more on that below. We need real leaders, not hopes that things just get worse and worse, with a death spiral into oblivion.

“Worse is better” is just a lazy, thoughtless paradigm peddled by rightist grifters who want their “D’Nations” without the need to put forward positive, constructive approaches to get any of their objectives achieved.

Another FAIL from Johnson.

Now, someone may accuse me of inconsistency. They’ll say: “You always quote Salter as writing that the only thing worse than a multiculturalism that does not work is one that does, since the latter would more painlessly accommodate race replacement. So isn’t that the same as worse is better?”

We need to carefully distinguish different arguments. Saying that we should want multiculturalism to fail, and to cause chaos and pain, so as to stimulate resistance, is not the same as a blanket attitude of “worse is better.”  I also endorse the reality of Suvorov’s Law – revolutions typically do not occur during the time of greatest repression but when that repression is suddenly relaxed.  I have written on the need to balance the two ideas of (1) inducing enough pain but (2) then relaxing things to allow the counter-reaction to manifest,  In other words, we need enough “worseness” to stimulate a response but not so much that Whites are completely cowed, in despair, and prevented from acting.  It is like the principle of hormesis:

…hormesis is a dose response phenomenon to xenobiotics or other stressors characterized by a low-dose stimulation, with zero dose and high-dose inhibition…

Thus – too little racial-cultural pain and Whites quietly go to extinction, but too much and Whites become crushed to such an extent that resistance becomes futile.  If “worse is better” then why not advocate death camps for Whites with Jewish overseers and Negro guards? Why not advocate for hundreds of millions of non-White immigrants to flood into White lands every year?  Why does Greggy support Trump, DeSantis, and Vance?  And why does Salter advocate for democratic multiculturalism? Do Whites really need more crime, more alien immigration, and more collapsing standards to realize that change is required?  The support for the fraud Trump in 2016 possibly suggests otherwise.

Perhaps we are already at the optimal hormesis point. However, we lack a real movement and we lack authentic, effective leaders – an assortment of freaks, grifters, and sweaty fetishists do not constitute said leadership. Whites are not going to be motivated to follow effete intellectuals gibbering about Kali Yuga and asking for money every fifteen seconds, they are not going to follow someone who says that Asians are superior to Whites in every conceivable manner, and they are not going to follow someone who has degenerated into a “mad monk’ peddling crazed nonsense asserting that extreme conformists who enforce strict social norms by ostracism or even violence are “individualists.” Crazies, weirdos, and conmen do not constitute the type of movement required to appeal to those Whites who already know things are bad.

“Worse is better” is an excuse to just sit back rattling the tin cup. Peddling that paradigm at this point is simply disgraceful.