Odds and Ends, 11/13/22

In der news.

To paraphrase Sam Francis and his comments on Democrats and Republicans – Germans are the evil ethny and Italians are the stupid ethny.

A practical argument for pan-Europeanism, even for people who would prefer ethnonationalism, is that each and every European ethny is so degenerate that it is impossible to assemble an effective cadre of effective people from any one ethny, or even from a subracial grouping of several ethnies. Instead, you will be lucky if you can scrape together sufficient qualified individuals from the entirety of the family of all European peoples.

Even Michelangelo needed marble to make statues, if he’d had only clay, he would be nothing more than a potter. – Mussolini

Guess what Benito was referring to there. He realized then what is painfully obvious to us all now. Clay, not marble.

Christards and Trumptards didn’t deliver – the practical message of the election (other than Sallis is always right).

Re: the GOP’s mid-term implosion: Tell me again why we need the Christards and Trumptards if they couldn’t even deliver a “Red Wave” under what was originally propitious conditions, and which they ruined with abortion and Trumpian antics? In the long run, we’re better off without both.  It’s not that I care about “Republicans” or the outcome of a mid-term election – it is the future of American right-wing populism that is at stake.

Who was warning you about Trump the fraud, Trump the vulgar ignorant buffoon, since before the 2016 election? And Der Movement was gushing over the obese German-Scottish hybrid long after he had long demonstrated his retardation before the eyes of history.

Sallis is always, always, ALWAYS right…who has been warning you since the summer that the “Red Wave” was an illusion and that a “Blue Puddle” was just as likely? At best, a “Red Ripple.”  

Der Right’s alleged (Coloreds haven’t gotten the memo yet) new multiracial coalition failed miserably, just like WN 3.0 will fail miserably.  GOP treason against its White base – a regular event – inevitably resulted in an electoral crash.

We need scientists on our side, and when we alienate them with rightist stupidity, the results are inevitable.

Psychotic Counter-Currents commentator Nordicism:

VehmgerichtNovember 8, 2022 at 5:37 pm

I don’t think Greta Thunberg should be subjected to personal attacks. Obviously she has been utilised by NGOs to promote a certain ‘globalist’ message, but I feel there is hope that she will eventually reconnect with her roots. Which, if physiognomy does not lie, are as much Northern Hunter Gatherer as Yamnaya. Then she might advocate for the conservation of indigenous human lifeways in Europe.

Sallis rewrite:

I think that Greta Thunberg should be subjected to endless personal attacks. Obviously she has been utilized by NGOs to promote a certain ‘globalist’ message, which is because she has connected with her High Truster roots. Which, if physiognomy does not lie, are as much Northern Asian/Siberian as European. Then she might advocate for more Colored migration into Europe.

I like the second one better.

What Germans think of White Americans

Strange Worldsays:

November 8, 2022 at 3:52 pm

When the mongrel dog says to the wolf: “We have a lot in common!”, the wolf certainly does not say: “You bet!”, but: “You have a lot from me, but I have nothing from you. Except my collar. And I never want to be like you!”

Strange Worldsays:

November 8, 2022 at 4:31 pm

“Oh, that hurts! We Americans want closeness – but you elitist arrogant Krauts still think you’re the spearhead of white race!”  I don’t recognize any closeness. The only thing I recognize is intellectual theft of our cultural heritage for purely “tactical reasons”. Where was your alleged sympathy when it was a matter of our volkish survival?

Der Master Race doesn’t think much of you. Your response?

Look at the middle panel. That’s what the High Trusters want – upright, cheerful Negroes, instead of sullen White ethnics who always point out High Truster stupidity.

Note to PA GOP: Your next PA senatorial candidate, other than this gentleman needs to be a Christard High Truster, with a double digit IQ, driving a pickup truck (with dents from multiple highway deer hits), whose family has been living in the state since the days of Ben Franklin writing Fart Proudly. Otherwise, you won’t win.

Der Right’s abject humiliation.FOX can spin all they want, given the context, the electoral results are a catastrophe.


  • Trump
  • Christian nationalism
  • Big Tent multiracial right-wing populism
  • High Truster leadership

Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the only real big winner on Der Right is a wop.

High Truster Trump wrecked American right-wing populism and trashed the “Red Wave.” High Trusters in Der Movement have given you decades of endless humiliating failure. High Truster leadership of the EU as given you The Great Replacement and they’ve done the same in the USA with their Jewish senior partners. They are so inept they make Schettino look like Lord Nelson by comparison.

If you refuse to hold failed “leadership” accountable then all you will get is more failure.

We need a revolution on the Right to stop the grift, depose the leadership, and set up a secular, effective alternative.

Re: this. Another thing that superficial midwit Johnson doesn’t get about the recent election is that American elections have devolved into being more about popular perception than about pragmatic policy. Thus, the 2022 mid-terms were – apart from the admittedly important (to the voters) issue of abortion – essentially a referendum on right-wing politics, Trump, White identity, Jan. 6 “riot,” and the “worse is better” excesses of the Left. And the results were not promising from the perspective of how Whites voted.

More to the point, Johnson and his ilk are fond of bragging about how Der Movement’s ideas (e.g., The Great Replacement) are infiltrating into the mainstream, particularly into the Mainstream Right, which has as its vehicle the GOP. In that sense, the GOP’s electoral disaster was an indirect rejection of Der Movement. If you think that is a “stretch” then imagine what the likely reaction of Johnson et al. would have been to an overwhelming Red Wave victory. They no doubt would have been crowing that this was a grand victory for right-wing populism and for Der Movement’s ideas that have infiltrated into that type of populism. Faced with a repudiation of those ideas the grifters fall back to claiming the election doesn’t really matter (but at the same time the results are optimal for WNs – a contradiction) and that “worse is better” anyway, despite the fact that (e.g., according the people like Goad) things are indeed “worse” and yet the public gave a tacit seal of approval to leftist lunacy. This is a situation that demands serious analysis, but instead we get juvenile nonsense disguising an impatience with people talking about elections instead of sluicing money Greggy’s way.

It seems that none of the self-indulgent Wolfe podcasts analyzing The Book of the New Sun have noticed the similarity between Severian (and sword) spending the night in a bed with an uncomfortable Baldanders in an inn and the Queequeg (and harpoon) and Ishmael bed sharing in an inn in Moby Dick.