Movement Roundup, 5/22/24

In all cases, emphasis added.

Two items.


Lipton Matthews, Exhibit A:

Contrary to the sermons of identitarians, blacks and other minority groups are not disadvantaged. Their socioeconomic outcomes are determined by average group intelligence and non-cognitive traits that influence achievement.

Lipton Matthews, Exhibit B:

However, many argue that geography is a major contributor to Africa’s anemic performance….Geography is most favorable to economic production for Europe, next to America, then to Asia, and least favorable to Africa…. If it were not for the unfavorable physical environment, African countries would be better off economically than South American countries.”

In general, we are not implying that Africa’s challenges are impossible to solve. However, due to its unique geography, the region requires policies that account for its peculiar condition. As such, primacy should be accorded to improving transportation networks and reducing barriers to trading. Solving the problem of a harsh geography demands bold thinking and surely Africans are up to the task.

Counter-Currents readers, some of whom are already questioning why Fred “shilling for Hispanics” Reed writes for that ostensibly “White nationalist” site, can ask why a Jamaican HBDer does so as well.  They can also point out Matthews’ hypocrisy there, although I wonder if doing so will result in comment censorship and commentator “banning.”

My “take” is that people like Matthews and Goad (yes, I know, “people” to describe Matthews is stretching the definition) essentially write whatever they need to for a given site in order to get paid. And apparently, according to his own words, Matthews – a Jamaican Negro, mind you – is getting paid by “White nationalist” Greg Johnson; see here:

…people such as Jim Goad and Greg Johnson. Both were affable guests, and the latter is always willing to put me in contact with other dissidents when I ask. He also ensures that I am paid on time.

And not only is The Lipster getting “paid on time” by “the latter” (i.e., Johnson), but he is getting put “in contact with other dissidents.” Meanwhile, legitimate White nationalists are defamed and “banned” by Johnson.

Of course, it is not only the money, there’s also the opportunity to poison the discourse, divide Whites by promoting the HBD cult, and derailing genuine White nationalism by transforming it into IQ nationalism:

White Nationalism isn’t palatable to many today, but the human biodiversity (HDB) project is gaining credibility. In order for it to succeed, White Nationalists should rebrand themselves as human biodiversity advocates

Yes, we all want to hear how Asians are superior to Whites.

Anyway, the Lip piece about getting paid by Johnson also includes:

African countries are less intelligent, lower in long-term orientation, and are not time-oriented, which is why it has been so hard for them to modernize. It is impossible to build wealth without capital formation, and impulsive people don’t accumulate capital. 

Ah yes.  But does Lip also get paid to write for Mises?  After all, there we find:

Solving the problem of a harsh geography demands bold thinking and surely Africans are up to the task.

Why any of you take Der Movement and its “leaders” seriously is beyond me.


See this.  I agree with Taylor and not Greer (who is pushing dead end conservative compromise and delusion), but what caught my eye is this:

The type of racial consciousness whites would need for their homeland isn’t present. Only 15 percent of whites say their race is important to them (in contrast, the majority of every non-white group say their race is important to them). According to data collected by Erick Kaufmann for his book, Whiteshift, nearly 90 percent of the Trump voters he surveyed found that wanting a separate part of the country for your own race is racist. If Trump voters are strongly opposed to this idea, you have little constituency for it.

That’s after decades of “movement” “activity” (including 34 years of Amren), after millions of dollars of supporter donations, after all of the anti-White excesses of recent years. Der Movement is a PROVEN UTTER FAILURE.

Just because devious grifters get a lot of “page views” doesn’t mean anything. The “we’re winning” nonsense is gaslighting nonsense peddled to you by frauds who want your money. Facts:

  • 1. We’re LOSING, and BADLY.
  • 2. America is a dead country with no future.
  • 3. Anyone who cannot understand numbers 1 and 2 is stupid, delusional, or mendacious.

Greer does not distinguish between real long term goals and short term tactics.  Yes, in the short term, we can use right-wing populism to make progress and appeal at that level to the MAGA yahoos via compartmentalized electoral political strategies.  But as regards metapolitics and community building, realism is required – see points 1-3 above.  And it would be helpful to have at least a few political candidates to openly state # 2.  They may not win with that formula, but it would get the message out there.  At some point, we need to stop babying Whites and stop catering to their America fantasy.