Pareto Principle Salter Yockey


I will apply the Pareto Principle to the writing of this blog post and make it as brief as possible while retaining the essential points that need to be made.

What are the minimal essentials of the work of Salter and of Yockey, the minimal of information that yields the predominant bulk of understanding (i.e., 20% of inputs yielding 80% of outputs)?

For each, I will state one primary message and one secondary message, with the rest being peripheral.

For Salter, the primary message is that ethnic genetic interests exist and are fundamental ultimate interests at the level of the ethny. We are in general more closely related to co-ethnics than to others; therefore, it is adaptive to promote the interests of our co-ethnics when they compete with others. The secondary message is that it is possible to formulate political and ethical standards that will allow us to pursue our ethnic genetic interests in a manner that is sustainable over time, that is realistic, and that is consistent with human moral standards of justice.

All else – all of the other details, outdated genetic data and interpretations, missing information on genetic structure, disagreements on politics and ethics – all of that is peripheral.

For Yockey, the primary message is that of Imperium, of creating a Pan-European “Empire” of the West (or of whatever High Culture of Europeans follows the West). The secondary message is Yockey’s thesis of Culture Disease – culture parasitism, distortion, and retardation.

All else – his strange ideas about biological race and of science in general, the Spenglerian pessimism, his original problems with Eastern Europeans including Russians followed by his subsequent pro-Soviet attitudes, whatever other issues we may have with Yockey and his ideas – all of that is peripheral.

As regards the fusing of Salter and Yockey, the primary message is that “rational” empirical Salterism provides the biopolitical foundation for any Yockeyian schemes so that ethnic genetic interests are always defended, while “irrational” inspirational and aspirational Yockeyism provides the motivational mythos and long-term objective to stir our people to defend their Race-Culture including their ethnic genetic interests.  The secondary message is that Pan-Europeanism provides the basic structure through which the Salter-Yockey fusion can be effectively achieved.  All else is peripheral.