Ted Sallis After the Deluge Book

After the Deluge Book

Available for free.

Having run out of other options, and having had the work stay unpublished for nine months, I decided to make it available, for FREE, in PDF form, from this link here.

Download and read if you wish.

Note the Creative Commons License associated with this work.  You can distribute it in non-adapted form, for non-commercial use, citing the author (me).

I have a request to make.  I realize that my past requests have been ignored, but I will make it, nevertheless.

If you read the book and have a positive impression of it, if you find it useful, then please publicize it and distribute it, to the extent possible given your circumstances, and as widely as possible, given those circumstances.

If on the other hand you read it and dislike it, if you disagree with its contents, then come to my Gab account and explain why.

In either case, anyone who wishes to discuss the book with me can come on to my Western Destiny Radio podcast.

That is my request.  

If the “movement” was a legitimate vehicle for White interests, then they would give the book a fair “hearing” and provide an objective evaluation, independent of their negative attitudes toward me, personally.  I do not expect that to occur.

If you find yourself in the “I like the book and believe that it is useful camp” then consider that the work had to be made available via this online PDF format.  Consider the implications of that and many other things I have been writing and speaking about. A Question of Conscience for all pro-White activists should be for how long they will continue to support the “movement.”