Category: accelerationism

Good vs. Bad Accelerationism

Different types.

Readers of this blog know that I am generally against accelerationism; therefore, I reject “worse is better” and I believe that Suvorov’s Law of Revolutions (revolutions typically do not occur during the time of greatest repression but when that repression is suddenly relaxed) means that forcing the System to compromise can often be a winning strategy if – IF! – that compromise is met with uncompromising dissatisfaction and calls for further and further (destabilizing) changes and compromises.

However, there are times when accelerationism is good and not bad. The bad forms are those involving race, culture, and society, in which changes occur that damage White interests while not stimulating a response of a type justifying the damage, and thus merely creates more and more problems that need to be reckoned with in the future. In these cases, worse is just worse. Indeed, if things get too bad, if the repression is too severe, as Suvorov’s Law makes clear, the target population is so repressed, depressed, and cowed that revolutionary impulses are effectively suppressed.

Of course, there has to be some level of racial-cultural-social pain so that Whites have sufficient motivation to defend their interests; the point being that there is no linear relationship showing that the more pain the greater the response. Indeed, there may be hormesis involved; a certain level of pain is required, but too much pain is debilitating.  If you burn your finger, the pain tells you to remove your hand from the heat source, but if you are covered in third degree burns, that is merely destruction.  The analogy is clear.

The good forms of accelerationism are those that do not materially worsen Whites’ racial position or create racially degenerating social and cultural conditions, but instead involve political destabilization, generating chaos and balkanization that destabilizes the position of the System rather than destabilizing the position of Whites.

Thus, bad accelerationism would be to hope Biden wins in 2024 so that more and more non-White immigrants invade and more and more anti-White discrimination and repression occurs that will “wake White people up.”  Good accelerationism would be to hope for a Trump victory in 2024, not because of what Trump may or may not do while in office (we have bitter experience with that) but how a Trump victory would destabilize an already declining American System, trigger leftist hysteria, and promote chaos and balkanization.  Worse is better when the System is getting worse, as opposed to (specifically) Whites getting worse.

In this sense, the recent Trump conviction is good, as it destabilizes the System, enrages Trump supporters, further divides the electorate, and exposes the System as a corrupt Banana Republic, thus eroding confidence in the nation and its institutions.  More anger, more alienation, more bitterness, more chaos, and more balkanization is all for the best.  Of course, what is really needed is the combination of Trump convictions with a Trump electoral victory – that would not only completely unhinge the Left and make America look ludicrous, it would also expose the reality that a winning fraction of the electorate considers Trump’s legal troubles as nonsense, further destroying public confidence and America’s reputation. Even better would be if “convicted felon” President Trump uses the same lawfare tactics against his foes. Unlikely, yes, given how indolent Trump is, but in theory, a spiraling tit-for-tat cascade of political and legal corruption and disintegration of political and legal standards are good for destabilizing the System  At the same time the System is weakened, Whites can practice democratic multiculturalism and other sociopolitical tactics to destabilize the System even more.

Thus, political acceleration is good while other forms are bad.