Category: history

Odds and Ends, 4/23/21

In der news.

Happy belated Earth Day.

This is American Renaissance:

Michael North 

I didn’t know Ariana Grande was Sicilian – now I loathe her even more.

Xanthippe2  Michael North 

Ditto. And I bet my loathing would increase even more if I was ever to hear one of her songs.

I’ll just continue reproducing this type of material here, and let the readers, particularly those who are so-called “White ethnics,” decide for themselves whether or not everything I say about Der Movement is, or is not, valid, and they can also decide whether they have any place in that “movement.”

The inept Quota Queens deny that they benefit from affirmative action. But consider: The rank-and-file of Der Movement routinely state that they only consider Celto-Germanic Northwest Europeans to be “White,” while openly expressing how much they loathe White ethnics. This being so, and no rational person can deny it is, then how can one deny that the former group would have advantages in Der Movement compared to the latter? How can any rational and honest person deny that incompetent Nordics are propped up as leaders despite endless failure, while the Ethnics are eschewed? What level of dishonesty must someone have to deny decades of evidence?

Re-writing “Hood.”  “Gregory Hood” writes:

However, no matter how far you run, how earnestly you plead, what you say, or even whom you marry, you will always be white to those with power. That means many despise you. At some point, you must decide to stand or kneel, and a society that kneels before the memory of a George Floyd is not one worth serving or saving.

A more accurate version, addressed to White ethnics in Der Movement:

However, no matter how much you sacrifice for the “movement,” how earnestly you support pro-White activism, what you say, or even whom you give “D’Nations” to, you will always be non-White to those Quota Queens with power. That means many despise you. At some point, you must decide to stand or kneel, and a “movement” that kneels before the memory of a Humphrey Ireland is not one worth serving or saving.

If there is only one thing you derive from EGI Notes it should be this: Der Movement must rank among the leading problems of the White race; for the White race to live, Der Movement must die.  

Readers should keep in mind that I used to write for both American Renaissance and Counter-Currents (and The Occidental Observer and The Occidental Quarterly and Majority Rights) – ponder that long and hard. It’s not like I’m some “Johnny-come-lately” who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or some online troll who happened to pop up out of nowhere. I’ve been involved in pro-White activism for more than a quarter-century. This is the voice of hard experience.

Delenda Est Der Movement! Crush the infamy!

Please see this.  That is the result of the incredibly selfish and evil filthy scum who refuse to get vaccinated.  Such “people” should never be forgotten or forgiven. Worse are those who actively attack the idea of vaccination, encouraging others not to get vaccinated.

It is because of absolute filth like Torba that the pandemic is not going to end:

I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine.

And I am not going to stop pushing back against selfish, cowardly, ignorant morons whose refusal to do the right thing is going to make covid-19, and its future more problematical variants, a permanent part of our ecology.

WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important.

Well, I can say the same thing about forced racial integration or about racial miscegenation across continental population boundaries or about mass migration or about several other things, but I am not seeing the brave, freedom-loving Torba speak out against those “lab rat” “horror stories.” But let’s become hysterical about a vaccine during a pandemic, you stupid bastard.

Here’s a globalist lab rat experiment – having diseased Chinamen travelling through the world spreading disease from Chinese to humans.

The fact that Trump is pushing this vaccine and even proudly taking credit for it alongside the globalists..

Pathetic ad hominem.  If you support taking a vaccine, you are in league with “globalists.”

…is really disheartening, especially as someone who voted for him twice and faced down a mob of insane people for five years because of it.

It says something about this turd Torba that he finds one of the few things Trump did right “disheartening.” Take the Trumpcine!

Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”

Where did that guy go?

Hopefully, that ignorant moron is gone.

If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across every feed. You open up your email inbox or turn on the TV and it’s the same thing. It’s sickening. It’s the largest psychological conditioning operation in human history.

No, you despicable cowardly liar. The “largest psychological conditioning operation in human history” is convincing Whites to go along with their own genocidal race replacement dispossession.

Being anti-experimental vaccine is not about being “anti-science.”

It is.

It’s about being pro-humanity.

Isn’t it “pro-humanity” to oppose the genocide of European-descended people worldwide?  Isn’t it “pro-humanity” to stop a pandemic? What does Torba propose? Just ignore the pandemic and praise Jaysus?

It’s about religious liberty. It’s about free speech. This moment is exactly what Gab was built for.

Gab was built as an extended phenotype of covid-19? The virus thanks you. Spread far and wide!

If you can’t question the largest science experiment in history, if you can’t opt-out, if you can’t highlight all the problems with it, and if any medical professional who dares to question it is silenced then you are living in a state of global medical tyranny.

Let’s scream about “global medical tyranny” but if Torba wanted to rent a property to “Whites only,” then that would be illegal.  FREEDOM!

As I wrote earlier this month, the vaccine has become a religious ceremony…

This coming from a Jaysus freak.

…and people have a right to not participate in it.

I have the right to support measures to separate myself from potential virus incubators like Torba.

I will not be peer pressured by government, globohomo corporations, celebrities, or even my friends and family to do anything; let alone inject a foreign substance into my body. Deal with it.

But he’ll turn red in the face and wet his my pants when a feral Negro – now his neighbor because the government built section eight housing next door – stares him down, rifles he wallet, and slaps him upside the head.  Deal with it..

Gab will be the one place on the internet where it’s okay to say you’re not getting the vaccine and it’s okay to question it and it’s okay to talk about the horrific side effects that many people are experiencing.

Nothing and no one is going to change that.

Gab will also be the place where Ted Sallis calls Torba an ignorant fool. Free speech! 

Nothing and no one is going to change that.

The problem here is that people need to have a positive sense of identity and a positive sense of community. Whites are not allowed to have such as a group in today’s society, so Whites try to find an alternative – and weak-minded people gravitate to anti-vaxx and other such stupidity and a faux identity and a faux community.

Well, if you are worried about Jaysus not recognizing you on Judgment Day because a covid-19 vaccine will change your DNA, don’t get the DNA adenoviral vaccines; get the mRNA vaccines instead.

When someone pro-vaccination such as myself expresses reservations about the DNA-adenovirus vaccines, you should sit up and pay attention. The mRNA vaccines – like the one I myself received – are in my opinion the better option. 

See this Liddell essay.  Apparently, it was from at least from 2019, given this National Vanguard response.

If that sounds familiar, because that it what I’ve been saying about Germans here for years; for example, this from 2018:

The problem with Germans is that they are too fanatical, too ponderous and serious, unable to find humor in themselves, not being able to find balance and measure in the objectives they pursue and the belief systems they follow.  So, when the Germans accept nationalism, we end up with Hitler, WWII, and the wreck of the White World.  Then, when the Germans accept anti-nationalism and universalism, we end up with Merkel, Camp of the Saints, and the destruction of Europe.  No balance, no measure, insufficient feedback control.

Now, I am not saying that the Germans should become like feckless, hedonistic, superficial swarthoids.  It’s always better to be the hammer than the anvil.  But, please, can you be a prudent hammer?  Create and not destroy?  I realize that Faustian striving is part of German national greatness, but one can retain the striving without lurching from one extreme to another. Other European ethnies may not, on average, have the Germans’ sustained capacity for productive creativity, but perhaps they may know better when it comes to the balance of life…and death.  The Germans at some point need to stop always pushing themselves on Europe, either from the Right or the Left.  They need to be more flexible, more introspective when it comes to politics and the world stage, more careful in the exercise of their power and influence.

This applies to academia, it applies everywhere, and it definitely applies to the “movement.”  I stopped putting up with “movement” lies.

Always count on the GOP to cuck and to do the wrong thing. Always.

See this.

The fundamental difference between traditional HBD and HBD Nordicism is that while the former uses pseudoscience to elevate Jews and (Northeast) Asians as Herrenvolk, the latter uses pseudoscience to justify Der Movement’s traditional designation as Northwest Europeans (often excluding the Irish) as Herrenvolk, with Jews targeted for criticism. It’s therefore no surprise that the HBD Nordicist Welton criticizes Jews, as does MacDonald.

That said, the work on Jewish ethnocentrism seems to be solid and not pseudoscience, as the findings are robust and accord well with present reality and historical records. That can be contrasted to the hand-waving that takes place with respect to intra-European differences in individualism vs. collectivism, with bizarre explanations of how Scandinavians are Law of Jante ultra-conformist collectivists “because they are so individualistic.” The consistency in the observation of Jewish behavior does not require such delusional self-deceptive rationalizations.

With respect to the Chauvin verdict: The man should have been acquitted of all charges. But don’t make him out to be any sort of hero. He was just another casually brutal cop, who would have gladly acted in the same manner to “White racists, ” a race-mixer with an Asian wife.


I didn’t know whether Chauvin would be convicted or acquitted…

Huh? Is it possible for someone to be so cluelessly naive?  Did he really think an acquittal was a possibility?  That’s your “leadership,” my friends. Then get this:

Yes, there’s hope. Because most white people see this as a farce. But they don’t know what to do about it, or they are intimidated by the sheer magnitude of the rot.

Most? The guy’s delusional. I’d be surprised if a bare majority of Whites actually understand reality, and a disproportionate fraction of those will be the White ethnics that Der Movement loathes.

If “most white people” really are what Johnson claims, people who understand reality but are just despondent or afraid, then why don’t they vote in their own interests in the privacy of the voting booth?  While I do not argue that Trump or the GOP are actually pro-White, the public perception is that they are; in addition, they are certainly better than the Democrats in this regard. If “most whites” voted for Trump, he would have been re-elected, regardless of “election fraud,” and the GOP would have comfortable Senate and House majorities, with those elected officials being paleoconservative types. But that’s not the case, is it? Not only are GOP voters a relatively small majority of White voters, but some of those voters are undoubtedly cuckservative types. 

What’s the argument? That Whites suddenly got “red-pilled” after November? That “red-pilled” Whites voted Democrat like Spencer or spurned politics like Griffin? Or maybe the reality is that “most whites” are not in fact what Johnson says they are; at best, probably half of them are (and of those, only a small fraction are really strongly pro-White). Thus, we can see another example of the problems of the “movement’s” affirmative action policy – there are no consequences for the sloppy thinking and overall stupidity of the Quota Queens; instead, the morons who leave comments at Amren will continue to support the Quota Queens based on their approval of Quota Queen ethnicity.

See this. Note the subhuman savagery of the Northeast Asian high, high IQ cogelite Japanese, including putting White American soldiers in zoo exhibits like animals. Well, after all, Japanese and humans are different species, so perhaps this behavior is not surprising – you would expect non-human aliens to put humans in zoos, I suppose.  Note also how the Amerindian prisoner was treated with respect, underlining that Japanese ill treatment of White prisoners was motivated by the typical blinding hatred of Whites exhibited by Asians.

The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

It’s the 1918 Flu, Bro!

Lies about the 1918 Flu. Emphasis added.

I have long been exposing the pro-Chinese shilling in Der Movement, particularly the HBD race realist and Silk Road factions, the tendency to absolve the Chinese of any blame for anything, and the pathetic “Jew-baiting” technique to attack critics of the Chinese.

Let’s take the possible Chinese role in the 1918 “Spanish” flu. The lickspittle pro-Chinese shills over at Unz doing their thing:

There is one other aspect to this that requires mention: the attempt by some individuals to lay the blame for this event on China. The accusation itself is too stupid to warrant refuting

Sure, I mean why actually argue against evidence?  The continued generation of disease in China, endlessly confirmed by historical and epidemiological studies, is too stupid to warrant refuting.  Is that Chinatrix strap-on a snug fit?  Just joking of course…

There is so much effort today to attribute the ‘Spanish flu’ to the Chinese – by Jewish historians – as there also is to attribute Europe’s Bubonic Plague to the Chinese – by the same Jewish historians. This really needs to end, and the best method is to name and identify all those responsible. Perhaps the time has finally arrived for the world to know the truth of a great many things.

Jewish historians!  Jews, Jews, everywhere! The pro-Chinese faction always tries to appeal to the knee-jerk anti-Semitism of the Far Right by attributing every criticism of the Chinese to Jews (never mind the traditionally warm feelings between Jews and Chinese, good Israeli-Chinese relations, and talk of a “pivot” of international Jewry towards Asia and pro-Asian attitudes).

Laughably, the filthy Chinese still have bubonic plague today, but to talk about that, or identify that the disease originated in China, means that you are a Jew. Jew historians!  Note the Chinese names among the scientists involved in tracking down the origin of the bubonic plague to China. I suppose that they are all…Chinese Jews! Jews, Jews everywhere….eating their gelfite fish with chopsticks, along with their kosher eggrolls!

Can you believe the transparent obviousness of the Unzians? Every time someone says something they don’t like, they cry “Jew!”  Of course, if they’d point at Unz himself and cry “Jew!,” then in that instance they’d be accurate.

The labeling of all critics of China as “Jews” is absurd ad hominem. So, EGI Notes exposes the Chinese role in infecting humanity throughout the centuries, thus, I’m a Jew (or “suck Jewish cock” according to Daniel S. of Majority Rights). Madness.

Let’s return the favor:

He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai

So, Canadian historian Humphries is a “Jew,” and Sallis (long labeled a “virulent anti-Semite” and someone who met Pierce to talk about ideas and strategy) is a “Jew,” but “Romanoff” is definitely not a Jew. The fact that this turd “lives in Shanghai” also has absolutely nothing to do with the nonsense he’s peddling – it’s a coincidence, a coincidence I say!  He’s stationed in China and spreading nonsense that covid-19 initiated in America, and now the 1918 flu was another American conspiracy, but, hey, he could be living anywhere. 

So, according to this Unzian retard, who just happens to be living in China, what was the 1918 flu?

…In fact, it is now stated that the reason modern medical technology was never able to identify the “killer influenza strain” from this pandemic was because influenza was not the killer. It might be obvious to us today because we know that influenza attacks the young, old and immunocompromised, while the “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime – which is what a bacterial pneumonia does.

Again, the official narrative tells us that, due to troop movements because of the war, the pathogen was spread worldwide. But the current emerging thesis is that troop movements might have been irrelevant because Rockefeller, in their combined haste and hubris, “sent their experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and many other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide…

Those damn Jew doctors jabbing people with their toxic serum!  Sodomizing folks with their anti-meningococcal needles!

As regards modern medical technology was never able to identify the “killer influenza strain” from this pandemic – it takes maybe less than 15 seconds of googling to find such items as:

See this.

In the article, Taubenberger and his team described their initial work to sequence part of the genome of the 1918 virus. The genome is the complete list of genetic instructions that make up an organism, similar to a blueprint used for construction. Many people are familiar with the concept of DNA, which is dual-stranded and determines the fundamental genetic characteristics of nearly all living things. However, the genome of an influenza virus consists of single-stranded RNA instead. Taubenberger’s team team successfully extracted RNA of the 1918 virus from lung tissue obtained from a 21-year-old male U.S. service member stationed in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. The serviceman had been admitted to the camp’s hospital on September 20, 1918, with a diagnosis of influenza infection and pneumonia. He died six days later on September 26, 1918, and a sample of his lung tissue was collected and preserved for later study.

More on this.

The “Spanish” influenza pandemic of 1918–19 caused acute illness in 25–30 percent of the world’s population and resulted in the death of up to an estimated 40 million people. Using fixed and frozen lung tissue of 1918 influenza victims, the complete genomic sequence of the 1918 influenza virus has been deduced. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the completed 1918 influenza virus genes shows them to be the most avian-like among the mammalian-adapted viruses. This finding supports the hypotheses that (1) the pandemic virus contains genes derived from avian-like influenza virus strains and that (2) the 1918 virus is the common ancestor of human and classical swine H1N1 influenza viruses. The relationship of the 1918 virus with avian influenza viruses is further supported by recent work in which the 1918 hemagglutinin (HA) protein crystal structure was resolved. Neither the 1918 hemagglutinin (HA) nor the neuraminidase (NA) genes possess mutations known to increase tissue tropicity that account for the virulence of other influenza virus strains like A/WSN/33 or the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 or H7 viruses. Using reverse genetics approaches, influenza virus constructs containing the 1918 HA and NA on a modern human influenza virus background were lethal in mice. The complete 1918 virus was even more virulent in mice. The genotypic basis of this virulence has not yet been elucidated. The complete sequence of the non-structural (NS) gene segment of the 1918 virus was deduced and also tested for the hypothesis that enhanced virulence in 1918 could have been due to type I interferon inhibition by the NS1 protein. Results from these experiments suggest that in human cells the 1918 NS1 is a very effective interferon antagonist, but the 1918 NS1 gene does not have the amino acid change that correlates with virulence in the H5N1 virus strains identified in 1997 in Hong Kong. Sequence analysis of the 1918 pandemic influenza virus is allowing us to test hypotheses as to the origin and virulence of this strain. This information should help elucidate how pandemic influenza virus strains emerge and what genetic features contribute to virulence in humans.

And this.

The influenza A virus pandemic of 1918–1919 resulted in an estimated 20–40 million deaths worldwide. The hemagglutinin and neuraminidase sequences of the 1918 virus were previously determined. We here report the sequence of the A/Brevig Mission/1/18 (H1N1) virus nonstructural (NS) segment encoding two proteins, NS1 and nuclear export protein. Phylogenetically, these genes appear to be close to the common ancestor of subsequent human and classical swine strain NS genes. Recently, the influenza A virus NS1 protein was shown to be a type I IFN antagonist that plays an important role in viral pathogenesis. By using the recently developed technique of generating influenza A viruses entirely from cloned cDNAs, the hypothesis that the 1918 virus NS1 gene played a role in virulence was tested in a mouse model. In a BSL3+ laboratory, viruses were generated that possessed either the 1918 NS1 gene alone or the entire 1918 NS segment in a background of influenza A/WSN/33 (H1N1), a mouse-adapted virus derived from a human influenza strain first isolated in 1933. These 1918 NS viruses replicated well in tissue culture but were attenuated in mice as compared with the isogenic control viruses. This attenuation in mice may be related to the human origin of the 1918 NS1 gene. These results suggest that interaction of the NS1 protein with host-cell factors plays a significant role in viral pathogenesis.

Scientists reconstructing the 1918 virus.

There’s more of course, much more, but I’ll leave that as an exercise to the reader to find. Do you still believe that modern medical technology was never able to identify the “killer influenza strain” from this pandemic?

But all of those studies and all of that data are obviously – obviously, I say! – part of the Rockefeller-America-Jew conspiracy! Jew scientists! The DNA sequencing machines are Jewish!  Every vial of chain-terminating ddNTPs has a little yarmulke cap on it!  Jews, Jews, everywhere!

Oh well. We don’t want to offend Ms. Wei Fuk Yu now, do we?  Anyone who doesn’t bend over and spread their ass cheeks to the Chinese is, of course, a “Jew” or a “Jew historian” or is busy “sucking Jewish cock.”

Ask yourself why the pro-Chinese shills of HBD and of Silk Road White nationalism are ever-so-eager to lie to you. Ask yourself whether every virologist and epidemiologist who recognize that the 1918 pandemic was a flu, regardless of where they think it originated, is lying to you or whether this is just more anti-scientific crap spewing forth from the stinking orifice of the Unz site.

Questions to ask indeed!

There is some controversy as to where the 1918 Flu Pandemic started. Some say the USA. Others like Humphries say China. I agree with the latter, given China’s long history as a festering petri dish of disease, where the overcrowded and filthy conditions are prime breeding grounds for every type of microbe imaginable, following by the inevitable cross-species jump from Chinese to humans. 

But, regardless of where it originated, no serious academic, no virologist, no epidemiologist, no scientist, no one, is arguing against the long-standing and voluminous evidence that we are dealing here with a natural influenza.  

Crazed conspiracy theories delegitimize the Right and make sane and rational people question anything and everything the Right says, even that bulk of which that is true. Is this a reason for spreading ludicrous conspiracy theories to begin with? Further, STEM people, unfortunately already enriched on the Left, will be driven further from the Right the more that the Right engages in pseudoscientific fantasies to push conspiracy theories. Those are all good reasons for me to speak out, again and again, against Der Right’s paranoid ideation, particularly when it directly or indirectly involves science.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the real conspiracies are, for the most part, those open, right in your face. Want to consider a potential conspiracy? Why are there so many, ostensibly on the Right, who are slavish pro-Chinese shills, and who parrot Chinese government propaganda, and who sugar-coat this nonsense to the Right with superficial anti-Semitism, labeling every critic of the Chinese, and/or every critic of their theories, as a “Jew” or a “sycophant of Jews” (that Unz himself is a Jew, and that so many of these stories are being promoted by Unz, escapes many of these people and their readers, who are not very big on self-awareness or on recognition of reality)?

Some vulgar but in my opinion accurate statements:

Ron Unz is a piece of shit.

Anyone who writes for Unz is a piece of shit.

Anyone who agrees to have their outside work reproduced on the Unz site is a piece of shit.

Anyone who accepts money from Unz is a piece of shit.

In Der News, 4/10/21

“Movement” and other news.

Der Movement onanism.  Hubba! Hubba!

It’s all about the “D’Nations,” guys, if you haven’t figured that out already.

Ted Sallis mentioned here.  Contrast Griffin’s willingness to give the ideas here a fair hearing to Johnson’s hysterical attacks directed toward me – “insane” and “paranoid piece of crap.” But, hey, Counter-Currents needs to deflect folks away from Johnson’s chronic bad judgment and instead make them view his critics as “insane” to preserve Johnson’s viability as a “leader” worthy of “D’Nations.” Follow the money, folks. Note that Johnson has been attacking Griffin as well over the years. After all, we can’t have anyone criticizing the dogma now, can we?

I wonder…perhaps the real dividing line in pro-White activism is not that between “WN 1.0” and “WN 2.0” or anything else like that, but that between people like Griffin and myself who recognize that Der Movement is a complete failure and requires a complete deconstruction and reconstruction and the likes of Johnson who represent Der Movement, Inc., and who defend the “movement” status quo, and make money doing so.

In any case, even if I may disagree with Griffin on various things, at least we can agree on the fundamental, core idea that continuing along the current path of Der Movement is an absolute dead end, and we need new directions and new leadership. I would say that we need a completely New Movement.

One more point. There are thoughtful individuals who agree with me about what I wrote about a legal infrastructure, economic activity, and all of my other proposed approaches to a revitalized and reconstructed real movement, but express skepticism about any of it being achieved, and believe that it is wishful thinking. I completely agree with the skepticism and often express that here – I believe that with all of the self-centered Quota Queen grifters as “movement” “leaders,” combined with a generally inept and naive (never mind freakish) rank-and-file, I do not hold out my hope for real progress.  However, I still believe that I have an obligation to point out what should be done. 

Is it all just wishful thinking?  In the sense that achieving it is unlikely, then yes, but in the sense of whether it could theoretically be achieved with different leadership, then no. Consider the “Free Expression Foundation” in my blog links. That is a grossly underfunded and understaffed endeavor that could be the nucleus of a legal infrastructure. If the money currently being funneled to VDARE and Counter-Currents instead went to the Free Expression Foundation, then they would likely be able to hire full time legal staff, and that could be the start of something along the lines of what I have in mind. If Regnery (and others on our side with money) would have invested more in things like that, then that would have been another boost to these objectives. Then we have things like the NPI, which could in theory have been the nucleus of a real Far Right think tank. No one forced those guys to make Spencer, with virtually no qualifications other than being a tall preppy WASP, as the head of the NPI. No one forced the Alt Right to do Unite the Right instead of quietly organizing behind the scenes. My point is that money exists and has existed in the “movement,” and the nuclei of certain aspects of infrastructure exist and have existed, and all of it has, and continues to be, wasted. It is more of a failure of will, vision, competence, and leadership than any innate impossibility of achievement. In that sense, it is not merely wishful thinking.

Read this. I am a strong proponent of nuclear weapons, including the ICBM leg of the nuclear triad. While Russia and China upgrade their nuclear forces, modernizing them to meet the challenges of this new century, the USA continues to use weapon systems from the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s (and let’s not even talk about the B-52, developed in the 1950s).  On a side note, and something I’ve mentioned before – are they really going to continue to use “Ground Based Strategic Deterrent” (GBSD) for the name of this new ICBM? I suppose in Woke America we can’t name missiles after Greco-Roman or Norse gods or their instruments (“Trident”) any more, or name them after conceptual figures from American military history (“Minuteman”), and, on the other hand, the BIPOCs and women would get offended if WMD are named after them. And of course, who on our side would want an ICBM named “Tubman?” So, we’re stuck with GBSD, I suppose.  A small but telling sign of the new bleak America.

I would like to briefly address the concerns of people like Andrew Joyce, re: technology-oriented “ethnofuturism.” I see two major (potentially sane and reasonable) problems with technology – the physical and the spiritual/moral. The physical would include things like practicality, depletion of natural resources, pollution and other forms of environmental degradation, etc. I am optimistic that if Whites can save themselves, can have their own societies, and can focus the fruits of their genius for their own interests, instead of wasting themselves on the “woke” agenda, then I believe that these physical problems can be solved. The spiritual/moral problems involve the sorts of issues brought up by Gene Wolfe in his “tale of the machines” story in The Book of the New Sun, of which I have written about before – humanity giving up its soul, giving up the “irrational” and “human” part of itself, in the quest to master and advance science and technology. These problems revolve around issues of “modernism,” issues of dependence on technology, issues of “transhumanism” and the transformation of our people into something we would not wish. These are important concerns and important issues, but we need to understand that we can have control over this; we need to take responsibility for our interaction with science and technology. We need to understand that science and technics are merely tools, they are means and not ends, they are what we use to achieve our objectives, but they are not the objectives themselves, and they cannot directly determine what those objectives are.  We do not have to sacrifice our souls on the altar of technological progress. We can control our destiny. We are in charge, not the machines.

A comment from a reader of Joyce’s post left a comment that included:

A) The authors’ very important and healthy rejection of Dugin and his nefarious “Fourth Political Theory” that promotes a multicultural/multiracial world of mongrels whose only point in common is hatred for what he calls “Americanism” or “the decadent West”. Dugin explicitly denies the existence of a Jewish question (or, even better, a Jewish problem) and, of course, heaps scorn and mud over Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Deep down Dugin is just a national bolshevik, which means a dangerous, nasty creature who is full of hot air, promoting a ridiculous idea that leads to nowhere. Unfortunately, this cunning bastard has managed to get a considerable number of supporters among what I would describe loosely as “nationalists”. These uneducated fools think that Dugin (like his idol Putin) is “one of us”.

My take is this – I have not yet read the book, so I do not want to be a “low information moralizer” (one of Johnson’s attacks against me) concerning what the authors wrote about Russia.  Instead, I’ll say that I reject and oppose anti-Russianism and other forms of divisive petty nationalist intra-White infighting. However, I have never (unlike many of the Quota Queens) been a fan of Dugin and his ideas, and have in fact been critical of Duginism.  So, I am, in general, pro-Russia and pro-Russians, but oppose the Duginist agenda.  

Odds and Ends, 4/1/21

In der news. In all cases, emphasis added.

South Dakota semi-POPA?

No person may be employed or dismissed, or accorded preferential, adverse, or unequal treatment with respect to any application hiring, training, apprenticeship, tenure, promotion, upgrading, compensation, layoff, or any term or condition of employment, by reason of the person’s … Ideological, political, or sectarian opinions or perspectives.

This should be expanded to ALL situations and conditions, not just “higher education,” and it needs to be a federal law, part of the Political Opinion Protection Act, proposed here at this blog. But, in any case, for now, we can take what we can get, and South Dakota is looking good. The “rubber will meet the road” when the law needs to be used in defense of Nutzis. Stay tuned.

HBD onanism.

More “movement” fantasies refuted.

The Easter bunny wants to “jab” you. Jew rabbit!

A wonderful comment, and one perfectly compatible with the anti-Asian views of the Sallis Groupuscule.

HBD is treason. Silk Road White nationalism is treason. Promotion of the absurd “Arctic Alliance” is treason. Shilling for China and repeating Chinese government propaganda talking points is treason. Using cheap, knee-jerk anti-Semitism to shame pro-White activists to be pro-Asian (if you dislike Asians, according to Anglin you are a “Jew lover,” and according to Daniel S., you “suck Jewish cock” [exact quote]) is treason.

The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

Being pro-White and being anti-Asian ultimately must go together, the West Against the Rest.

Johnson’s hypocrisy about covid-19 continues as Counter-Currents hosts yet another idiot.

…SWAT teams are swooping in to arrest Miami spring break revelers

Weren’t many of those “revelers” violent Negroes? Or to be more succinct, while still capturing the totality of the description – “Negroes.”

…and lockdown protests from Amsterdam to Kassel are intensifying across Europe. 

They won’t protest against mass immigration, migrant invasions, or “no go zones,” though.  Ramzpaul triumphant!

The much-vaunted vaccines seem to have brought us no closer to freedom. 

Yeah, well, if folks, particularly on the Retard Right, refuse to get vaccinated, and if the System is inept in vaccine distribution, and if new covid-19 strains emerge, then yes, that is to be expected, no?

The initial justifications for the suspension of liberty will now undoubtedly rank in history alongside such inglorious slogans as “the troops will be home by Christmas” and “diversity is our strength.” 

Or, the “movement” claiming, “we just need some more money.”

Debates continue to rage about the lethality and the origin of the coronavirus, but in truth, these are largely academic discussions now. The coronavirus is not primarily an epidemiological phenomenon, but rather a sociological and political one. Our question should not be “why has this pandemic happened now,” but rather “why have governments and societies responded to it as they did?”

Sure. Anything to absolve the Chinese of blame. Is that Chinatrix strap-on a snug fit?  It’s not too loose or over-stretching your rectum now, is it?

The truth may be that the coronavirus did not blink into existence in Wuhan one year ago. 

No, first it was incubated in a Chinese lab.

Rather, it had been incubating in the psyche of modern societies for years. 

Don’t blame Ms. Wei Fuk Yu!  It’s all in your psyche!

The ease with which populations not only acquiesced to governmental restrictions but also willfully demanded more of them

I thought you just wrote that anti-lockdown protests are spreading?

 …a pseudo-religious belief in experts and scientific redemption

Instead, let’s talk about “mRNA operating systems” and that “Christ will not recognize you on Judgment Day if the vaccine changes your DNA.”

Translated, this simply means that Jewish, Hindu, and Islamic communities have not been morally intimidated by a disease with a median death rate in most cases beyond the average life expectancy…

Which is why Israeli Jews have the highest vaccination rates in the world.

The shrill cries of moral indignation about the selfishness of killing grandma have much less weight if you have already accepted that your grandparents will die and so will you. 

If this is the case, please engage in bullfighting, unarmed, with a dozen rabid bulls. After all, you’re going to die anyway.

In a world riven by suffering and temporal chaos, they have opted to make meaningful lives, rather than to potentially live just that little bit longer in the self-imposed cryostasis of Western societies.

Gee…how about making your life meaningful by protesting against forced racial integration rather than against lockdowns and “face diapers?”

Sweden is perhaps the most advanced case of this terminal decay of modernity, yet it had the lightest lockdown restrictions in Europe. This at first seems paradoxical, yet in many ways, it only bolsters the analysis. With its huge migrant population that for reasons outlined earlier would not respect any restrictions, and with its completely atomized and self-censoring society in which nearly 40% of people live alone, formal legal restrictions were perhaps thought to be unnecessary when the vast majority of the population would self-police following the Jantelagen, and the migrant communities would never be compelled to obey anyway.

So, essentially, this person admits that Swedes are rigid collectivist conformists and that they grovel to Color. Where have we heard that before?

Online social interaction has ceased to be bi-directional and reciprocal; it is that of the devotee and the cult leader.

Counter-Currents readers and Greg Johnson.

It is a slave and master mentality. 

Non-Nordic National Alliance members and William Pierce.

Preying on health fears to instill compliance with governmental policy has proven so wildly successful precisely because the population is already so primed to believe that it is at risk. This is because it is. An obese, aging, mentally- and chronically-ill populace

Maybe you should worry more about that than about vaccines?

The freedoms we have lost may possibly be incrementally restored in the coming months and years, but we have shown ourselves amply willing to abandon our rights and painstakingly slow to ask for them back. 

This is EXACTLY what I have been writing about for months here. These yahoos think they had “freedom” before covid-19. You see, genocidal race replacement immigration doesn’t bother them. Enforced racial integration doesn’t bother them. The society-wide war against Whites doesn’t bother them. Public health measures – proper or misguided – during a pandemic do bother them. Take off your “face diapers” and enjoy your freedom!  What idiotic scum.

Our only recourse is to begin to re-root ourselves in a Heideggerian authentic life

Yogi Bear!  The Age of Aluminum!  The Men Who Can’t Tell Time!

Excerpt from a comment for that post:

It has struck me lately how scared people are of dying. Sometimes, if somebody challenges me by asking me why I am not wearing a mask, I ask them in turn why are they so afraid of dying. Can you imagine if the Spartans had been so afraid of dying when they marched to battle against the army of Xerxes? We’d all be speaking Farsi by now.

This is another example of the retardation of the Right in general and of the “movement” in particular. You see, dying of a preventable disease that originated among the bizarre and filthy yellow-skinned aliens of China is the equivalent of a Spartan dying fighting against the Persians in defense of their homeland. Ramzpaul screeching about “face diapers” is the same as Leonidas saying Molon Labe.

Really, and I have no other way of saying this without being vulgar: Go fuck yourself.

This was interesting, but as I have said before, I really cannot trust anyone who was once a libertarian. A major problem with WN 2.0, including the pitifully failed Alt Right, is that it is full of ex-libertarians.