Category: Radix

Spencer’s Speech, 11/22/16

Brief comments.

In isolation, nothing wrong with Spencer’s speech.  It was just the wrong place at the wrong time.  At a private meeting, at some other point in history, absolutely nothing wrong with it. But at a public, press-attended meeting, right after Trump’s election, with the media screaming for Bannon’s scalp, this was a bit of poor judgment.  Better to have put something together in more political-Salterian terms: democratic multiculturalism, universal nationalism, the legitimacy of majority interests, etc. I thought the whole point – or at least one major point – of the Alt Right was to be a more moderate “gateway” to hardcore WN. I’m skeptical of the “gateway” hypothesis, but if those guys believe it, better they publicly espouse democratic multiculturalism than do cheap NSDAP imitations.  Further, if you are going to “go radical” then why have the likes of Brimelow and Taylor around? Is there any strategy here, or just – as Der Movement would say – “LARPING?”

And about the leftist thug protestors – that happens at every rightist meeting, and at very meeting it seems like the attendees – and, worse, the organizers – are completely surprised and unprepared for it.  No one ever seems to think: “hey, these things have happened every time before, let us be prepared this time.”  If Der Movement doesn’t like my talk about affirmative action and quota queens then they have no one to blame but themselves.

Then we have this idiot “Ravi” (who Silver of all people effectively answered – fair is fair, I must give credit where credit is due):

Ravi • 2 hours ago

Children of the sun!! – what a load of tripe. So does this White Master race include Slavs as well? What about the Irish, Italians, Spaniards? What is a short, slit-eyed Vietnamese harlot doing in your ranks anyway? Is she white or yellow? So many questions – Do you even understand your own identity?

Let’s fisk:

Children of the sun!! – what a load of tripe


So does this White Master race include Slavs as well?

Yes it does.  No more and no less than any other European group.  Der Movement may not believe that but I, and others, do.

What about the Irish, Italians, Spaniards?

Yes, them as well.  No more and no less than any other European group.  Der Movement may not believe that but I, and others, do.

What is a short, slit-eyed Vietnamese harlot doing in your ranks anyway? 

A representative of the HBD faction?  Where was Derbyshire?

Is she white or yellow?


Do you even understand your own identity?

Yes, more than you can ever imagine.

Note again (assuming “Ravi” is a South Asian brownster) how hate-filled Asians are to Whites, how desperate Asians are to divide Whites against each other.

In the long-term, it’s the Yellow and Brown Peril from the East that is the biggest racial danger.

Tarnished Silver, 11/6/16

Excerpts, emphasis added.

Silver recently at Radix:

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  WHAT • 4 hours ago
As exceedingly idiotic as the multicult west is, it’s still preferable to russkie overlordship.

Silver recently at Amren:

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  John Smith ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ • 2 days ago
I can’t say I’m a fan of Russian-style governance, but goddamit, if that’s what it takes to remove the influence of the complete and utter lunatics who are destroying our countries, then I’ll take Putin any day.

Once again: Silver is a real sanity litmus test for Der Movement and Der Movement “leaders.”  Anyone who allows this obvious trolling fraud on their blogs is an idiot.

Of Breasts and Morons

Got milk?

Here’s something both the HBDers and gamesters can appreciate, male preferences for female breast morphology.  Emphasis added:

The morphology of human female breasts typical for their permanent fat deposits appears to be unique among primates. It has been previously suggested that female breast morphology arose as a result of sexual selection. This is supported by evidence showing that women with larger breasts tend to have higher estrogen levels; breast size may therefore serve as an indicator of potential fertility. However, breasts become less firm with age and parity, and breast shape could thus also serve as a marker of residual fertility. Therefore, cross-culturally, males are hypothesized to prefer breast morphology that indicates both high potential and residual fertility. To test this, we performed a survey on men’s preferences for breast morphology in four different cultures (Brazil, Cameroon, the Czech Republic, Namibia). As stimuli, we used two sets of images varying in breast size (marker of potential fertility) and level of breast firmness (marker of residual fertility). Individual preferences for breast size were variable, but the majority of raters preferred medium sized, followed by large sized breasts. In contrast, we found systematic directional preferences for firm breasts across all four samples. This pattern supports the idea that breast morphology may serve as a residual fertility indicator, but offers more limited support for the potential fertility indicator hypothesis. Future studies should focus on a potential interaction between the two parameters, breast size and firmness, which, taken together, may help to explain the relatively large variation in women’s breast sizes.

Consistent with my anecdotal observations, firmness is a more consistent preference than size.  Indeed, the two may be correlated: the size preference for “medium” may be an evolutionary compromise (see “Future studies”) between increased size = higher fertility and increased size = sagging leading to perception of decreased residual fertility.  I note though that “small” was not a size preference in any of the race-cultures evaluated.  One can imagine the underpinnings for the firmness/residual fertility preference: to put in crudely in gamester terms – sagging breasts translates into “this bitch has hit The Wall and I’m not investing anything in that barren hag.”  I note though no East Asian or South Asian countries included (no, Der Movement, the Czech Republic is not an “East Asian country”).  You’d think the most heavily population nations would be sampled.  Or maybe the authors were afraid the results would be skewed – e.g., East Asian “male” preferences for “female” breast morphology – the torso appearance of a 12 year-old boy.

Here, below, we see Silver again; when you read this keep in mind he previously ranted at Radix in favor of Mitt Romney’s “creative destruction.”  When it comes to defending predatory capitalism, then macroeconomics are all important, when it comes to discouraging someone named “Rocco Manzardo” then a concern for the same macroeconomics is “faggotry.”  Real “faggotry” is any blogmaster tolerating Silver as a commentator.

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  Rocco Manzardo • an hour ago
Macroeconomics. Can you be a bigger faggot? Economists themselves disagree about no other issue as much as they do macroeconomics. Despite this disagreement, mainstream policy prescriptions lay within the same ballpark, so who cares what Trump thinks about it? (Frankly, I detect the stench of ‘Austrian school’ faggotry in this comment, but perhaps I’m wrong).

Note also: economists disagree about macroeconomics like “no other issue” but at the same time all the “mainstream policy prescriptions lay within the same ballpark.”  He then moves on from that outright inconsistency to say “who cares what Trump thinks about it?” – well, if Trump is against those “mainstream prescriptions” then it is a relevant topic for discussion (just not by guys named “Rocco Manzardo.”  Maybe “Sanjay Patel” would be more to Silver’s liking). Yeah, Silver, also put up more Yugoslavia anecdotes to certify your “balkanoid” bonafides.  I thought you were part Greek also?  Or all Greek?  No, wait, all Serbian?  No wait, a Paki living in London?  No, wait….

Enabling the HBD fraud; Jews and Asians celebrate.

And then we have this:

Getting Trump in office is a start. Changing the dissemination of information in the media about race, economics, and culture towards race-realism, fiscal responsibility, and the benefits of a northwestern European style of society is next. Then maybe we could stop the demographic disappearance of our race. And finally, although I don’t see a realistic scenario of how to do it, end up with a new-northwestern European homeland which does not allow other races residence.

Yeah, moron, and in that “homeland” the 2016 election would have been Jeb Bush vs. Hillary Clinton.  “Klay” apparently is following the old WLP free-riding tradition. Do your own heavy lifting, Klay.  I’m sure all the Midwest cucks will be eager to help out.

Der Movement, 11/4/16

Red font emphasis added in all cases.

This has to be one of the most stupid posts Sailer has ever written:

In the past, white identity politics has been not very practical due to “whites” being defined as a big tent category left over from the past age of white privilege. But if the Obama Administration pares down whiteness to just Europeaness by moving almost all the Muslims into a privileged MENA racial category, suddenly white identity politics looks much doable.

As if people’s identities were ever defined by the official US census categories.  Hey, Breezy, in general, MENAs have never identified as “White” regardless of the census, and the typical promoter of White identity politics has never considered them as “White” either. That whole “problem” was just a figment of your fevered imagination when pitching “citizenism,” a schtick which I guess is wearing thin with the rise of the Alt Right, hence Breezy’s tentative steps to jump on the bandwagon.

What has anyone ever seen in this superficially breezy moron?

It doesn’t look like Dolph Lundgren; therefore it is obviously a fraud.

Spencer writes this:

Trump, whether he knows it or not, is announcing the return of Grand Politics . . . politics on the greatest scale . . . politics as the struggle between races and civilizations…

Trump and Putin—this is the image of two of the three great blocks of the White Race—North America and Russia—finally reaching an understanding. It is a cancellation of the the 20th century…

TRUMP is all of it and more. TRUMP is a thing in itself—intangible, inexpressible, invaluable. TRUMP represents that golden longing for success . . . for power . . . for winning . . . and for indulging in just enough decadence, sex, and arrogance. TRUMP represents that will to power . . . to be great . . . and to be something more than a man.

Silver, trying to curry (no pun intended?) favor with the blogmaster grovels thus:

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ • 11 hours ago

Outstanding piece, Richard. There’s a depth of insight and empathy here – capable of reaching out to other intelligences…

Of course, a couple of days ago, in response to a pro-Trump article written by someone not the blogmaster, we got this from Silver (compare carefully to the Spencer comments that Silver praised):

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  Princeoftheblood • 2 days ago

Well, you can say those sorts of things here in your little alt right “safe space.” But astonishingly stupid statements like Trump defying everything we knew about history will only get you laughed at when you step out into the real world.

silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  Loetzen • a day ago

No, the actual real world. Be my guest: go around telling everyone Trump’s a world-historical manifestation in whom Greatness inheres and who has defied all that we ever thought we knew about history and society and see what sort of response you get.

And for Silver’s old “friend” and email correspondent Captain Chaos, a list of Europa Terra Nostra’s board:


Eriksson, Dan, Sweden

Deputy Chairman

Boviatsos, Konstantinos, Greece

Other Members of the Board

Cospito, Nicola, Italy

Otero, Ramiro, Spain