Tag: behold the movement

Pathetic Panhandling

 And other news.

Get disgusted at this.  So, I was interesting in reading that Counter-Currents article – why the left keeps winning?  This is a topic often discussed at this blog.  See the following four articles.

Number one.

Number two.

Number three.

Number four.

Whether you agree or disagree with my analysis – as well as my claim that the Far Right fails because of its faulty ideological dogma and the ethnic affirmative action program that elevates incompetent “Nordish” Quota Queens to undeserved positions of leadership – at least I have made a good faith effort to look at the problem, independent of money-grubbing rent-seeking. But alas, not everyone seems to be the same.

Thus, Johnson’s analysis comes down to this:

We need you to supply the money–which of course implies commitment as well. In its 155 years of Left-wing vanguardism, The Nation made a profit only one year. But The Nation persists because people on the Left appreciate the power of ideas. Thus year after year, they donate to keep it fighting.

Counter-Currents is trying to raise $150,000 this year, a tiny fraction of what publications like The Nation raise. Thus far, we have received 564 donations totaling $74,767, for which we are enormously grateful. Thus we are almost halfway there! We will keep the fundraiser going as long as needed but the ultimate deadline is the end of the year, less than four months away.

You see, the Left keeps winning because they have the money.  And the Right?  Well…obviously this is not enough.

They want more, more, more!  Perhaps Gaslighting Greg should consider that one reason the Left can depend on a steady supply of donations is that they have a proven track record of success and can point to the money donated being used effectively, resulting in important goals being achieved.  And what has Der Right achieved with its flow of millions of dollars?  Endless failure.  And let’s not forget this.

But, hey, what’s endless pathetic failure between friends?  Counter-Currents needs your $150,000 this year, so they can continue to produce comical stupidity, gaslighting mendacity, ethnoimperialist hypocrisy, apologia for homosexuality, constant bad judgment, combined with asinine “traditionalism” and paens to Asian-worshipping HBD.  Give, give, give!  That tin cup is a’rattlin’ and you don’t want it empty, do you?  The same folks who brought to you endless feuding, the Pilleater Chronicles, Hermansson and Lewis, and a constant degeneration in the quality of the site’s “writing,” now demand more shekels from the deluded. And all you suckers are going to give it, since the “movement” rank-and-file all have rocks in their heads.

Other news:

Perhaps Donald Trump’s campaign should not be running political commercials showing scenes of BLM/Antifa rioting, looting, and violence, and then saying that “Joe Biden won’t stop this, he’s too weak to do the job.”  I don’t know – that might prompt the viewer to ask: Who is the President right now when all of this is going on and who has proven himself too weak to do anything about it?  Isn’t that Trump himself?

I mean, those commercials would be effective if Biden was President right now and Trump the challenger. It doesn’t work too well in the reverse. But then again, Trump himself is a meritless Herrenvolk Quota Queen, so we can’t expect any self-awareness or common sense from him or his staff.

Hey!  I thought they were Nordic!  Remember…Arthur Kemp is right, right, right!

See this.  Rewritten for accuracy:

The sort of man who admires Italian art while despising Italians is a “movement activist” and a fetishist.

HBDers won’t join the boycott.  After all, for them this movie is onanism material.  It’s what HBD is all about.

David Bromstad’s ancestors?


East Asians…They might’ve noticed that white nationalists don’t have too many bad things to say about them.

Speak for yourself.  I for one have nothing but “many bad things to say about” East Asians. They’re as bad as the Jews, more or less, and much more genetically and phenotypically distant.  What’s not to dislike?

Counter-Currents lies:

Banks that store and move money are essentially the invention of the people who lived on the coasts of the North Sea during the Dark Ages.

The reality:

…in ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire, lenders based in temples gave loans, while accepting deposits and performing the change of money. Archaeology from this period in ancient China and India also shows evidence of money lending.

Many histories position the crucial historical development of a banking system to medieval and Renaissance Italy and particularly the affluent cities of Florence, Venice and Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi Families dominated banking in 14th century Florence, establishing branches in many other parts of Europe.[1] The most famous Italian bank was the Medici bank, established by Giovanni Medici in 1397.[2] The oldest bank still in existence is Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, headquartered in Siena, Italy, which has been operating continuously since 1472.

Development of banking spread from northern Italy throughout the Holy Roman Empire, and in the 15th and 16th century to northern Europe.

Wrong, wrong, they’re always, always wrong.


First, it is striking how LTC Roberts is well within the Yankees vs. Jews ethnic clash. He was descended from passengers on the Mayflower. His family lived in Illinois for several generations, and he had family roots in the American Midlands culture. Likewise, his inset was created by a person from East Moline, Illinois — a very Yankee and Quaker Midlands part of the United States.

In reality, Lind’s American Tribes interpretation of American history postulates a Yankee-Black-Jewish alliance.

Wrong, wrong, they’re always, always wrong.