Two Opposing Tendencies

An inherent problem for Der Movement.

I have commented on the problem of rank-and-file pro-White “activists” being lazy indolent do-nothings who want to be entertained without any obligation to contribute to effective political and metapolitical activism.

See this.

And this.

And this.

There is an inherent problem with respect to this issue, in that there are two opposing tendencies that affect the interaction of leaders and supporters and that leads to the aforementioned reality of a “movement” full of useless hobbyists.

On the one hand, if you want intelligent, serious, and professional people, if you want determined activists, then you need to create and maintain content, a site, a group, that is intelligent, serious, and professional.  Therefore, you must  eschew being an entertainment brand, you must reject stupid dogma that appeals to defectives but repulses serious people, you must reject defectives, and you must keep things at a high level even at the cost of some “mass appeal” to the ”peanut gallery.” 

On the other hand, since most “activists” and “supporters” are lazy, indolent, defective hobbyists who want to be entertained, and who will not give money for strictly serious endeavors, if you want to make money from your activism, then you must appeal to the lowest common denominator, you must provide entertainment and an “ever expanding package of privileges” as if you are an entertainment media company, you will be tempted to employ “shock jock” writers with no ideology (including perhaps individuals with a self-admitted history of receiving money for engaging in inter-racial homosexual activity) to boost your “page views” and “donations,” you will need to engage in constant fundraising with the air of a carnival barker, you will need to indulge all of the sweaty obsessions and ideological and ethnic fetishes of your supporters, and you must embrace freaks and be careful not to offend any group that constitutes a major source of your revenue stream. The only way to get useless people to donate money is to create a scenario in which the donation is essentially a de facto payment given in exchange for the donor to be passively entertained by your content. However, by doing all of this to ensure income, you will repulse and alienate the sort of determined, serious, intelligent, professional activists you need to actually achieve real world political or metapolitical aims. 

One way of trying to get around this conundrum would be to separate your entertainment brand from your serious work and somehow use the former to fund the latter, but, alas, the best of the determined, serious, intelligent activists, and potential activists, will see through that and understand that you are still linked to the type of pathetic nonsense that they despise.  These two opposing tendencies constitute a real problem for Der Movement and there is no easy way around it. If you create a real movement that would attract top quality human material and tend to repel the defectives and hobbyists then you will lose the revenue stream from do-nothings who will pay in order to passively consume the entertainment brand content. If you focus on money-making and focus on providing entertainment to passive indolent hobbyists whose only “activism” is paying for their entertainment via donations and other revenue stream mechanisms, then you will disgust and repel serious, high-quality activists. Trying to do both at the same time may satisfy the hobbyists and may trick some of the more naïve serious people, but I believe that real high quality human material will see through the attempt to hide the entertainment nonsense, and this attempt to fool them may in fact repel and alienate them even more.

There is no easy answer to this problem, particularly within the context of the current “movement.”  In theory, we can envision a genuine, serious leader who is someone with the character to resist the temptation to compromise his integrity in order to make money. If such a leader can be funded in a manner that would not require such compromise, then that would be one solution, albeit a very unlikely one.