Pragmatic Truths

Personnel is policy, policy is power, power trumps “law.”

Following up on this.

I have previously discussed how personnel is policy, with respect to the emptiness of “banning affirmative action” or “outlawing DEI” when the relevant staff support those polices and will just continue pursuing those policies, even if a little subterfuge is required.  I also described how personnel is action, in that lazy defectives will lead you to endless defeat.

All of that has in common the reality that it is the real-life human material and real-life power relations that are important, not abstract laws, not abstract theories.

Let’s consider Hood’s book review again:

Rioters got special permission to riot, while conservatives appealed vainly to universal, individual rights.

Some conservatives argue that the Constitution will save us, but Mr. MacIntyre shows it has already failed. “Division of powers” is pointless because each branch serves public opinion, which can be dictated by mass media, education, and marketing. “[M]aintaining power in a democratic system means maintaining control over how the populace perceives and understands the world around them,” writes Mr. MacIntyre. “As each branch of government becomes more vulnerable to the democratic process, control of power hinges increasingly on the ability to manipulate the masses.” (53) It may seem startling to conservatives to think of institutions becoming “vulnerable” to the democratic process, but Mr. MacIntyre makes this seem intuitive and natural. Manipulating public opinion becomes the only skill that matters in a democracy. Moreover, there is no purely “mechanical” system to guarantee a perfectly functioning government. A constitution is only a written distillation of what a people intuitively understands about the role of government, and if that people changes, so does that understanding.

Laws do not function in a vacuum, and it is wrong to speak of a government of laws, not men. Men always rule. Again, though, this seems to run counter to a premise of the book that the system runs almost mechanically in a decentralized way through the triumph of progressivism.

The Constitution will certainly not save us: “Relying too heavily on a written constitution simply incentivizes a nation’s leaders to become skilled at twisting and shaping language in order to circumvent the restrictions created by the formal meaning of the words.” (57) “Wokeness,” filled the metaphysical void left by Americans trusting in the ability of a document permanently to solve existential political questions.

Personnel is policy, policy influences and is influenced by power, and power trumps laws, including the Constitution. Laws can be differentially interpreted, selectively enforced, distorted and misdirected, or completely ignored.  It’s the people and the power they hold that counts, not words written on a piece of paper.

The decision by a Bud Light executive to promote transgenderism to working-class beer drinkers may seem bizarre, but that executive might have made the right career move for herself.

Let’s take an example from this that may seem absurd at face value but will illustrate my point.  Let’s say that a woke US government decided to smash the Bud boycott by mandating by law that every White American had to buy one case of Bud Light every week. Yes, yes, absurd, but let us carry through with the thought experiment. Let’s say that refusal to buy Bud Light resulted in a mandatory five year prison sentence.  What then?  Is Billy Bob going to tear himself away from his barbecue and from watching Negro football to “storm the ramparts?” No, Billy Bob will head out and buy the beer. Let’s get more serious. What if a future US government decided to confiscate White Americans’ financial assets for Colored reparations? What is an aging, declining White population going to do about it? What? Is a woke increasingly colored military going to resist, or will they fire upon any (few) Whites who resist?  The latter, obviously. The military and FBI and police will enforce the confiscation. What if a future Supreme Court outlaws “hate speech” and allows for total (White) gun confiscation?  What if even more horrific and repressive measures are taken? What if the future FBI – dominated by leftists, Coloreds, Jews – is sent in to the US Capitol Building to arrest any senators or congressmen who oppose these actions?  What? Billy Bob is going to resist? Elderly Whites being abused by Negro staff in nursing homes are going to resist?  All of the downwardly mobile White janitors who make a living wage cleaning up after Asian and Jewish professionals, will they resist?  Attack of the broomsticks and toilet plungers!  No, ultimately, as Whites decline in numbers and influence, laws and “fairness” become meaningless.  Laws can be erased, bank accounts can be emptied and moved to fund reparations, homes can be confiscated for migrants – and what are Whites going to do about it?  Nothing. We may at that time have Scotland-like laws, so even if Whites complain in private, they’ll be liable for arrest. 

The point I’m making is that law without power is nothing, and if you have the power you can make the law and enforce the law to your choosing.  It’s happening to some extent today. Some guy walks through the Capitol Building dressed like a bison and he’s treated like a terrorist. Others besiege the White House or set up an “autonomous zone” or try to mass murder police by burning them alive, and…nothing.  Look at lawfare against Chad! Eventually that’s the fate of White America as a whole. At some point, White will become weak enough that the System will realize it can do anything it wants against Whites with no blowback.

Alarmist? Extremist?  Explain to me  – what exactly will prevent this from happening? Look how White Americans are being persecuted today, and imagine what the future will bring, with more White decline.  When the other side has the power and you have none, they can do whatever they please with full impunity. Your Bill of Rights won’t be worth the paper they are printed on.

Der Right’s advice to Whites is to avoid college and to eschew the military. While this advice may be sound for some individuals, it becomes a “tragedy of the commons” scenario applied to the race as a whole. If all young Whites took this advice, we will end up with the American professions and ruling classes being non-White, backed up by a non-White military.  This just follows Der Right’s ceding of American academia and media to the Left without a fight, the outcome of which has been profoundly destructive. Rightists have been also ceding corporate America and law enforcement to the Left, and the military as well. Der Right wants to finish the process, so we are left with what?  Who is going to stand against the power of the Left?  Oh yes, all of the White plumbers and handymen with stop fixing Jewish and Asian toilets and instead will grab their liberty-loving White men’s muskets and run toward “them thar hills.” Pure childish delusion. 

Oh well.  Just do Uncle Jared’s superman pushups and it’ll all work out. Right?